Saturday, April 6, 2024

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Friday, April 5, 2024

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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Zillow exploit (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a brand new live webinar, where I show you how to exploit a zillow loophole to get free client leads.

"How to get free leads from Zillow"

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
​Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

I'm going to show you how to take 1 listing per week. All from free Zillow leads.

Here's what you'll get just for attending:

⚡️ Zillow exploit playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 24 hours

See you there.

-Chris Jones

Exploit zillow

Right now, all of the hottest buyers and sellers in your market are waking up and logging onto zillow.

Zillow is crawling with dream clients.

Check the stats...

  • 50% will be under contract in <70 days.
  • 37% have a household income >$125k.
  • And 90% do not have a REALTOR yet.

Dream clients.

Who cares, Chris? I'm not buying leads from zillow.

Me neither.

But what if you could exploit a little-known loophole in the system, and zillow sent you leads for free?

That's what I do, and that's what I'm going to help you with today :)

This hack is ingenious, completely ethical, and when you see it you'll want to implement it immediately.

I'm averaging 42 free leads per month from zillow.

That's even more than I got when I was paying for "Zillow Premier Agent."

Later today, I'm sharing the entire process in a free webinar.

Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow
Tuesday, April 2 @ 12:00PM Eastern

This will be a live 1-time-only webinar, not a canned recording.

Here's what you'll get just for attending.

  • Free access to the 3 apps you'll need
  • The entire "free zillow leads" playbook
  • Live Q&A where I answer your questions
  • 24-hour replay access

There are only 250 seats, so you have to register.


By the end of the day, you'll have your first free zillow client lead.

Hope to see you there.

-Chris Jones

Monday, April 1, 2024

Be like Stacy

Pre-S - If you are patiently waiting for to get a demo of Pipeline Pro Tools + 1 free playbook, good news. We just added 13 new demo slots for next week. Click here to grab a slot. They'll be gone soon.

Question: who are you going to be?

You can be the agent who sets goal after goal to grow your real estate business every year, only to fall short every time…

...or you can be like Stacy.

Stacy sat thru my "Bulletproof CMA" a few days ago. (Same one you watched last week.)

She didn't wait around, dreaming about taking more listings.

She took action the very next morning and implemented the listing playbook step-by-step.

Results? She got 4 new listing leads overnight...

See below:

Now is she rich yet? No, but she's on her way. She now has a repeatable formula for getting CMA requests and setting listing appointments.

What if she rinses and repeats every month?

That would mean 4-6 listing appointments per month, forever.

What would your business look like if you set 6 listing appointments per month?

If you want to see results like this, don't miss our deal on Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is my company's lead gen software, and it works hand-in-hand with the playbook I taught in this week's workshop.

If you still have questions or you just want to see it, get a demo.

-> Book a Demo

If you book a demo, the current deal will automatically be extended through the day of your demo.

Plus right now, if you book a demo we'll give you 1 of our top 3 internal marketing playbooks that we use to generate 250+ quality leads for our local real estate team. It's your choice which one you want, and it's yours to keep forever (no strings attached).

And feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions!


-Chris Jones

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Pipeline Pro Tools


You recently watched my Bulletproof CMA webinar.

My method is pretty simple...

  1. Call your buyer prospects
  2. 56% will be selling soon
  3. Offer free Bulletproof CMA service
  4. Boom! Listing appointment.

So... where are you at in the process?

Most agents get stuck on step 1 or 2.

Unless you have Pipeline Pro Tools.

Pro Tools is our flagship product -- a complete marketing engine for REALTORS.

Agents have an 82% success rate on the process above ^ with Pro Tools.

That success rate goes up to 100% when the agent completes the custom marketing plan that we create for them when they join.

Would you like to get a demo?

This is a 30min session with a marketing coach.

You'll see behind the scenes of Pro Tools. And we'll bribe you to do it.

Book and show up for a demo, and we'll let you download our #1 buyer lead playbook 100% free of charge.

Get a demo + 1 free playbook <<<

Hope you enjoy!

-Chris Jones