Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Replay: Free leads from Zillow (.mp4)

Yesterday I did a live workshop on my hack to get free leads from Zillow.

I walk you through everything step-by-step – free tools, scripts, how to execute it, etc.

Here's the replay link if you missed it…

How to Get Free Zillow Leads - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
^ Click to get webinar + access to all 3 apps + and my FSBO scripts

As usual I will be taking the workshop down in 24hrs.

During the webinar, we ran out of demos in <5 minutes. I am so sorry.

But as promised, we have added additional time slots today.

Click here to get a demo of our Pipeline Pro Tools system <<<

We've added 15 additional demo slots, but they'll go fast.

Many of these slots are over the weekend. If you take one, be sure to show up. My team is giving up their weekend to help YOU.

The demos are amazing, and you'll never feel any pressure or obligation to buy anything.

We want to help you figure out your personal lead number and then give you 1-2 marketing ideas you can use to hit it.

So whether you buy anything or not, we'll let you download 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks 100% free after demo is over, yours to keep forever, juts for showing up.

Click to get a demo and 1 free playbook <<<

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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