Saturday, December 14, 2019


What a week! Let's recap...

1. You want to get your lead generation dialed in

2. I showed you (along with 1100 other agents) my top lead gen playbook

3. Then I showed you my secret weapon: Pipeline Pro Tools

Pro Tools makes the playbook 100x easier and more effective. It's the set of tools my team uses to capture 250+ quality leads per month alongside 534 other top-producing teams/agents around the country.

For Aaron Wittenstein and LGSO we're giving $100 off, making it only $899 $799 for the entire year.

Plus 2 more insane bonuses

Bonus #2 - 6 proven marketing playbooks by me, Kevin Kauffman, Jason Morris, Ruben Garcia, and others. ($149 each $0.00)

Bonus #3 - 6 months enrollment in Elite Group Coaching ($497/month $0.00)

>>> Get the deal now <<<

Now half of you wants to wants to jump all the way in and start building a lead generation machine just like the one I laid out in the webinar this week. Can you imagine attracting new listing appointments on auto-pilot?

But... the other half of you is telling yourself to just be "realistic" and stay satisfied with the way things are right now.

I'll be honest: there's a very good reason we all have that half (including me).

It's there to protect us from that awful feeling of failure.

No one wants to invest time, energy, and money into something only to see it not work. And we've all been there before with some "program" in the past (that program is most likely now on the shelf or in the trash).

I'm not going to promise you a magic bullet. But I will promise you this: If you join Pipeline Pro Tools, do the work (and can show you did the work), and you don't get results... then not only can you cancel but we'll insist on giving you a full refund. This is a guarantee our company lives and dies by.

Investing in marketing tools shouldn't force you to take a massive risk. This way, all the risk is on us, as it should be.

But if you wait much longer this opportunity will disappear.

>>> Get the deal now <<<

Happy holidays,

-Chris Jones

Friday, December 13, 2019

Download my ads, scripts, etc.

Yesterday, Aaron Wittenstein and I did a webinar on how to build a lead machine (link to replay).

Today, I'm giving you all the resources I mentioned in the webinar -- all my ads, scripts, etc. Yours to keep. :)

Usually we pull this stuff down after 48hrs. However, in the spirit of the holidays I want to give you all of it to keep forever 🎁

Downloadable Resources
1. Lead Number Calc (Google Sheets)
2. Copy/Paste Craigslist Ads (.pdf)
3. Script for Borrowing Listings (Google Docs)
4. Script for Converting Buyers - Sellers (Google Docs)

Happy holidays!

Btw our insane LGSO deal for Pipeline Pro Tools ends soon.

>>> Get the Deal Now <<<
Use code "LGSO" to activate the deal

Pipeline Pro Tools will make the Craigslist lead strategy above ☝️ 100x easier and more effective. Plus, with our LGSO deal, you'll have a coach to walk you each playbook step-by-step.

If you're on the fence, maybe you still have a few questions, we have a few demo spots available tomorrow evening. Click here to grab one.

Enjoy your holiday!

-Chris Jones

Re-watch yesterday's webinar (.mp4)

Yesterday I did a training w/ Aaron Wittenstein of LGSO. It was awesome.

We walked you through a braindead simple process for building a lead gen machine from Craigslist. Here's the replay link...

-> Craigslist Playbook - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Includes download of real ads that you can copy/paste

I will be taking it down n 48hrs. Be an action taker. Watch the video, implement it TODAY, and I personally guarantee you get results within 24hrs.

At the end of the webinar... I discussed my lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools. You do NOT need Pro Tools to follow this strategy. But it WILL make it 100x easier and more effective.

If you want to check out Pro Tools, you can get a 15-min demo HERE. There's still a slots available for this evening if you want to get in on the deal before it expires.

If you book a demo (and show up for the demo) we'll give you the complete downloadable internal "playbook" that my team uses to run this strategy. Yours to keep forever.

Here's the direct link to book a demo and get the playbook ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Replay (.mp4)

Earlier today I did a training w/ Aaron Wittenstein. It was awesome.

We walked you through a braindead simple process for building a lead gen machine from Craigslist. Here's the replay link...

-> Craigslist Playbook - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Includes download of real ads that you can copy/paste

I will be taking it down n 48hrs. Be an action taker. Watch the video, implement it TODAY, and I personally guarantee you get results within 24hrs.

At the end of the webinar... I discussed my lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools. You do NOT need Pro Tools to follow this strategy. But it WILL make it 100x easier and more effective.

If you want to check out Pro Tools, you can get a 15-min demo HERE. There's still a slots available for this evening if you want to get in on the deal before it expires.

If you book a demo (and show up for the demo) we'll give you the complete downloadable internal "playbook" that my team uses to run this strategy. Yours to keep forever.

Here's the direct link to book a demo and get the playbook ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Going live

Hey, quick reminder...

I'm going live now to share how to build a free lead gen machine from Craigslist (all the steps).

Here's the link to join ->

Training starts now.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Craigslist playbook

Today is the day. I'm going live with my friend Aaron Weittenstein @ 4pm eastern.

I'll be sharing our top internal playbook -- the 1 system that brings us 4+ deals per month :)

-> How to Build a Free Lead Gen Machine from Craigslist

You'll get a complete Playbook for getting 1-2 quality buyer/seller leads every day on auto-pilot.

Thurs, Dec 12 @ 4:00pm Eastern


If you want the Playbook but are busy during can't attend today, register anyway and I'll send you the replay after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Question (plus a webinar tomorrow)

Question... What's your 2020 goal?

Want to double your real estate business? Want to especially take more listings? The most important thing you can do right now is to build yourself a lead gen machine -- a system that brings quality buyers/sellers to you on auto-pilot.

That's what we are going to help you with this week. :)

We've built an impressive lead generation machine that brings us 200+ quality leads per month, and we're going to share the ENTIRE thing for free.

Tomorrow I'm sharing How to Build a Lead Gen Machine from Craigslist

Thursday, Dec 12 @ 4:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

There's a 200-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2x your real estate business

What if you could double your business over the next 12 months? Recently I checked in on Adrian, one of our agents. Here are his stats:

2017: 9 transactions
2019: 41 transactions (on pace)

Adrian doubled his business 2 years in a row. How is that possible? Well, I'll admit Adrian had his work cut out for him.

When we met, Adrian was seriously considering quitting real estate and starting a different career. He had been doing real estate for 12+ years. Like a lot of us, every year he had 1-2 great months...and a whole lot of bad months.

After 12 years, understandably, he was tired and slowly losing hope that real estate could provide his family with a great living.

What changed 18 months ago? He made an important discovery. Well, 2 discoveries:

Discovery #1: The "100 lead" principle.

This is the principle that 100 new customers will solve virtually ANY problem in ANY business. I want you to close your eyes and think about this.

Imagine a wedding cake shop struggling to pay rent. 100 new calls for wedding cakes would mean 10-20 sales and $4-12K in new revenue. Problem solved.

Imagine a dry cleaning company struggling to find good help. 100 new calls would mean roughly $650 in additional recurring revenue every month. Now they can bump starting pay by $2/hr and attract quality talent. Problem solved.

Now imagine what would happen if they got 100 new leads per month.

The point is almost any problem in any business can be solved by 100 new leads. Adrian learned this in one of his first calls with us.

Discovery #2: Getting 100 new leads isn't luck.

Most agents feel like getting leads is largely a matter of chance.

We often feel like we are waiting for the real estate gods to shine upon us.

In reality, you'll generate 100 new leads when you decide to generate 100 new leads.

Adrian decide to do it, he signed up for our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools... then he took our 2 most popular marketing playbooks and implemented them step-by-step (didn't change a thing).

The result was 100+ new leads per month, a full pipeline, and 3-4 commission check per month.

Boom! That's how it's done.

Now the question is, what if you doubled your real estate business? What if you doubled it twice? What would that mean for you and your family?

Think about the numbers. If you made $40,000 this year... how would it feel to make $80,000?

If you made $100,000, what if you made $200,000?

Next decide to do something about it.

Selfishly I'd love for you to take a serious look at my lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools. It's awesome. It's what Adrian used to change his business, and it's what my own real estate team uses too.

And if you're interested, click here to get a demo.

If you book a demo (and show up), we'll give you 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks, yours to keep forever. And we'll walk you through 1-2 instances of how you would implement it. Super valuable.

Whatever you do after reading this email, though, don't do nothing.

So what's your next step? Email me back. I love hearing from you.

-Chris Jones

Monday, December 9, 2019

🔥 You're not "most agents".

I wish I was kidding when I see most agents planning to do the same thing in their real estate businesses next year and yet still expect different results.


You know that making the same plan but expecting different results defines insanity.


So if they do the same things... if you do the same things...


Frankly, you're going to get exactly what you deserve:  to have exactly zero progress or improvement in 2020.


We all know this approach makes no sense...


... yet agents make this mistake every December.


Everyone plans to have a better year next year, do more, work harder, make more, look better and get richer....


But the plan is usually just that... a plan.


It is made of fluffy hopes and cupcake dreams, but really has no TEETH of real, focused action....


Leaving the top agents to get further and further ahead...


... while most agents stay struggling, trying the same old things yet expecting different results.




It's a far cry from the consistent and predictable business they know they can have.


And worse yet, most of the training out there is by people who don't sell real estate at all, using outdated language and "tactics" that completely ignore the needs and language of today's consumer. 


Enough already! 


I want to see my agent colleagues and friends thrive. I don't want to see my industry of caring, hard working get replaced by bots and big box companies... 


... and I definitely don't want the consumer to keep experiencing the mediocre results that they are getting with most real estate agents.


So Next Level Agents has invited our friend, top real estate agent, and coach Sara Kalke to do a Live Business Planning Workshop for you.


Sara is known for her out-of-the-box thinking, her ability to sell 100+ homes a year as an individual agent without buying a single online lead, and she is always off on a new adventure snowboarding, traveling, or speaking.


She just did this business plan training for the #1 RE/MAX Team in the World, so we know this training has real teeth.

She is living proof that busts the common myth and shows it is possible to sell a ton of real estate and live a life of freedom and adventure.

This isn't just another "business planning" session. 


This isn't more theory or a bigger to-do list.


This is based on proven actions with real results.


She is going to cover:

  • The proven business plan to sell a ton of homes and live a life you love 
  • Why most business plans leave agents overwhelmed and unproductive
  • The key to starting your own attraction marketing engine
  • BONUS: how to kickstart your business any time you hit a slow patch

Monday, December 9 at 1 pm MST (3 pm EST) 


Save My Spot!


Let's RISE UP together.



It starts with a plan. One Sara will help you with in this online business planning workshop.


See you there!

Seriously, register now, 

Save My Spot!

- Kevin


 PS - If you saw Sara at the Next Level Agents conference in Vegas, you already know she is our kind of people - different, creative, and has a totally fresh perspective on the real estate business. One that gets her massive results. 


PPS - You don't want to miss the opportunity to learn from an agent who is actually doing the work, and proving everything in her training. It will be up for a very limited time, so sign up to save your spot now.

Copyright © *2019* Next Level Agents*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4450 S. Rural Rd. Building D Tempe, AZ 85255
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How to take 2.2 listings per week for 12mos straight

Over the next two weeks, we're going to talk about how to take more listings.

The listing system I'm sharing is the same system my team, Guerilla Realty, used to average 2.2 listings per week for 12 months straight (114 listings total in 1 calendar year).

Here's what I'm going to cover…

- Where to get legit seller leads (no paid ads, no cold calling)
- My exact scripts for booking listing appointments
- Doing the CMA right (this can be tricky)
- The Presentation (the knockout phrases we use to achieve a 98% close rate)

I'm going to walk you through it step by step. But the first step is by far the most important part of my listing system.


Ask anyone, the two most popular types of seller leads are CMA requests and FSBOs.

Problem is...

1. CMA requests are rare (when was the last time you got a legit CMA lead?)


2. FSBOS are ultra competitive (average FSBO hears from 10+ listing agents per week.)

But there's a third source for listing leads that almost no one is paying attention to. This is where I focus.

In fact, this source is responsible for 90% of the leads that feed my listing system.

That source? Buyer leads.

Huh?!? I know, I know. Completely counter-intuitive, so let me explain.

When you capture 100 buyer leads, here's how the numbers break down.

-25% are first time home buyers (nothing to sell)
-20% are in the secondary market (investors, vacation homes, etc— also nothing to sell)


-55% will be selling their current home during their move

Therefore 100 buyer leads = 55 listing leads.

Now here's the little-known secret that will give you the first and best shot at those sellers: Most buyer leads find their replacement homes before they even begin to think of selling.

As agents, we understand that this is dumb, but the human psyche is hard-wired with a security need.

We don't quit a job until we line up another. We don't sell our car until we find a new one. Heck, we don't leave our brokerage until we've found a better one.

The same is true with real estate. The key to generating an unending supply of listing leads is to generate lots of buyer leads and then find the half who are selling.

In most cases, you have the opportunity to list a home before anyone else even knows that it's going to be on the market. Huge advantage!

Tomorrow I'm going to explain how to position yourself as the best agent for the listing.

Before I get to that, if you haven't solved for the most important piece of the listing puzzle then check out our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools.

It includes the entire set of tools my team used to take 114 listings in 1 year.

You don't NEED Pipeline Pro Tools to implement the listing system I'm sharing over the next 2 weeks, but it will make you 100x more effective.

Here are results from agents who follow my listing system, with and without Pipeline Pro Tools.

WITH: 9.1 new listings
WITHOUT: 2.7 new listings

If you're interested, it starts with getting a quick demo. We'll show you 1-2 instances of how we generate seller leads.

>>> Demo Pipeline Pro Tools <<<

Plus if you book a demo (and show up for it) we'll give you our #1 playbook for generating seller leads. The entire thing, yours to download and keep forever.

Here's the direct link to grab a demo ->

Right now there are 25 total demo spots for the week. They will go quick.

More on my listing system tomorrow.

All the best,

-Chris Jones