Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pre-Foreclosure Webinar (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar with my friend Rahul. Where he will walk you through how he gets 3-5 listings per month from a copy/paste SMS campaign.

"Get Automated Listings from Pre-Foreclosure"

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
​Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

In this webinar, Rahul will share...

  • How to download the leads
  • The entire proprietary text sequence
  • Exactly when/how to send it

See you there.

-Chris Jones

Copy/paste this SMS text to get listings

Cool share today...

My buddy Rahul showed me a simple SMS text sequence you can send to get listing appointments.

It's literally Text #1, Text #2, Text #3, etc...

And it gets 3-5 listing appointments per month.

It's a lead source most agents are ignoring: Pre-Foreclosure.

Rahul is doing a free webinar later today.

He'll show you how to download the lead list.

Then he'll share the actual copy/paste text sequence you can send to start getting appts.

Webinar: Automatic Pre-Foreclosure Listings
Thursday, Feb 22 @ 12:00PM Eastern

The process is mind-blowingly simple.

  1. Start an automated text sequence
  2. Wait for owner to text you back
  3. Set the listing appointment!


In this webinar, Rahul will share...

  • How to download the leads
  • The entire proprietary text sequence
  • Exactly when/how to send it

Seating is limited so you have to register.


It's going to be awesome. Don't miss it.

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Automatic listing appointments

I talked to my buddy Rahul on the phone yesterday.

Rahul is the founder of Worksource -- they help REALTORS get consistent listing appointments.

I like to pick his brain ~1x per month, to see what's working well for him lately.

What he shared with me yesterday blew me away.

Rahul's team is taking 3-5 listings per month from pre-foreclosure leads.

Want to see how?

I asked him, and he agreed, to share the entire process in a free webinar.

Webinar: Automatic Pre-Foreclosure Listings
Thursday, February 22 @ 12:00PM Eastern

The process is mind-blowingly simple.

  1. Start an automated text sequence
  2. Wait for owner to text you back
  3. Set the listing appointment!


In this webinar, Rahul will share...

  • How to download the leads
  • The entire proprietary text sequence
  • Exactly when/how to send it

Seating is limited so you have to register.


It's going to be awesome. Don't miss it.

-Chris Jones

Get 2 closings per month from Google

Over the past 12 months, we've been testing/tweaking a brand new playbook.

Last week, we finally unveiled it.

How to get closings from "Google My Business".

Final Google Test Results:

  • 3 months
  • 24 client leads
  • 6 closings
  • $1,868,000 transaction volume

All in just 3 months.

The process is fairly simple if you know what you're doing.

  • Take your old Google listing (or create a new one)
  • Optimize it for leads
  • Add a few verified reviews
  • Then unlock a HUGE lead hack

Last week, I did a 1-hour training to 600+ agents, where I shared the process to get closings directly from Google.

If you missed it, I just recorded a 12min recap for you.

Video: "Google My Business" Playbook (12min)

There's a cool offer at the end if you want to download the whole playbook at no charge. Absolutely worth it.


-Chris Jones

PS - Let me know if you like this shorter video format.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Lead generation training free & live TODAY. Learn and then DO with me on the session..

I'm gonna teach it.. and then we're gonna do the strategy together.

BRAND NEW: You Don't Pay Until You Close Commissions

So I've just flipped the whole "hire a marketing agency to help you get listings" thing on it's head.

By creating a listing-getting solution that doesn't require a penny out of pocket from you until you close commissions.

Here's the bullet points on how it works:

  • You apply for Affirm financing
  • When you enroll, we put my corporate card on file to cover all the monthly payments on the financing
  • The Affirm financing covers the cost of all ad traffic and marketing
  • We will get you 1 signed listing for every $1,000 of approved financing (so $10k in approval means you get 10 signed listings)
  • You don't take over the monthly payments on the Affirm financing until you close commissions equal to the financed amount (so if you get $10k in financing, we cover the monthly payments until you cash $10k in commissions and only after that do you take over the monthly payments for the financing)
  • Affirm lets financing be paid off interest free if it's paid off within 6 months
  • The monthly payments we covered until you closed commissions are on us

Because I'm confident enough in my listing-getting marketing systems to work, I'm willing to:

  • Assume all the financial risk of the payments on the financing until you're closing deals
  • You only start spending any money out of pocket AFTER you get cashed commission checks (so you know 100% this all works)
  • You can cancel and not ever pay a single penny for the first 90 days (So if things aren't working out well, you can just walk away - you're not stuck or obligated to pay off the financing, we just refund it and cancel it)
  • My fee will be whatever is left over after we spend the traffic budget, get you the listings, and I pay my team for labor cost (so I'm actually motivated to get you the listings as quickly as humanly possible because the faster we get them, the less I spend on traffic and marketing, the more I get to keep)

So instead of you having to take all the risk, the way it normally goes down in the industry...

I've flipped it on its head.

I KNOW my Core 4 Listing Methods work.


We've had agents from all walks of life, levels of experience, budget sizes, market location succeed with them.

These Core 4 Listing Methods are my "All Weather, All Markets" playbooks for getting listings.

And it's been proven time and time again.


This is why:

I'll take all the financial risk, if after speaking with you, we feel like it's a good fit and I can trust you to do your end.

Your end, in short, is:

  1. Record videos for me using your phone and my word-for-word scripts
  2. Actually follow up with leads and prospects
  3. Be trainable and coachable on how I do things

If you want more listings quickly (and have a system in place that generates them consistently), then hit REPLY and let me know you want to speak.





Sunday, February 18, 2024

🔵How to find leads and set appointments in just minutes for your real estate business..

[Free LIVE Training] We'll show you how to find hidden leads in just minutes that are right in front of your face..