Friday, August 2, 2024

Use the "Rule of 7" To Get More Listings

Hey, here's a short video on YouTube about the "Rule of 7" and how you can use it to get more listings and grow your real estate business:

video preview

Every agent needs to know the "Rule of 7".


Because once I figured this out for our marketing strategies, we started getting a lot more quality listing leads and listing appointments for our clients.

Which obviously creates more signed listings and commissions :-)

Click Here To Watch The Video


August Prospecting challenge

Thursday, August 1, 2024

YouTube Video: How To Do Lead Follow Up In 2024

Here's a short video on YouTube about how real estate agents should be doing lead follow up in 2024:

video preview

We've heard it a thousand times:

"the fortune is in the follow up".


But what's working for follow up has changed.

Watch this video here.

Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Opening Door To Free Trial Tomorrow

Hey, it's Andrey here....

Tomorrow I'm opening the doors to a 30 day free trial for my flagship group coaching program: Listing Academy.

I'm limiting spots to make sure I can take care of everyone who joins the free trial.

So if you want to be first in line, hit reply and let me know "I'm In!".

And tomorrow when the doors open, I'll send you the access link first :)

You'll get to have access to all my resources, methods, systems, calls, etc,. for free for an entire month.

And if you decide you want to stay, then and only then would you pay the monthly membership of $297/mo

If you don't think it's right for you, simply cancel and you won't pay a penny.

With so much hype out there from real estate vendors promising they've "got the goods", I figure the best way to show you I've got the goods is by, well, simply showing you I've got the goods.

So again, if you want one of the 30 day free trial spots so you can check out all my listing-getting resources at no charge and see for yourself why they work so well, hit reply and let me know "I"m In!".

And I'll put you on the "early bird list" :)

Let's Get Listings,

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

STARTING NOW (Yep, it's GO Time! :-)

Going Live RIGHT NOW!

I'm hosting a live training on a simple method any agent can start using to:

1) quickly get more listings right now

2) dominate any listing niche of their choosing

Here is the link to join:

I'm live now...


Copy/paste ad = 6 signed listings (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I'll show you how we book 8 listing appointments and 6 actual signed listings per month from 1 free copy/paste ad.

"Limitless Listing Leads"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs


-Chris Jones

LIVE Listing Training (TODAY at 1pm EST / 10am PST)


Today at 1pm EST / 10am PST, I'm hosting a live training on a simple method any agent can start using to:

1) quickly get more listings right now

2) dominate any listing niche of their choosing

Here is the link to save your free seat to this live training tomorrow:


PS - if you didn't see my email about this last week, I've copied it below:

SUBECT: Notice of Default (NOD)

I think a homeowners worst nightmare.

Looking at the data, it's going to start
happening a lot this year and next year.

Getting a letter in the mail notifying them
that they're in "default".

... and unfortunately it's happening to
millions of Americans now and soon.


There's a silver lining in all this.

You can help homeowners in default by
getting in front of them RIGHT NOW...

... with guidance, answers, insights, and
clarity by using a powerful 2-Punch Combo:

  1. Short, helpful videos
  2. "Custom Audiences" on Facebook

​Think of it like this...

Right now in your market there are people
going into default (and many more to come).

You can buy their info from data sites... PropertyRadar, TheRedX, Cole Realty,
LandVoice, MyPlus+ Leads, PropStream, (and
the list goes on)....

Put their info (email addresses and/or tel
phone numbers) into a spreadsheet...

Upload that spreadsheet into FB as a
Custom Audience.

Record a few helpful videos.

Promote them as a > Reach Ads < to your
Custom Audience of NOD's.

You only spend money on getting your videos
in front of people you KNOW are now in deep
PAIN... and NEED YOUR help.

Using this method, you'll get in front of these
*very motivated* sellers before other agents.

And you can do this regardless of:

-- Your current budget
-- Your real estate experience
-- Your market location

... because you can run it for as little as $1 a day
and Facebook is everywhere.

Got it?


If you don't know HOW to do this...

.... save your seat for this special web class I'm
hosting next week that will show you how,
button-by-button, so you can deploy this
method immediately.

As you'll see:

This is much, much easier than any other kind
of real estate marketing or lead generation I've

Especially once I show you how it's mostly
automated (most of it is one-time work up

The only thing standing between you
and this opportunity
is deciding to spend
90 minutes on my free step-by-step web class
so you get in front of homeowners who absolutely
need your help.

If you're a reliable, professional, dependable
agent... then it's your duty to your market to
be the agent they use to sell their homes.

You have the answers and solution to many
people's pain right now.

It's your responsibility to get in front of them
and show them you can help.


P.S. a mentor of mine once taught me the
"pain killer" principle of marketing...

... it's a lot easier to sell a pain killer pill to
someone with a pounding headache or
tooth ache...

... than to sell a vitamin supplement to someone
not in any pain.



And right now many homeowners are going
into pain. (many more to come).

You're their "pain killer".

Use this precise method to demonstrate to
them why that is so they call you for help.

P.P.S. this 2-Punch Combo works for ANY
niche you focus on...

Not just NODs.

So think:

-- FSBOs
-- Expireds
-- Empty Nesters
-- Move Up Buyers
-- Corporate Relo's
-- Employees of specific companies
-- People in a specific job industry you relate to well
-- Waterfront property
-- Condo buildings
-- Golf course communities
-- Probate
-- Divorces

... the list goes on and on.

Any niche you can buy a list of email addresses
or tel phone numbers for can be reached with
this method.

Really think about the implications of this for
your business in 2024 (and beyond)...

... and go here now to save your seat for my free
web class so you can see how easy this can
be to quickly get more clients and sales.

Listing Academy, LLC​

My #1 listing source is free (download)

Do you want to see my #1 source for new listings in 2024?

(It'll surprise you, for sure.)

Not zillow,, or some other pay-at-close source.

It's a free copy/paste ad.

Here's how it works:

  • Get the copy/paste template
  • Post it for free (I'll show you where/how)
  • Ranks 1st page of Google almost instantly


  • 80 buyer leads per month
  • 40% are homeowners waiting to sell
  • You'll get ~11 CMA requests

Here's why it my best source...

We are averaging 11 CMA requests and 6 signed listings per month from this playbook.

You don't need tons of experience or deep pockets.

You can post my copy/paste ad template today and have a new listing appointment by tomorrow.

Total cost? $0.00.

All you need is a smart phone and my process.

Which I'm sharing later today in a free webinar.

Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads
Tuesday, July 30 @ 12:00PM Eastern

The best part is, this isn't a 1-time hack.

I'm going to walk you through how to take 50+ listings per year running free ads like this.

Space is limited to 250 seats, and the webinar WILL be full.

You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Monday, July 29, 2024

Listing Training Tomorrow (1pm EST)

Don't forget, tomorrow at 1pm EST / 10am PST, I'm hosting a live training on a simple method any agent can start using to:

1) quickly get more listings right now

2) dominate any listing niche of their choosing

Here is the link to save your free seat to this live training tomorrow:


PS - if you didn't see my email about this last week, I've copied it below:

SUBECT: Notice of Default (NOD)

I think a homeowners worst nightmare.

Looking at the data, it's going to start
happening a lot this year and next year.

Getting a letter in the mail notifying them
that they're in "default".

... and unfortunately it's happening to
millions of Americans now and soon.


There's a silver lining in all this.

You can help homeowners in default by
getting in front of them RIGHT NOW...

... with guidance, answers, insights, and
clarity by using a powerful 2-Punch Combo:

  1. Short, helpful videos
  2. "Custom Audiences" on Facebook

​Think of it like this...

Right now in your market there are people
going into default (and many more to come).

You can buy their info from data sites... PropertyRadar, TheRedX, Cole Realty,
LandVoice, MyPlus+ Leads, PropStream, (and
the list goes on)....

Put their info (email addresses and/or tel
phone numbers) into a spreadsheet...

Upload that spreadsheet into FB as a
Custom Audience.

Record a few helpful videos.

Promote them as a > Reach Ads < to your
Custom Audience of NOD's.

You only spend money on getting your videos
in front of people you KNOW are now in deep
PAIN... and NEED YOUR help.

Using this method, you'll get in front of these
*very motivated* sellers before other agents.

And you can do this regardless of:

-- Your current budget
-- Your real estate experience
-- Your market location

... because you can run it for as little as $1 a day
and Facebook is everywhere.

Got it?


If you don't know HOW to do this...

.... save your seat for this special web class I'm
hosting next week that will show you how,
button-by-button, so you can deploy this
method immediately.

As you'll see:

This is much, much easier than any other kind
of real estate marketing or lead generation I've

Especially once I show you how it's mostly
automated (most of it is one-time work up

The only thing standing between you
and this opportunity
is deciding to spend
90 minutes on my free step-by-step web class
so you get in front of homeowners who absolutely
need your help.

If you're a reliable, professional, dependable
agent... then it's your duty to your market to
be the agent they use to sell their homes.

You have the answers and solution to many
people's pain right now.

It's your responsibility to get in front of them
and show them you can help.


P.S. a mentor of mine once taught me the
"pain killer" principle of marketing...

... it's a lot easier to sell a pain killer pill to
someone with a pounding headache or
tooth ache...

... than to sell a vitamin supplement to someone
not in any pain.



And right now many homeowners are going
into pain. (many more to come).

You're their "pain killer".

Use this precise method to demonstrate to
them why that is so they call you for help.

P.P.S. this 2-Punch Combo works for ANY
niche you focus on...

Not just NODs.

So think:

-- FSBOs
-- Expireds
-- Empty Nesters
-- Move Up Buyers
-- Corporate Relo's
-- Employees of specific companies
-- People in a specific job industry you relate to well
-- Waterfront property
-- Condo buildings
-- Golf course communities
-- Probate
-- Divorces

... the list goes on and on.

Any niche you can buy a list of email addresses
or tel phone numbers for can be reached with
this method.

Really think about the implications of this for
your business in 2024 (and beyond)...

... and go here now to save your seat for my free
web class so you can see how easy this can
be to quickly get more clients and sales.

Listing Academy, LLC​

This ad = 11 CMA requests

Want the 1 free ad we run to bring in 11 CMA requests per month?

Backstory: My team took a record 114 listings in 1 year with this playbook.

Naturally, agents want to know our "secret".

"The secret?" we always reply... "There isn't one."

Think about it... any agent can take 50+ listings per year, IF they get enough quality listing leads.

We don't get listing leads from any of the usual sources – Zillow, expireds, FB ads, divorce, absentee, etc.

Too expensive, and requires too many follow up calls.

Instead we post 1 braindead simple ad in 3 different places.

Results? This ad brings in 11 CMA requests per month like clockwork. Which usually equals 6 signed listings.

Our total cost? $0.00.

All we do is rinse and repeat each week.

I'm sharing the entire process during a free webinar tomorrow -> Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads

Tues July 30 @ 12:00pm Eastern

Space is limited to 250 seats, so you'll need to register.

Plus if you register you'll get:

  • Our copy/paste ad template
  • Free Beta access to our newest app
  • 24-hour replay access


This webinar will fill up. We already have 265 agents registered since we announced.

Show up on time ready to learn how to book 11 listing appointments per month.

See you there!

-Chris Jones