Saturday, June 25, 2022

⚡️Flash sale: 400+ Real Estate Social Posts

Friday, June 24, 2022

3 Final Spots: Done For You Social Posting

Real Estate Micro-Audiences? (Live Encore)​

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Reality Check (2023 Is in 6 Months...)

Reality Check for us all:

2023 is in 6 months.

2022 is half-way done.

We're at half-time right now.

How's your business?
Specifically your listing business?

Are you on track to hit your goals?

Half-time can often be a big turning
point in a sports game for the team
that's losing.

Remember this game? (LOL!)

Side -story:

I watched that game at a bar in
middle Georgia. By the end of the
game I was watching grown men
openly cry in the bar over their
team losing.

Point is:

There's still time.
You can still hit all your goals.
Heck, even blow past them.

But only if you got a plan in place
to do so.

I'm giving you access to a replay
of a barn-door-blasting training
I did back in February of this year.

One small catch:

The replay is available only until
Sunday midnight.

Watch It NOW.

Write down what you learn.
Take notes.
Map out how you're gonna

And just do it.

(You don't need to buy anything
from me to make this work.)


It's half-time right now for you
and your business...

How are you gonna play the
second-half of your game?

Let's get more listings.





Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 1627 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

STARTING NOW: Micro-Audience Marketing for Agents

Today! Micro-Audience Marketing for Agents

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Reminder: Micro-Audience Marketing for Agents (Training Tomorrow)

Micro-Audience Marketing for Agents (Training Tomorrow)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

10 Beta Testers Wanted: Done For You Social Posting

zillowjacking (live replay)

Pre-S - If you are patiently waiting for to get a demo of Pipeline Pro Tools + 1 free playbook, good news. We just added 13 new demo slots for this week. Click here to grab a slot. They'll be gone soon.

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled Zillowjacking.

In it, I shared a simple hack we use to get free leads from Zillow.

💻 How to Get Free Leads from Zillow (Live Encore)

The reason why I created this webinar was to answer a common question.

"Chris, what's your favorite marketing playbook?"

Well, here it is. If I could only use 1 playbook for the rest of my life, it would be this one. My favorite way to take listings.

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

It's available for 24 hours only. No fast forward or rewind, sorry.

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

This link expires soon, but until then you're free to share it with friends, colleagues, broker, whoever...


-Chris Jones

Zillowjacking (1-time replay)

zillow hack (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I will be sharing my Zillow hack for taking 3-4 listings per month (without spending a dime).

>>> Click to join webinar live <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm Eastern

What you'll get for joining:

✔️ Free access to all 3 apps you'll need
✔️ The complete Zillow hack playbook
✔️ Replay access for 48hrs

See you in a few!

-Chris Jones

zillow hack (going live now)

NEW: From Broke Agent to Top Producer with Micro Audiences?

zillow hack

Agents hate zillow.

Mere mention of the "z-word" sends most agents into a frothing rage.

Who here raised a toast when they heard zillow lost $880 million on their "zillow offers" scheme? *Clink* 🥂

I admit, they do many hateable things.

  • The Zestimate
  • No edits to YOUR OWN listings
  • Inaccurate info galore
  • Intellectual property theft

The list goes on.

But personally, I love zillow. For 2 specific reasons...

Reason #1 - They fill a need in the market... a user-friendly home search.

Reason #2 - I get steady no-nurture listing leads from zillow

And I get every lead for free.

(By contrast, Zillow Premier is $1200/mo in my market. No thanks!)

Instead, I run a simple Zillow hack that brings me 5 listing leads and 8 buyer leads.

Per week.

It's simple, and it's totally ethical.

When you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

An agent in Texas is taking 1 listing per week from this playbook.

Later today, I'm sharing the entire process in a free webinar.

Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow

Tuesday, June 21 @ 12:00PM Eastern

Space is limited to 200 seats, so please register.

Here's what you get just for attending...

⬇️ Free access to all 3 apps you need
⬇️ The entire Zillow hack playbook
⬇️ Replay access for 48 hours


After you watch, you will be the only agent in your office who LOVES Zillow.

See you there.

-Chris Jones