Thursday, September 9, 2021

Shy inexperienced Realtor dominates his market

Quick share today...

My friend Charles Curry was telling me this crazy story.

A shy agent dominated his market by tapping into this overlooked niche.

He loved this niche.

He even stole a few listings from the top agent in town.

The same top agent who dominated the market.

Whose name was plastered on a big billboard right in the middle of town.

The big billboard didn't matter. Nope!

Why not?

Because Mr. Top Agent didn't work this niche!

He left all the listings for the pimple-faced kid.

Want some easy listings?

Check out this niche.

Here's why it so easy to get listings from it:

#1 - Few agents work this niche. Everyone knows about it but they don't work the leads.

#2 - They may be because they have a huge misconception about this niche.

They think that there is only one way to work it: Prospecting.

Not true. Absolutely not.

I don't prospect. Neither did Christine in Michigan.

She listed 8 homes in one month. All from this niche.

No prospecting involved.

#3 - Even top agents don't know how to work this niche.

The TOP agents with huge teams fail at this niche.

Even a newbie can beat them at this niche.

Want some of the easiest listings you ever got?

Go here to start listing 3-4 homes a month with no prospecting.

I'll show you:

  • What the niche is.
  • Why even top agents get rejected by these sellers.
  • How to avoid the Common Mistake that top agents make that causes them to get rejected.
  • How to list 6-8 homes a month from this niche.

Want to change your business?

Then check it out.

Get some listings. Transform your business.

Change your life for the better.

Start loving the real estate business again.

(I sure did once I dominated this niche!)

Get your hands on the info here:

Or, you can miss out on the best market in 10 years.

The choice is yours.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Replay: Free leads from Zillow (.mp4)

Yesterday I did a live workshop on my hack to get free leads from Zillow.

I walk you through everything step-by-step – free tools, scripts, how to execute it, etc.

Here's the replay link if you missed it…

How to Get Free Zillow Leads - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
^ Click to get webinar + access to all 3 apps + and my FSBO scripts

As usual I will be taking the workshop down in 24hrs.

During the webinar, we ran out of demos in <5 minutes. I am so sorry.

But as promised, we have added additional time slots today.

Click here to get a demo of our Pipeline Pro Tools system <<<

We've added 15 additional demo slots, but they'll go fast.

Many of these slots are over the weekend. If you take one, be sure to show up. My team is giving up their weekend to help YOU.

The demos are amazing, and you'll never feel any pressure or obligation to buy anything.

We want to help you figure out your personal lead number and then give you 1-2 marketing ideas you can use to hit it.

So whether you buy anything or not, we'll let you download 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks 100% free after demo is over, yours to keep forever, juts for showing up.

Click to get a demo and 1 free playbook <<<

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Zillow hack (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar.

"How I Get Free Leads from Zillow"

One agent in Texas is averaging 1 listing per week from this strategy.

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

  • Beta access to our newest app (free for life)
  • Zillow playbook download
  • Replay access for 48hrs


-Chris Jones

Zillow hack

Most agents hate Zillow.

I admit, they do many hateable things...

  • The Zestimate
  • No edits to YOUR listings
  • Inaccurate info galore
  • Intellectual property theft

The list goes on.

Personally, I love Zillow. For 2 specific reasons.

#1 - They fill a need in the market... a user-friendly home search.

#2 - I get steady "no-nuture" leads from Zillow.

No, I'm not paying for the Zillow premier agent program, which is >$1200/mo in my area.

Instead I run a simple "Zillow hack" that gets me ~5 listing leads and ~8 buyer leads.

Per week.

It's simple, and it's totally ethical.

When you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

Later today, I'm sharing the entire process in a brand new webinar.

Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow

Tuesday, Sep 7 @ 12:00 PM Eastern

Space is limited to 400 seats, so you'll need to register.

Plus if you register you'll get:

  • Replay access for 48hrs
  • Beta access to our newest app (free)
  • Zillow playbook download


Today's webinar will fill up, we already have 458 agents registered since we announced yesterday.

Show up on time ready to learn how to exploit Zillow to grow your business.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Monday, September 6, 2021

Watch me create a video tour

Want to watch me create an AWESOME video tour for my newest listing?

I'm not a pro movie editor, and I don't have any expensive cameras/equipment.

Instead I use my iphone + Listing Cake.

Listing Cake is a free app we built to make listing videos EASY.

The final product looks amazing. Once we plug them into our marketing, these videos bring us 10-15 new leads per week. 🤯

Here, I'll show you.

Click to watch me create a Listing Cake video live <<<

After the video is over, I let you download the marketing playbook that brings us 10-15 leads from video every week.


-Chris Jones