Saturday, July 9, 2016

Let a Lender Pay Your Ad Bill + How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking + much more...

885,391 daily readers and growing!

July 9, 2016
Let a Lender Pay Your Ad Bill

Let a Lender Pay Your Ad Bill

What is the single biggest expense we as REALTORS have? You guessed it — advertising. In fact, all the so-called “experts” recommend we spend a full 20% of our gross income on bringing in business. That’s nearly three times what other industries spend for advertising (most industries spend 6-7% of gross revenue. So here’s an idea that will help you bring your advertising costs to a more attractive level. Let a lender pay your ad bill. Let me explain.

Mortgage companies and real estate agents are typically trying to attract the very same people, at the very same time, each spending lots of money in what amounts to a duplication of effort. But what if you could partner with a lender, and both receive the same leads?

Well for most people who brand advertise, that’s simply not possible. But you need to rethink your advertising. Is branding the right approach for you? For today’s new generation of super-agents, brand advertising has been replaced with direct response advertising.

Direct response advertising differs from brand advertising because it is advertising that expects an immediate and sure result… a direct response. Brand advertising is about establishing your brand in a general and non-specific marketing push.

Large companies with only one or two major competitors can afford to brand advertise. Small companies with hundreds or even thousands of competitors, can’t. And as agents, we are small businesses with thousands of competitors. Trust me, you will go broke trying to brand advertise hoping the customers will come to you.

My Dedicated

So how do you transition to direct response marketing, and then how do you get your lender to help with the bill? First you need your own lead capture system like our company’s Ultimate Website. The reason you need to have your own system is that direct response advertising is dependent upon identifying those direct responses. Think of it like fishing.

Brand advertising is like going to a fishing spot, and throwing food into the water every day. Eventually, fish would learn to come to that spot to eat. On the other hand, direct response advertising is like putting bait on a hook, throwing it into the water and waiting for a fish to bite. When it does bite, you need your fishing tackle to capture the fish. In direct response adverting, lead capture technology is that fishing tackle.

Having the right tools keeps you from just throwing ad money into a bottomless pit hoping business comes your way. Most agents today are just putting their name “out there” in as many places as possible, hoping it will pay off in top-of-mind-awareness and customers calling. But by using direct response advertising and lead capture technology, you can actually take the guess work out and generate as many or as few customer leads as you need, when you need them.

And by using lead capture technology and direct response advertising, you can generate your own business for almost nothing, while brand advertising costs thousands and still has no direct relationship to results. Many of the top agents today are using direct response adverting and lead capture technology to make literally hundreds of new customer leads every month for as little as $2-3 per lead.

Next you need a client management system or database. That way you and your lender partner can see each others progress in customer followup. It’s much easier to keep coordinated when you are both “singing from the same hymnal” so to speak. (In an upcoming segment I’ll share with you the art of handing off business to a loan partner or another agent, so watch for it.)

Of course I recommend you check out my company’s lead capture and client management tools, but whether you use ours or get them from one of our competitors, you just need to get them. Here is the really cool part, though. If you partner with a lender, you can effectively bring your entire cost of customer acquisition down to nearly nothing, while building a great relationship where each of you depends on and is loyal to the other.

I know of many agents using this strategy who’ve managed to bring their overall advertising bills down to less than 5% of their gross revenue -- I know one agent who brought it down to ZERO -- while increasing their number of closed transactions and minimizing their work load in the process. Less expense, more business, less work. Wow! Now how cool is that?!


You cannot fully understand the feeling of freedom you get when you have the power to generate new clients AT WILL until you actually experience it for yourself. It’s incredible and it completely changed the trajectory of my career. I personally went from struggling to having a team of a dozen agents in about six months time… simply by having lots of opportunities.

If you’re reading this and haven’t had a chance to check out my Ultimate Website with LCM technology, I urge you to take a moment to see what all the fuss is about. I think you will be very favorably impressed, and if you decide to try it today, I’ll give you a promo code that will get you an extra $350 in bonuses, but it will only work today.

Promo code: “NEWSGENIUS” (all caps, no quotes)

Get the Ultimate Website Now

(Or check price and availability.)


As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones

Matt Jones is the founder and CEO of, nationally syndicated columnist, broker, and best selling author. He has been profiled by major media outlets as an innovator and a pioneer in the industry, and CNN's Pulse on America claimed he and his company were "changing the way real estate is done in America."

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How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are researching and addressing their real estate needs is being shaped by the web. Real estate agents need Read more »
Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve Read more »
Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole Read more »
Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the Read more »
How Will a Possible 'Brexit' Affect U.S. Homebuyers »
Home buyers on American soil have enough to worry about without losing sleep over whether Britons, Read more »
Are Large Images Killing Your Website? »
Creating a strong first-impression-emotion in your audience is a great strategy to keep visitors on Read more »


Owners Overvaluing Their Homes »
Home owners are still slightly overvaluing their homes compared to appraisers' estimates, according to the latest Quicken Loans Home Price Perception Index. In December, average appraised values were Read more »
Homebuying Could Become Unaffordable Within Two Years »
With the right economic conditions, in two years, home affordability could get close to the same Read more »
Which Candidate Is Most Likely to Help the Housing Market? »
We surveyed home sellers in late January to get their take on the market. Because it�s an election Read more »
Want to Help the Middle Class? Build More Houses »
America�s future is happening first here, in Seattle. Just this year, Seattle technology jobs Read more »
Brooklyn Tool Shed Listed for $500k »
The ad on Zillow says the property is a 'great opportunity... asking only $499,000'. Read more »
US Commercial Sales at Record High »
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 03: A large Super Bowl 50 banner is displayed on a skyscraper on Read more »


Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize Real Estate Soon »
The realization of Virtual Reality (VR) is set to have a big impact on real estate, offering buyers a revolutionary new way to view properties they�re interested in. Read more »
Don't Use Email To Manage Transactions »
As hackers continue to use fraudulent online messages to steal money from unsuspecting home buyers, Read more »
New Objective School Rankings for Your Real Estate Search »
For young families moving to a new city one of the biggest challenges isn�t just finding a suitable Read more »
75 Tips to Improve Your Site's SEO »
An online presence is crucial for most real estate professionals. While you can always post your Read more »
Will Agent Searching Become a Thing? »
I�ve never really seen anything that leads me to believe a big percentage of people search for Read more »
How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are Read more »


Cancer Patient Sues Real Estate Couple for $500k »
A Surrey cancer patient who claims a couple of local real estate agents cheated her out of $500,000 has launched a lawsuit in B.C. Supreme Court seeking to get her money back as well as compensation Read more »
Agent Charged With Terroristic Threats Misses Court »
A Hot Springs realtor facing a terroristic threatening charge had a court date Thursday. Read more »
Goldman Sachs Reaches $5B Settlement Amid Toxic Bonds Controversy »
Goldman Sachs said Thursday that it reached a $5 billion settlement over claims related to toxic Read more »
Despite $1.2B Settlement, DOJ Still Pursuing Wells Fargo »
Despite recently agreeing to a $1.2 billion settlement with the federal government to resolve claims Read more »
Teen Charged With Stabbing Real Estate Agent »
A teenager has been charged with the stabbing death of a man in New Hanover County last week. Read more »
Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole Read more »



Selling in the Winter Works to an Investor's Advantage »
When it comes to buying or selling a home, conventional wisdom dictates that winter is lousy timing. You can't show or see a home at its best when the weather is crummy. Read more »


4 New Year's Resolutions Every Agent Should Make »
As the year comes to an end, many people are making new year�s resolutions. For real estate agents, changing a few behaviors can vastly benefit your career. Check out these 4 new year�s resolutions to Read more »
Customers-for-life Still Eluding Many Brokerages »
One of the most common goals adopted almost universally by real estate brokerages is also the Read more »
Make Sense of Online Advertising Metrics »
The sheer amount of online marketing campaign data and website analytics is staggering. These Read more »
Help Your Buyer Find the Right Compromises »
Your home shoppers may have a long wish list, but when it comes to finding a home � particularly Read more »
Secrets to Multiplying Your Referrals »
What systems do you have in place to double your business through referrals with each transaction? Read more »
Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve Read more »

This is the e-Brief, a collection of the best real estate news and advice in one place. To cancel your subscription, follow this link

©2016, 212 Northstone Pl, Fayetteville, NC 28314. All rights reserved.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Make the Phone Ring Every Day + Protect Your Agent Commission + much more...

885,391 daily readers and growing!

July 8, 2016
Make the Phone Ring Every Day

Dear Reader,

Have you ever received a call from a potential customer who wanted information about a listing? Of course you have. Maybe it was a duty desk call, or a call from a homes magazine. Do you remember how you went through that little verbal tap-dance just to try to get the customer’s phone number, so you have a lead to work? Maybe you use the old classic line, “Let me look that up and give you a call right back.” Maybe you have another technique.

Or how about this? You spend hundreds of dollars in marketing, trying to get the phone to ring, only to have those few calls come in after you are done for the day. You have a choice — either you answer that phone 24/7 or you lose business. And in today’s economy we can’t afford to lose the business so that means we work longer hours.

How about knowing which ads are working and which ones aren’t? Wouldn’t it be nice to know where you are receiving a nice return on your advertising investment and where you are simply wasting your money? It’s been said that over half of all money spent on advertising is wasted. Wouldn’t it be nice to know which half?

Every one of those problems can be solved with the same simple tool — IVR technology. IVR or Interactive Voice Response technology is the technical name for an essential marketing tool more commonly known as a “call capture hotline”. I say essential because it is one of only a handful of technologies that every agent needs to prosper today.

Let me explain how it works. Instead of calling a telephone, your customer would call a computer that has very sophisticated interactive software. And that software, would not only allow the computer to answer the phone, but it would also play an outgoing message to your customer, it could transfer the call to your phone number, and it would send you a text or email notification of the customer’s phone number, time of call, and extension called.

Instead of advertising your company phone number or your cell number, you instead advertise your toll-free “hotline” number with an extension number or code. For example, you might advertise a number like 800-555-1212 Ext. 3000. The number calls the computer and the extension number tells the computer whose lead it is and where it came from.

The reason the toll-free number is important is that toll-free numbers are governed by some very interesting laws. Since a toll-free call is legally a “collect call” the receiver is entitled by law to know who is calling. That means that caller-ID block is ineffective when calling a toll-free number. It’s the law. The one paying for the call has the legal right to know who’s calling.

So practically speaking, every single customer who calls your toll-free hotline, is giving you his phone number. Better yet, his phone number and the label for the extension he dialed is emailed to you while the customer is still on the phone. And because you have a written proof of his call, you can call the customer back with no fear of violating the Do-Not-Call laws for 90 days! Talk about powerful!

To set it up, all of your various advertising would have the same toll free number, but each ad would have a unique extension allowing you to track exactly which ads received the most calls. For example, you might have one extension for yard signs, another for your website, another for The Real Estate Book, and yet another for Homes & Land Magazine. When you received your notification email or text, you could tell immediately where that lead was coming from.

But here is where it really gets cool. Not only do you get every single caller sent to your inbox with a valid phone number, and not only do you know exactly which ad every single call is coming from, but the actual number of calls you receive will increase as much as tenfold. Why? Because many customers are early in their search process and don’t want to talk to an agent.


If given the opportunity to call a computer to receive their information, many will choose that option over talking to an agent. In fact, if you placed two identical ads in the same magazine for a month, one with your cell phone number and the other with your hotline number will have entirely different results. The one going to your cell phone might get 10-15 calls all month while your hotline ad will receive 150-200 calls in the same month!

Why? Because many customers don’t want to speak to an agent yet. A hotline gives them the peace of mind of calling a machine. And when they do, their phone number is electronically captured and forwarded to you. Now you get to reach out to them gently without scaring them off. Now you have an opportunity. In fact, lots of opportunities. How cool is that?!

I personally use my hotline to capture leads wherever they might call. Yard signs. Website. Print ads. Even business cards. It really is a no-brainer. Not only do I always capture the lead, but I know exactly what ad source produced it and I get calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week without having to answer my phone when I am off duty. I never miss a lead. Never. Even if they hang up. When it comes to telephone lead generation, there is nothing better than IVR technology.

“So,” you’re asking yourself, “How do I get a hotline to help me solve those problems?” “And how much will it cost me?” Most agents know that when they license my LCM they can use it with any website or even with all their websites. But, most agents don’t realize that when they get my LCM they also get 10 LCM phone gateways at no additional charge. It is included free.

So if you’re using my LCM technology, I encourage you to start using the phone gateway. If you have a team of agents you might give a hotline extension to each one. Or, you might use a different extension for each of your listings, or maybe a different one for each advertising source.

However you decide to use it, not only will you get a lot more calls, but you will also capture the lead, have it sent to you by text and email in real time, along with the source of the call. And the setup and learning curve is 5 minutes, tops. Our coaching staff will hold your hand while we get you up to speed.

If you haven’t yet tried my Ultimate Website (with LCM technology), I’d encourage you to check it out. Agents who use it are generating an average of 2-3 new inbound leads every day without spending additional money on advertising.

I want to give you another great reason to try my Ultimate Website -- use the promo code below to get two over $350 worth of bonuses. And these aren't lame bonuses that are factored into the price of the product like you see on late night TV. This is real stuff that I normally charge a lot of money for that I'm giving for free today. Enjoy it.

Promo Code: “NEWSGENIUS”

(All caps, no quotations)


#1 First, with this promo code you'll get a free Craigslist ad. My coaching staff will actually write your first Craigslist ad for you FREE ($150 value). Not a standard classified listing -- a super-charged ad, just like Craig is running, my exact formula that will swarm your website with customers.

You supply the new property listing (it can be borrowed) and we'll write a unique, proven, and highly effective Craiglist ad that you can run over and over again for free.

Eq-IXOoZ0mqfDfFyr2EIJiA-6WrZ8jnhwIuGtn FJrXSYlbDtJPSjw9Cc8cIe8xeehKOIG2U3S4dg3eg4No2cNkvfTPq9B OZwb0WZJUgBBijxq5voplDed-M l4N5LHaVkZxyb5vKpwPg s0-d-e1-ft

#2 You will also get my entire eBook library (a $200 value) free of charge. That's all 10 of my books I've written on how to make a killing in real estate FREE.

This include my book Becoming a Mega-Producer where I tell the whole ugly story about how I practically failed out of real estate before becoming the top listing agent in my market. This book includes a blueprint for you to follow to completely automate your advertising.

Plus you'll get my nine other training books. And by the way, these are no longer for sale anywhere. The ONLY way to get them currently is through this deal.

JFQ5mno9ylv9x5syudkb-jEwR cX9x4yxRzhTpVzjE0HlNlLIHQdvPjdekOVq8Xo1oHT1OwfpkW1nl73ylzTi 7xtKB7fOOCkKvKeqQTvgzLVD078fd 2PMiTPk x0-SFBRlBzofhckcBW8u0iYhZaJeAzb9VO-h-lDvag s0-d-e1-ft

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones

Matt Jones is the founder and CEO of, nationally syndicated columnist, broker, and best selling author. He has been profiled by major media outlets as an innovator and a pioneer in the industry, and CNN's Pulse on America claimed he and his company were "changing the way real estate is done in America."

I did not sign up for this


Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve potential differences which may arise between real estate professionals in the field. Read more »
How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are Read more »
Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole Read more »
Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the Read more »
How Will a Possible 'Brexit' Affect U.S. Homebuyers »
Home buyers on American soil have enough to worry about without losing sleep over whether Britons, Read more »
Are Large Images Killing Your Website? »
Creating a strong first-impression-emotion in your audience is a great strategy to keep visitors on Read more »


Want to Help the Middle Class? Build More Houses »
America�s future is happening first here, in Seattle. Just this year, Seattle technology jobs increased 21 percent. Housing prices rose 12 percent. And all the people who built this city out of Read more »
Owners Overvaluing Their Homes »
Home owners are still slightly overvaluing their homes compared to appraisers' estimates, according Read more »
Homebuying Could Become Unaffordable Within Two Years »
With the right economic conditions, in two years, home affordability could get close to the same Read more »
Which Candidate Is Most Likely to Help the Housing Market? »
We surveyed home sellers in late January to get their take on the market. Because it�s an election Read more »
Brooklyn Tool Shed Listed for $500k »
The ad on Zillow says the property is a 'great opportunity... asking only $499,000'. Read more »
US Commercial Sales at Record High »
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 03: A large Super Bowl 50 banner is displayed on a skyscraper on Read more »


Don't Use Email To Manage Transactions »
As hackers continue to use fraudulent online messages to steal money from unsuspecting home buyers, the best way to protect yourself and your clients is to avoid using e-mail to transmit or store Read more »
Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize Real Estate Soon »
The realization of Virtual Reality (VR) is set to have a big impact on real estate, offering buyers Read more »
New Objective School Rankings for Your Real Estate Search »
For young families moving to a new city one of the biggest challenges isn�t just finding a suitable Read more »
75 Tips to Improve Your Site's SEO »
An online presence is crucial for most real estate professionals. While you can always post your Read more »
Will Agent Searching Become a Thing? »
I�ve never really seen anything that leads me to believe a big percentage of people search for Read more »
How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are Read more »


Despite $1.2B Settlement, DOJ Still Pursuing Wells Fargo »
Despite recently agreeing to a $1.2 billion settlement with the federal government to resolve claims related to its Federal Housing Administration lending program from 2001-2010, Wells Fargo is still Read more »
Cancer Patient Sues Real Estate Couple for $500k »
A Surrey cancer patient who claims a couple of local real estate agents cheated her out of $500,000 Read more »
Agent Charged With Terroristic Threats Misses Court »
A Hot Springs realtor facing a terroristic threatening charge had a court date Thursday. Read more »
Goldman Sachs Reaches $5B Settlement Amid Toxic Bonds Controversy »
Goldman Sachs said Thursday that it reached a $5 billion settlement over claims related to toxic Read more »
Teen Charged With Stabbing Real Estate Agent »
A teenager has been charged with the stabbing death of a man in New Hanover County last week. Read more »
Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole Read more »


Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the properties have similar layouts and designs � your eyes might glaze over as you skim through countless Read more »
Should You Be Posting Your Listings on Social Media? »
Social media is a great means of marketing your real estate listings. Unfortunately, not all real Read more »
How to Host an Open House Like a Pro »
Open house is that certain time wherein you are opening your home for viewing. This means that you Read more »
Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid »
You know buyers are most likely to start their home search online, surveys attest to that. And, Read more »


Selling in the Winter Works to an Investor's Advantage »
When it comes to buying or selling a home, conventional wisdom dictates that winter is lousy timing. You can't show or see a home at its best when the weather is crummy. Read more »


Make Sense of Online Advertising Metrics »
The sheer amount of online marketing campaign data and website analytics is staggering. These metrics can be powerful tools for helping you understand where your online leads come from. And having a Read more »
Customers-for-life Still Eluding Many Brokerages »
One of the most common goals adopted almost universally by real estate brokerages is also the Read more »
Help Your Buyer Find the Right Compromises »
Your home shoppers may have a long wish list, but when it comes to finding a home � particularly Read more »
Secrets to Multiplying Your Referrals »
What systems do you have in place to double your business through referrals with each transaction? Read more »
4 New Year's Resolutions Every Agent Should Make »
As the year comes to an end, many people are making new year�s resolutions. For real estate agents, Read more »
Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve Read more »

This is the e-Brief, a collection of the best real estate news and advice in one place. To cancel your subscription, follow this link

©2016, 212 Northstone Pl, Fayetteville, NC 28314. All rights reserved.