Friday, December 10, 2021

Watch me create a video tour

Want to watch me create an AWESOME video tour for my newest listing?

I'm not a pro movie editor, and I don't have any expensive cameras/equipment.

Instead I use my iphone + Listing Cake.

Listing Cake is a free app we built to make listing videos EASY.

The final product looks amazing. Once we plug them into our marketing, these videos bring us 10-15 new leads per week. 🤯

Here, I'll show you.

Click to watch me create a Listing Cake video live <<<

After the video is over, I let you download the marketing playbook that brings us 10-15 leads from video every week.


-Chris Jones

More Listings in 2022?


If you've ever stared at your screen knowing that you should post something on social media to attract new clients, but not knowing what to post, you are not alone...

As a real estate agent myself, I know how busy our day can get with meeting with clients, following up with leads, problem-solving transactions that are stuck, etc...

Social media often doesn't get done...Until now

My team created a massive template library of real estate posts you can have today. It will take out all of the guesswork. You just find the post you want, add your contact info, and then post. No more stress!

Get the full scoop HERE

If you want to make your business a lot easier in 2022, this template bundle is for you. It is over 400 beautifully designed templates specifically for real estate agents. You can change colors, fonts, and anything else you want with ease.

Grab them HERE

Talk to you soon!

Jason Edwards

Thursday, December 9, 2021

ENCORE Starting Now: MicroFarming Method Webinar

Hey, it's Andrey here...

So today's webinar was a HUGE hit ...and people are demanding a replay!

So I got the encore replay up in a hurry - it's available now.

Click HERE to watch the encore presentation of how a rookie agent took a dominant agent's geofarm....

and how you can use the same method to add $350K GCI to your business in 12 months.

This is a very timely and fresh training.

Based on what's working RIGHT NOW.

This is not like anything you've heard before.


P.S. - Watch this while you can, it's going to come down soon.




STARTING NOW (Yep, it's Go Time :-)[MicroFarming Method]

Hey I am going live RIGHT NOW with today's workshop:

"MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Took a Dominant Agents GeoFarm"

... and how you can add $250K - $350K GCI in 12 months.

Jump on now....

We've got over 900 people registered:


(I've got only 500 seats available on GoToWebinar)

Please find your seat now so you can be sure to get your spot on this workshop...

See you shortly.





STARTING NOW (Yep, it’s GO time)

My friend Andrey is going live right now with today's training on a new accelerated method for getting listings:

"MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Took a Dominant Agents Farm"

Click here to join the training now:


-Chris Jones

New Accelerated Method for Getting New Listings (TODAY)

Andrey here.


I'm going live at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific with today's LIVE WORKSHOP:

MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Agent Took a Dominant Agent's GeoFarm

If you're serious about getting steady new listings, then this training will blow your socks off!

I'll show you exactly how:

  • A rookie upstart agent unseated a dominant agent in a geofarm (the dominant agent had spent 10 years and $100,000.00 farming it with 50%+ market share)
  • Why ANY agent can use the MicroFarming Method successfully ...regardless of your market, your budget, or your experience.
  • You can accomplish this on less than $200 a month (so even if you have a tiny budget, you can still do this)
  • How to get 12 listings (or more) in the next 6 months flat (on top of your current production)
  • How to implement the MicroFarming Method in a way that easily adds $250,000.00 to $350,000.00 Gross Commission Income (GCI) to your business in the next 12 months
  • You can do all this in about 5-10 hours of marketing effort per month (The MicroFarming Method provides extreme leverage - unlike anything I've seen before)

I'm going live today at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific - don't miss it:

Click HERE To Save Your Seat

IMPORTANT NOTE: over 850 agents have registered for today's training:

And my GoToWebinar only has 500 seats.

So if you don't want to miss this breakthrough new training, then I encourage to show up at least 10 minutes early and don't leave so you don't lose your seat.


If you attend live, I'm giving away these FREE GIFTS to everyone who shows up live:

  • The MicroFarming Method Playbook (a free PDF that you can use as your cheat sheet for deploying this method and it includes a calendar you should follow) - ($200 Value)
  • My ONE favorite video script you should record for your first introduction video (I'll give this to you written out, word-for-word) - ($300 Value)
  • My 5x5 Video Content Generator Template (it's a 5x5 grid document that sets you up to never run out of video topic ideas) ($200 Value)
  • My Video Teleprompter Cheat Sheet (this is how I record videos quickly without ever having to memorize a video script!) ($70 Value)

These are all yours on the house.
I'll show you how to get them during today's workshop.

Furthermore, I'm giving away 3 PRIZES at the end...

I'm going to give away 3 of my favorite mobile phone video rig setups.
I'll order these and drop ship them from Amazon to the winners.

This mobile phone video rig setup includes:

  1. A mobile phone stabilizer cage (Sells on Amazon for $25)
  2. A mini-shotgun microphone with a furry cat (Sells on Amazon for $55)
  3. Adapter cable for your phone -> mini-shotgun mic (Sells on Amazon for $12)

I'm giving away THREE of these to 3 winners!

If you're serious about getting more listings and are at all interested in seeing a BRAND NEW METHOD you can follow using simple videos that costs less than $200 a month to do.....

Do NOT miss this timely training.

I promise you, this is gonna blow your socks off!

Save Your Seat Here >>> MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Took a Dominant Agents Farm

See you at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific TODAY :-)

Let's Get Listings!





Steal my real estate template vault?

Over the last few days you may have seen the huge bundle of 400+ real estate templates I created for you. It's enough to cover you for the rest of the year and all of 2022.   And it's only $37 right now.  And it has nothing to do with cold calling, door knocking, or begging for business ever again.

Check out the whole package:

Talk to you soon!

Jason Edwards


P.S. This is my favorite way to get real estate leads for next to nothing. I hope it helps!

New method for getting listings

If you're an agent who wants to get more listings in 2022... and let's be honest... who isn't?

Then pay attention to this share today.

There is an agent up in the Maryland area.

We'll call him Frank.

Frank was the dominant agent in a "geofarm" for 10 years.

Spent over $100K farming this area.

And it earned him $250K per year.

Enter my friend Andrey.

Andrey developed a new kind of marketing for farm... video-based marketing.

And he shared it (freely) with Frank. Buuut Frank poo-poo'd it.

"Nah, I'm good."

At this point, Frank had over 50% market share of all listings. Why would want to listen to Andrey?

Along came an upstart agent.

We'll call her Shelby.

She started deploying the exact tactics Andrey teaches.

In 6 months, she had 10% market share.

In 12 months, she had 50%+ 🤯

And Frank? He didn't have a single listing there.

10 years...


50%+ market share...

All wiped in less than 12 months.

By one rookie agent.

THAT'S the power of having a breakthrough methodology or strategy.

I'm talking about The MicroFarming Method.

Now here's what might surprise you:

  • Shelby was a complete rookie
  • No sphere-of-influence
  • No database
  • No experience in real estate
  • Tiny budget (less than $300/mo)

And it worked anyway.

I've watched the MicroFarming Method go toe-to-toe against almost every listing method out there...

  • Tom Ferry
  • Mike Ferry
  • Brian Buffini
  • Joe Stumpf

And the MicroFarming Method absolutely clobbers them.

It's like a juggernaut that crushes anything in its way.

Moves the competition out the way.

And sets you up to be the dominant agent in any area you choose.

Even if there is a dominant agent already there.

Today at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific Andrey is doing a free training, where he'll walk everyone through the MicroFarming Method step-by-step.

>>> Save Your Seat Here <<<

Also, if you attend live, Andrey is giving away these gifts to attendees:

  • The MicroFarming Method Playbook (a free PDF that you can use as your cheat sheet for deploying this method and it includes a calendar you should follow) - ($200 Value)
  • My ONE favorite video script you should record for your first introduction video (I'll give this to you written out, word-for-word) - ($300 Value)
  • My 5x5 Video Content Generator Template (it's a 5x5 grid document that sets you up to never run out of video topic ideas) ($200 Value)
  • My Video Teleprompter Cheat Sheet (this is how I record videos quickly without ever having to memorize a video script!) ($70 Value)

Everyone who attends live gets these as gifts just for attending.

Furthermore, Andrey is giving away 3 prizes at the end...

He's going to give away 3 of his favorite mobile phone video rig setups.

This mobile phone video rig setup includes:

  1. A mobile phone stabilizer cage (Sells on Amazon for $25)
  2. A mini-shotgun microphone with a furry cat (Sells on Amazon for $55)
  3. Adapter cable for your phone -> mini-shotgun mic (Sells on Amazon for $12)

He's giving away 3 sets to 3 winners.

And the training itself is gonna blow your socks off.

Save your seat here:

MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Took a Dominant Agent's GeoFarm

See you today at 1pm eastern / 10 am pacific.


-Chris Jones

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Free 200+ page recruiting workbook

Help you get listings from Social Media?


Do you have a plan to get more listings in 2022?

If you don't, please read - seriously, we have a plan.

I recently polled my Facebook Group of 25,000+ real estate agents, and a vast majority said they would post more on social media if they had more time to create the content.

And then it hit me!  Why not have my team put together a massive library of beautifully designed social media posts for darn near every occasion and offer it to all of my fellow agents?

So, we did just that. (see below)

You can get 400+ fully designed social media posts (that can be edited to any colors, fonts, and text that you want) for only $37 for the next 4 days...

Here is the deal:

If you are still reading, then I'm sure you are like me and want to have a huge real estate year in 2022!

Use this time to plan your year, and set yourself up for success.

Talk to you soon!

Jason Edwards

P.S. These templates will give you all the social media content you need for 2022 and more. Don't miss out!  You can get them now by going here: