Friday, January 13, 2023

Watch me flip a zillow listing

Happy Friday, all.

Want to watch me hack zillow live?

When I implement this hack, I get:

  • 1 listing appointment per week
  • And a drip of 20+ leads over the next 30 days

This is my #1 favorite playbook for getting clients right now.

I do the whole thing in 25min, so it should be easy for you to implement today.

Warning: You have to join our FREE Facebook group to watch

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Thursday, January 12, 2023

STARTING NOW: Add $350k GCI, listings only

Cool share today...

My buddy Andrey is firing up the live webinar room right now for today's training:

"Listing Breakthrough: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months"

Here is the GoToWebinar link:

He's going to walk you through the baby steps of adding $350k in GCI this year.

And as a bonus, he's giving everyone who attends live 3 extra gifts:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training


-Chris Jones

Breakthrough method for getting listings (today @ 3pm eastern)

Quick share today...

Today at 3:00pm eastern my friend Andrey is going live with a brand new webinar entitled "Listing Breakthrough."

Here's what Andrey's gonna share:

3 simple systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings

How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "set it & forget it" tactics that work immediately when used

His entire Listing Launch Method because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience

​There are only 150 spots, and it will fill up, so you'll have to register.

Click here to save your spot.​

Plus, you'll get these 3 gifts, just for attending:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training.

He'll be going through all the key steps in detail because he wants us to have a solid listing game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

Click here to save your spot.​

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Add $350K in the next 12 months (listings only)

Tomorrow my friend Andrey is demonstrating break-through methods for getting more listing appointments that work immediately when you use them.

He's going to share 3 step-by-step strategies you can use to get more listing appointments.

What if you could add $350k GCI to your bottom line in the next 12 months... and make that your new baseline?

In other words, make the additional income your new normal income, not just a one-time extra.

That's what this training is.

He's sharing all of this live tomorrow.

Thursday @ 3:00pm eastern.

Listing Breakthrough: Add $350k GCI in 12 Months​.

Andrey is giving everyone who attends live 3 free gifts:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training

Here's what Andrey's gonna share:

3 simple systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings

How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "set it & forget it" tactics that work immediately when used

His entire Listing Launch Method because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training.

He'll be going through all the key steps in detail because he wants us to have a solid listing game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

Click here to save your spot.​

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Today's replay + cheat sheet

Earlier, I unveiled a brand new marketing playbook in a live webinar.

"Classified Ads Playbook (Limitless Listing Leads)"

If you missed this webinar, or just want a quick refresher, here's the link to watch the replay...

In this training, I shared how we are getting listings during this market.

From a free classified ad.

Here's how it works:

  • Get the copy/paste ad
  • Post it for free (I'll show you where/how)
  • Ranks on 1st page of Google almost instantly
  • Gets 70-80 views per day
  • Gets 2.7 leads per day

Boom! You have a seller lead engine for FREE.

All you need is the copy/paste ad and the playbook.

Today you can download both. Just click the green button above to watch the replay.

By the way...

Here's the cheat sheet I promised. It has links to all the tools and resource mentioned in the webinar. You'll need it to execute this strategy.

>>> Click to get ONLY the cheat sheet <<<

All right, that's it for now.


-Chris Jones

This free ad = 8 signed listings (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I'll show you how we book 12 listing appointments and 8 actual signed listings per month from 1 free copy/paste ad.

"Limitless Listing Leads"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs


-Chris Jones

12 listings from THIS free ad (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar with my buddy Chris Jones where he shows you how he books 12 listing appointments and 8 actual signed listings per month from 1 free ad.

"Limitless Listing Leads"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<

Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

👇 The copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 Chris' new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs






This free ad = 8 signed listings (guaranteed)

Last month, I ran a classified ad FOR FREE and set 12 listing appointments from it (ultimately we expect to get listing agreements with 8 of them).

This is the #1 way we are getting listings during this market.

If you asked me 3 years ago which marketing idea would be bringing in the most signed listings, I NEVER would have guessed "the classifieds".

But the fact is this 1 free ad is outperforming all of our paid sources combined... FB ads, Zillow leads, and even Remine. 🤯

Here's how it works:

  • Get the copy/paste ad
  • Post it for free (I'll show you where/how)
  • Ranks 1st page of Google instantly
  • Gets 70-80 views per day
  • Gets 2.7 leads per day

Boom! Unlimited seller leads for FREE.

All you need is the copy/paste ad and the playbook.

Today you can download both. I'm doing a free live webinar.

Today @ 12:00pm EST
Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads

The best part is, this isn't a 1-time hack.

I'm going to walk you through how we take 50+ listings per year running free ads.

81% of agents who follow this training get 5+ listing leads the same week. And it's 100% free to get started.

Space is limited to 250 seats, and the webinar WILL be full.

You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs

See you there!

-Chris Jones

12 listing appts from THIS free ad

Today is the day.

My buddy Chris Jones is sharing how he's getting listings during this market.

From a free classified ad.

No joke. This classified ad is outperforming FB ads, Zillow leads, and even Remine. 🤯

Here's how it works:

  • Get the copy/paste ad
  • Post it for free (he'll show you where/how)
  • Ranks on 1st page of Google almost instantly
  • Gets 70-80 views per day
  • Gets 2.7 leads per day

Boom! You have an entire lead engine for FREE.

All you need is Chris' copy/paste ad and the playbook.

Today you can download both.

We're doing a free live webinar at 12:00pm Eastern.

Tuesday @ 12:00pm EST

​Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads​

The best part is, this isn't a 1-time hack.

Chris is going to walk you through how he takes 100+ listings per year running free ads.

You won't need FB or Google ads ever again.

Space is limited to 300 seats, and the webinar WILL be full.

You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for registering:

🍒 Download: The copy/paste ad
🍒 Download: Where/how to post the ad for free
🍒 Download: Chris' CMA app
🍒 Webinar replay for 24 hours

Hope to see you there!





Monday, January 9, 2023

How to take listings from a free classified ad 🤯

Okay, this is one of those emails that sounds too good to be true, but it's the real deal.

My friend Chris Jones just showed me his latest marketing hack.

He ran a classified ad FOR FREE and set 12 listing appointments from it, all in under 30 days. (Ultimately he'll get 8 signed listing agreements from this ad.)


At first I assumed it must be a fluke, but once he showed me the process it made total sense.

So here's the deal…

Do you want his copy/paste ad?

He's sharing it tomorrow in a free webinar.

​Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads
12:00pm Eastern on Tuesday

You can attend the webinar and run the ad for yourself the same day.

This beautiful little ad isn't fancy, but it works...

  • Post it for free
  • Ranks on 1st page of Google w/out SEO
  • Gets 70-80 views per day
  • Converts 12 listing appointments per month

Attend this live webinar tomorrow.

We'll share the complete copy/paste ads + where to post it.

Space is limited to 300 seats. Click the link below to be automatically registered.


The webinar will fill up. We already have 180 agents registered since we announced yesterday.

Show up on time ready to learn how to book 12 listing appointments per month.

See you soon.



