Saturday, March 16, 2019


Hey all,

Last email I asked what was holding you back from getting Pipeline Pro Tools for your business.

The answers I got? Surprisingly truthful and insightful. I enjoyed chatting with many of you over the weekend.

So today I want to quickly run down the most common reasons/excuses for the benefit of those readers who didn't reach out to me.

Reason #1: I've been burned before.

This one I don't doubt. REALTORS as a whole are one of the most targeted groups by marketers on earth. Know why? We are easy targets. Allow me to explain.

The average commission check across the US last month was $6,603.

When you close a deal, clever marketers come out of the woodwork promising to bring you more commissions just like that one if we just pay $1K or $2K for the latest program. And they know you have the money to pay for it, because well, you just cashed a $6K check.

Frankly I hate that. So here's what I'm doing to change the industry:

- I charge a fair price, and it isn't much.
- No contracts. If for some weird reason you hate it...cancel it!
- 60-day guarantee. Don't love it? We'll insist on giving your money back. All the risk is on us, as it should be.
- I never sell leads or lead programs. I sell software you can use to capture leads. You're in charge.

Reason #2: I don't have the money.

Look, we've all been there at some point.

Real estate is the greatest business on earth, but it's also a tough business.

It only costs $99 to get started, and there's no contract so you're not stuck with us. Do the work, and you can generate a pipeline of 4-5 transactions in the first 30 days. They won't all close immediately. But the first deal will pay for Pipeline Pro Tools for the next 5 years.

Plus you're covered by a money back guarantee. All the risk is on us, as it should be.

Reason #3: I'm not tech savvy.

You really gonna use that as an excuse? It's 2018. Either learn how to use technology to grow your business or start looking at retirement options.

It doesn't have to be difficult. Do you have an average IQ? Do you have a willingness and desire to learn?

Great, we have a desire to teach. We'll hold your hand and guide you through setup step-by-step. You can call us 72 times a day, and we'll still be happy to hear from you on the 73rd time.

How much longer are you going to use technology as an excuse to not grow your business?

Reason #4: I don't have time.

This one is easy. Make time.

Right now customer acquisition is the number one time suck in your business.

You're doing open houses, floor duty, send out cards, cold calling, or door knocking -- or all of the above!

And when you're not doing customer acquisition, you're worrying about it. It's currently stealing all of your time.

I've been there.

Now you're right... Putting a lead capture system in place will take 1-2 hours or so of your time to set up this afternoon.

But if you're willing to invest the time upfront, you'll begin to get your time back.

I haven't held an open house or done floor duty in over a decade. Why? Because I spend 15 minutes a day on my free lead campaigns and capture 100+ leads every month.

Ready to try Pipeline Pro Tools? I hope so, because there are three huge bonuses that expire tonight at midnight.

Here's what you get with Pipeline Pro Tools:

- Lead capture website
- Text auto-responder
- Call capture phone number
- Robocaller

And a lot more (we just added an auto-dialer, ringless voicemail, mass text messaging, and a few other treats).

It also includes access to our proprietary lead gen strategies to get free organic leads from Facebook, Craigslist, Google, and Zillow. Plus advanced paid strategies with Google PPC and Homegain (if your lead goal is > 5000).

Check it out. You're gonna love it.

Enjoy guys!

Get Pipeline Pro Tools.

Not ready yet? Get a demo.

Finally, not ready to buy or get a demo? You might as well check availability in your market (unfortunately we're sold out in 50+ markets across the US and Canada). Check availability.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What's stopping you?

A few weeks back I asked this question:

"What's your biggest struggle as a REALTOR?"

I received hundreds of responses, but many of them sounded eerily similar.

The #1 answer, by far, was: getting steady leads.

The #2 answers was "getting more listings" but it was a distant second.

This shouldn't be surprising. Getting steady inbound customers is the number one problem in ANY busy.

It's the hardest thing for any business to figure out... but once you do, you will be unstoppable.

So I shared my inbound-customer software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is what I use to capture 85ish new leads per month (a lot more if you count my entire team).

The software includes all the tools I use myself, such as...
- Automatic ad creator 🎯
- Lead capture website 💻
- Text capture system 📲
- Phone capture system 📞

And a lot more (we just added an auto-dialer, ringless voicemail, mass text messaging, and a few other treats).

Honest question here: If you didn't sign up, why not?

What, if any, hangups are stopping you from moving forward?

If the answer is "I don't know how it works" then let's get you on a demo.

It takes about 15 min. We'll give you a quick rundown of everything. And we truly have the heart of a teacher.

=> Book a 15-min demo <=

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My friend Dave

We've spent a lot of time talking lead capture lately.

What we haven't covered yet is case studies.

Do you know who Dave Hurt is? Probably not.

Dave was an enlisted soldier at Fort Bragg, NC, about 10 miles from my hometown.

Dave Hurt

Dave Hurt

He was a husband and a dad with two kids, bills, responsibilities... aka a real life. But he also had two other things that, if you're reading this email, you probably have too.

Thing #1 - A desire to provide a better life for his family.

Thing #2 - The willingness to take action to achieve #1.

He decided to better his situation by getting his real estate license to make some extra money on the side.

He joined our local team and got access to Pipeline Pro Tools.

I still remember rookie Dave emailing and asking a million questions about how to run his ads just right.

He was so eager to succeed he was once caught clicking up someone else's ad to drive it down the rankings (he later apologized once he realized it was unethical).

But he got the basics down and that month he generated 50+ leads on his own using Pipeline Pro Tools.

Now let's stop right there...

Give Dave some credit. To go from 0 leads, no experience, no unfair advantages, being a full time enlisted soldier, getting up at 5am for PT... to generating 50 real estate leads is legitimate hard work.

But the real hard work came next. Serving those customers on part-time hours.

Dave devoted every spare hour of the day to serving those leads and giving them the best experience they could ask for.

And it paid off. Huge.

Within a few months Dave had a choice to make.

Should he quit the Army and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his income from real estate was now quadruple his full-time job.

He chose real estate. (Good choice, Dave.)

That first year he made over $300,000 in commissions. I'll never forget in his last month I paid him over $50K (happily).

Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending. Before Dave retired from the military he was deployed to Afghanistan where he made the ultimate sacrifice and was killed in action.

Dave was awesome. Loved his wife Kelly. Loved his kids. Loved his country. And loved his customers too.

To this day I still use him as an example of what a great agent should be. Dedicated to serving every client to the fullest.

Having the ability to generate a never ending supply of leads, and more importantly a plan to serve them, changed his family's life. The Guerilla Realty family will always be heartbroken that his was cut short.

If you have a desire to better your situation and also a willingness to take action then you're exactly the type of agent who needs Pipeline Pro Tools.

You can get a demo from someone who uses it in their practice daily. Here's the link: Click for a demo.

The only thing that might stop you from getting it is if we're sold out in your area. But it only takes 10 seconds to find out.

Here's the link for that =>

All the best,

-Chris Jones