Wednesday, June 21, 2023

New zillow hack (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a brand new live webinar.

"How to get free leads from Zillow"

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
​Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

I'm going to show you how to take 1 listing per week. All from free Zillow leads.

Here's what you'll get just for attending:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours

See you there.

-Chris Jones

Why we hate zillow

Agents hate zillow.

I admit, they do many hateable things.

  • The Zestimate
  • No edits to YOUR OWN listings
  • Inaccurate info galore
  • Intellectual property theft

The list goes on.

But personally, I love zillow. For 2 specific reasons...

Reason #1 - They fill a need in the market... a user-friendly home search.

Reason #2 - I get steady no-nurture listing leads from zillow

And I use a simple hack get every lead for free.

Zillow Premier is $1400/mo in my market. No thanks.

Instead, I run a simple zillow hack that brings me 5 listing leads and 8 buyer leads.

Per week.

It's simple, and it's totally ethical.

When you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

An agent in Texas is taking 1 listing per week from this playbook.

Today (in about 4 hours) I'm sharing the entire process in a free webinar.

Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow

Wednesday, June 21 @ 2:00PM Eastern

Space is limited to 300 seats, so please register.

Here's what you get just for attending...

⬇️ Free access to all 3 apps you need
⬇️ The entire Zillow hack playbook
⬇️ Replay access for 48 hours


After you watch, you will be the only agent in your office who LOVES Zillow.

See you there.

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

How to get "zillow premier agent" for free

Fun fact:

More people google the term "zillow" than "real estate".

Every buyer in your market is going to check zillow over the next 10 weeks.

That means zillow listings are literally crawling with client leads.

The problem? Advertising on zillow is expensive... ~$1400 per month to start.

Until now. I use a free zillow hack that sends those client leads to us.

And I'm sharing the whole process in a free webinar later today.

Webinar: New Zillow Hack to Get Free Leads
Wednesday, June 21 @ 12:00pm Eastern

Use this hack to get no-nurture leads from zillow -- but for free.

It's simple, and anyone can do it... even if you're not a computer geek.

I actually get more leads from this hack than I used to get when I paid for the "Zillow Premier Agent" program.

It's totally ethical and only takes ~15 minutes to execute.

And to take away your last excuse, I'm going to give you all the software you need to execute.

As always, only 250 seats and they'll go fast. You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for registering:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Monday, June 19, 2023

Cold-calling sucks but there's a trick to make it work better with less time and effort..

I talk about this little hack in my most recent FB post..

Converting leads is hard

Converting leads is hard.

I receive ~130 qualified leads per month.

I have signed as many as 114 listings in 1 year.

And still, when I call leads...

My palms sweat. My throat tightens. I imagine the worst.

What if they're all bogus?

What if they're tire kickers?

Or worse... what if they hang up on me?

What if...

Until now. Introducing... Hatcher.

Our newest app is an ultra minimal CRM.

And it's my own secret weapon for overcoming "call reluctance".

This 1 tool has tripled my conversion rate (no exaggeration).

And I actually look forward to my prospecting sessions now. They're fun.

Want to see me use the app?

It takes 5min to setup and start making calls.

Here I screen recorded the whole process.

Click here to watch and get the app (<12min)


-Chris Jones