Saturday, October 27, 2018

What's stopping you?

Hey all,

At the beginning of the week I asked you guys an important question.

It was this:

What's your biggest struggle as a REALTOR this month?

I received over a hundred responses, and by far the #1 answer was: getting steady leads.

The #2 answers was "getting more listings" but it was a distant second. And the reason why is that's the number one problem in any busy. Getting a steady stream of inbound customers, so you don't spend all your time chasing people.

I shared my inbound-customer software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

The software includes all the tools I use myself, such as...
- Lead capture website 💻
- Text auto-responder 📲
- Call capture phone number 📞
- Robocaller 🤖

And a lot more (we just added an auto-dialer, ringless voicemail, mass text messaging, and a few other treats).

If you didn't sign up, why not?

What's the biggest hurdle stopping you from implementing Pipeline Pro Tools right now?

Send me a reply. I answer every email.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Friday, October 26, 2018

Pipeline Pro Tools

Hey all,

Earlier this week I shared a calculator with you.

That calculator is one of two tools responsible for an explosion in my real estate business back in 2016.

You might be wondering...

"How could a calculator cause that kind of growth?"

The answer is it caused a MASSIVE shift in my mindset. (Here's the link to the video + calculator if you missed it.)

Prior to using this calculator, I got about 20-25 leads per month. I got these leads from all the usual sources...

- Open houses
- Cold calling
- Sphere of influence
- Etc

I was generating far more leads than the other agents in my office -- who were doing zero lead gen -- so I thought I was "the man".

Unfortunately, my income failed to reflect that I was "the man", because I was making <$35,000. Why?!

Most agents don't know this, but the average agent only closes 1 in 24 leads. This is according to NAR. Some agents are a little better, some agents are a little worse. But that's the reality.

So while I thought I was killing it with ~20 leads a month, I wasn't even generating enough leads to close one transaction per month.

That's when I started using this calculator tool (it was just an ugly spreadsheet back then). It allowed me to reverse engineer my goal of earning $100K/yr. and told me that I needed to generate 912 leads to do it.

This mindset shift caused me to get serious about my lead gen efforts and I actually generated 2,280 leads the next year. I'll show you how in just a minute.

Do you see how powerful the calculator tool is yet? Yes, I actually had to sit down and figure out how to generate the leads, but it was the calculator that set that ball in motion.

Did you use it? If so, how many leads do you need to generate per year? What about per month? Find out that number, and then keep reading.

What's next?

Once you know how many leads you have to generate, now comes the hard part of actually going out and doing it.

And yes, it will be hard. Everything worth doing is. But it's totally achievable, even if you're a novice.

I've tested and distilled down all the strategies you need to make 2000, 3000, or even 5000 leads per year.

And I've put it into my company's software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

The software includes all the tools I designed for myself back in 2016, such as...

- Lead capture website
- Text auto-responder
- Call capture phone number
- Robocaller

And a lot more (we just added an auto-dialer, ringless voicemail, mass text messaging, and a few other treats).

It also includes access to our proprietary lead gen strategies to get free organic leads from Facebook, Craigslist, Google, and Zillow. Plus advanced paid strategies with Google PPC and Homegain (if your lead goal is > 5000).

Check it out. You're gonna love it.

Oct 25 (today) through Oct 29, I'm adding 3 bonuses:

Bonus #1 - $100 off when you choose the yearly payment option.

Bonus #2 - Access to my ULP Listing Course, normally $600. This is my complete listing course on how to list at 8% commission, sell your listings in half the average DOM, and net 3% more money for your sellers.

Bonus #3 - 12 months enrolled in our Elite group coaching program, normally $3600. This is direct group coaching with me and my co-founder, someone to give you the step-by-step formulas and motivate you to get stuff done. Plus you'll get to beta test all of our newest features.

Bonus #1 expires tonight at midnight tonight. Bonuses #2 and #3 expire Monday at midnight.

To grab all the bonuses, just enter "GIMMETHEBONUSES" at checkout.

Enjoy guys!

Get Pipeline Pro Tools

Not ready yet? Get a demo.

Finally, not ready to buy or get a demo? You might as well check availability in your market (unfortunately we're sold out in 50+ markets across the US and Canada). Check availability.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Thursday, October 25, 2018

What's next

Hey all,

Earlier this week I shared a calculator with you.

That calculator is one of two tools responsible for an explosion in my real estate business back in 2016.

You might be wondering...

"How could a calculator cause that kind of growth?"

The answer is it caused a MASSIVE shift in my mindset. (Here's the link to the video + calculator if you missed it.)

Prior to using this calculator, I got about 20-25 leads per month. I got these leads from all the usual sources...

- Open houses
- Cold calling
- Sphere of influence
- Etc

I was generating far more leads than the other agents in my office -- who were doing zero lead gen -- so I thought I was "the man".

Unfortunately, my income failed to reflect that I was "the man", because I was making <$35,000. Why?!

Most agents don't know this, but the average agent only closes 1 in 24 leads. This is according to NAR. Some agents are a little better, some agents are a little worse. But that's the reality.

So while I thought I was killing it with ~20 leads a month, I wasn't even generating enough leads to close one transaction per month.

That's when I started using this calculator tool (it was just an ugly spreadsheet back then). It allowed me to reverse engineer my goal of earning $100K/yr. and told me that I needed to generate 912 leads to do it.

This mindset shift caused me to get serious about my lead gen efforts and I actually generated 2,280 leads the next year. I'll show you how in just a minute.

Do you see how powerful the calculator tool is yet? Yes, I actually had to sit down and figure out how to generate the leads, but it was the calculator that set that ball in motion.

Did you use it? If so, how many leads do you need to generate per year? What about per month? Find out that number, and then keep reading.

What's next?

Once you know how many leads you have to generate, now comes the hard part of actually going out and doing it.

And yes, it will be hard. Everything worth doing is. But it's totally achievable, even if you're a novice.

I've tested and distilled down all the strategies you need to make 2000, 3000, or even 5000 leads per year.

And I've put it into my company's software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

The software includes all the tools I designed for myself back in 2016, such as...

- Lead capture website
- Text auto-responder
- Call capture phone number
- Robocaller

And a lot more (we just added an auto-dialer, ringless voicemail, mass text messaging, and a few other treats).

It also includes access to our proprietary lead gen strategies to get free organic leads from Facebook, Craigslist, Google, and Zillow. Plus advanced paid strategies with Google PPC and Homegain (if your lead goal is > 5000).

Check it out. You're gonna love it.

Oct 25 (today) through Oct 29, I'm adding 3 bonuses:

Bonus #1 - $100 off when you choose the yearly payment option.

Bonus #2 - Access to my ULP Listing Course, normally $600. This is my complete listing course on how to list at 8% commission, sell your listings in half the average DOM, and net 3% more money for your sellers.

Bonus #3 - 12 months enrolled in our Elite group coaching program, normally $3600. This is direct group coaching with me and my co-founder, someone to give you the step-by-step formulas and motivate you to get stuff done. Plus you'll get to beta test all of our newest features.

Bonus #1 expires tonight at midnight tonight. Bonuses #2 and #3 expire Monday at midnight.

To grab all the bonuses, just enter "GIMMETHEBONUSES" at checkout.

Enjoy guys!

Get Pipeline Pro Tools

Not ready yet? Get a demo.

Finally, not ready to buy or get a demo? You might as well check availability in your market (unfortunately we're sold out in 50+ markets across the US and Canada). Check availability.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The tool that exploded my business (.mp4)

Hey all,

Yesterday I promised to show you the free tool that exploded my lead count about three years ago.

You did your part, so here it is:

Video: I show you the tool that changed my real estate practice

After you watch the video, you'll need this link to access the tool...

Calculator Tool


-Chris Jones

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Hey all,

This email is to say a quick thanks for being on the Guerilla Realty email list.

Some of you have been here for years, others only a few days. Either way, thanks!

Recently, though, it occurred to me that you you may not really know who I am, so I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.

I am co-founder of Guerilla Realty and Chief Strategist.

This is me:

That photo was taken three years ago.

Since then I have captured 6500+ buyer/seller leads, and added at least that many new gray hairs.

That's 5.9 leads per day every day for three years straight. And I did that with...

-No paid ads
-No retail leads (zillow, trulia, etc)
-No purchased lists

Each lead was generated one at a time organically with two things.

  1. My lead capture software Pipeline Pro Tools
  2. The traffic strategies I publish for free.

I don't say any of this to brag, but rather to establish credibility quickly.

I'm obsessed with lead generation strategies, and I am the foremost expert in the field. Even Gary Keller has been caught stealing my ideas.

This is my brother (and co-founder).

He's a REALTOR just like you. But he's obsessed with productivity tools and follow up strategies. If you follow what he says, you will make more money. It's just a question of whether you're aiming for six figures or seven?

Now that you know us, I'd love to know a little more about you.

I want to send you two things this week. Send me an email telling me a little about your business.

What's your biggest struggle this month?
What's the best thing you've gotten from being on our list?

Once you reply I'd like to give you a free tool. This is the tool that exploded my lead gen three years ago, and it's yours free.

Just send me an email, and I'll hit you back with the tool tomorrow.

Okay, talk soon.

-Chris Jones

As promised, your tool

Hey all,

Yesterday I promised to show you the free tool that exploded my lead count about three years ago.

You did your part, so here it is:

Video: I show you the tool that changed my real estate practice

After you watch the video, you'll need this link to access the tool...

Calculator tool


-Chris Jones

Monday, October 22, 2018

Get to know me

Hey all,

This email is to say a quick thanks for being on the Guerilla Realty email list.

Some of you have been here for years, others only a few days. Either way, thanks!

Recently, though, it occurred to me that you you may not really know who I am, so I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.

I am co-founder of Guerilla Realty and Chief Strategist.

This is me:

That photo was taken three years ago.

Since then I have captured 6500+ buyer/seller leads, and added at least that many new gray hairs.

That's 5.9 leads per day every day for three years straight. And I did that with...

-No paid ads
-No retail leads (zillow, trulia, etc)
-No purchased lists

Each lead was generated one at a time organically with two things.

  1. My lead capture software Pipeline Pro Tools
  2. The traffic strategies I publish for free.

I don't say any of this to brag, but rather to establish credibility quickly.

I'm obsessed with lead generation strategies, and I am the foremost expert in the field. Even Gary Keller has been caught stealing my ideas.

This is my brother (and co-founder).

He's a REALTOR just like you. But he's obsessed with productivity tools and follow up strategies. If you follow what he says, you will make more money. It's just a question of whether you're aiming for six figures or seven?

Now that you know us, I'd love to know a little more about you.

I want to send you two things this week. Send me an email telling me a little about your business.

What's your biggest struggle this month?
What's the best thing you've gotten from being on our list?

Once you reply I'd like to give you a free tool. This is the tool that exploded my lead gen three years ago, and it's yours free.

Just send me an email, and I'll hit you back with the tool tomorrow.

Okay, talk soon.

-Chris Jones