Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Everything Changes When You Look Inside The Lives and Businesses of The ELITE Performers.

If there is one thing I know, it is the more I spend time with ELITE performers, the more I realize they have these things in common:  

✅ Specific systems and processes in their business

✅ They embrace change and competition in the volatile marketplace we operate in. 

This is exactly why tomorrow, I'm going to interview Bob Stewart, who works side by side with Ben Kinney. Our focus is going to be on how Ben's team uses the Brivity Platform in their business (which by the way, will sell over 3,000 homes this year).  

  • How the Brivity Dialer makes his team more efficient 
  • How Ben's team does Open Houses so that follow up and nurturing are automated
  • How Ben's team stopped using flyers and now gets cell phone numbers instead of empty flyer boxes
  • How Ben's teams use Auto Plans to immediately follow up with EVERY lead/prospect that enters their world
  • How one person managed over 900 transactions last year (all the homes they sold in his home state of WA)
  • How you don't have to reinvent the wheel, but instead use systems and models someone else creates and tweak them to fit your business.

Join us Wednesday morning at 9 am PST. https://webinar.brivity.com/brivitynla


P.S.   Yes, I know you're busy, but we all are.  Even if you can't attend.  Register, and if we record it, you'll get a copy.  

Copyright © 2019 KFC,LLC , All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4450 S. Rural Rd Building D. 
Tempe, AZ 85282 

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Monday, December 16, 2019

How an average former cable guy built one of the biggest real estate businesses in the United States.

Have you ever wondered how an average former cable guy from Bellingham Washington built one of the biggest real estate businesses in the United States? Ben Kinney is far from average, but when he got started in real estate, he was just that, an average guy. Systems, models, leverage, and dedication have propelled him and his team to achieve massive levels of success. Along the way, Ben built his own real estate software, the Brivity Platform.

We asked Bob Stewart, the guy who trains and motivates Ben's 26 expansion teams how to fully leverage Brivity, if he might drop by and share exactly what Brivity is, and how Ben's teams are leveraging technology to be more efficient and close more transactions (they're going to do over 3,000 transactions this year after doing 2,344 last year).

Get signed up for the webinar at 


On this call, Kevin will interview Bob on:

  • How the Brivity Dialer makes his team more efficient 
  • How Ben's team does Open Houses so that follow up and nurturing are automated
  • How Ben's team stopped using flyers and now gets cell phone numbers instead of empty flyer boxes
  • How Ben's teams use Auto Plans to immediately follow up with EVERY lead/prospect that enters their world
  • How one person managed over 900 transactions last year (all the homes they sold in his home state of WA)
  • How you don't have to reinvent the wheel, but instead use systems and models someone else creates and tweak them to fit your business.

You can get registered for this exclusive webinar at https://webinar.brivity.com/brivitynla

Kevin, Fred, & Cody.  


Copyright © 2019 .  *KFC, LLC , All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4450 S. Rural Rd Building D.  Tempe, AZ 85282 

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

This expires in 5 hours

This is it! In less than 5 hours, we're shutting down the LGSO deal and free bonuses for Pipeline Pro Tools.

Save yourself money, frustration, and a whole lot of time by grabbing it right here before tonight's deadline.

As a quick reminder, here's what will happen when you take action on this:

  • You'll get instant access to the Pipeline Pro Tools software, where you'll have all the tools you need to build an evergreen lead gen system that runs on auto-pilot.
  • Then someone you'll be assigned a personal coach, who will reach out to you to give you a custom daily lead gen plan to get your first client.
  • And if you use the promo code "LGSO" along with the yearly payment option, you'll get $100 off, 6 proven marketing playbooks, and 6 months enrollment into Elite, our private group coaching program.

Ready to get started?

Go here to get it before the deadline!

-Chris Jones

Ending today

This is today.

The LGSO deal on Pipeline Pro Tools ends today.

Just to recap, here's the deal.

First you get our flagship product Pipeline Pro Tools with $100 off, making it only $899 $799 for the entire year.

Plus 2 for Aaron W we're throwing in two more bonuses...

Bonus #2 - 6 proven marketing playbooks by me, Kevin Kauffman, Jason Morris, Ruben Garcia, and others. ($149 each $0.00)

Bonus #3 - 6 months enrollment in Elite Group Coaching ($497/month $0.00). This is the most expensive product we sell and you'll get it free for six months.

>>> Get the deal now <<<
Enter code LGSO to get the deal

I want to challenge you to be an action taker. Doesn't matter to me if that action is to get Pipeline Pro Tools or to do something else. But you need to take some kind of action toward your goals today.

I'm going to tell you a story about how my buddy Adrian took action.

Adrian was 12 years into his real estate career. Like most agents, he had a few good months and a LOT of bad months, averaging 10-12 deals per year.

Lately he had had even more bad months than usual, and he and his wife made a pact: Either something had to change, or he would quit real estate and apply for a 9-5 job.

That very month -- call it providence or just plain determination -- Adrian joined Pipeline Pro Tools after looking at it for over 2 years. That is not a typo. He waited 2+ years contemplating his decision. But the important thing is he finally took action. And look what happened.


In less than 30 days, he was completely booked with showings. In less than, 90 days he already had 3 deals in escrow. And today he's on track to close 41 deals in 2019. He did all this without spending a dime on paid ads of any kind.

Today you have a simple choice. You can keep thinking, or you can take action.

Maybe that action is get Pipeline Pro Tools?

>>> Get the deal now <<<
Enter code LGSO to get the deal

This expires at 11:59pm tonight (Dec 15).

Happy holidays,

-Chris Jones