Friday, August 16, 2024

Special Address: NAR Settlement (replay + cheatsheet)

Yesterday, my brother Levi and I did a special address. We covered everything we're doing to comply with the NAR settlement that goes into full effect tomorrow.

We're also letting you download the pre-touring agreement we are using. And I walked you through how we'll use that doc to close a TON more business.

If you missed the webinar, or you want to watch it again, here's the replay link...

💻 Special Address: NAR Settlement (Replay)
Fast forward and rewind enabled. Link expires in 48 hours.

If you have any questions about all this stuff, feel free to hit reply on this email.


-Chris Jones

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Special Address: NAR Settlement (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I share how to capitalize on the Aug 17 practice changes to close more business.

"Special Address: NAR Settlement 2024"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Okay, the NAR settlement...


I'm going live in a few hours to discuss the NAR Settlement stuff.

I'm sharing the actual resources I'll be using to be compliant on August 17, and I'll be giving them away for free.

And I'll cover how we're capitalizing on the settlement to close a ton of new business.

Want to join? You have to register. 👇

🖥️ Special Address: The NAR Settlement
Thursday, August 15 @ 12:00PM Eastern

Looking forward to it!

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Facebook Upcirculating Playbook (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I share a FB post you can post for free to get 59 new client leads in <30 days.

"Facebook Upcirculating Playbook"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

👇 All the tools/apps you need (100% free)
👇 The entire Upcirculating playbook
👇 Replay access for 24hrs


-Chris Jones

Facebook post that attracted $1.2M buyer

Recently, I posted a "facebook post" to my personal page that brought in 59 client leads, including a $1.2M buyer.

This wasn't a fluke. I didn't get lucky.

It was the result of a well-crafted facebook strategy that my team has been perfecting for the last 12 months.

Now we're ready to share it.

No ads, no marketplace, no huge friends list, no long waits.

All you need is a facebook account, my copy/paste post, and my "Upcirculating" playbook.

It takes <1hr to implement and your results will flood in over the next 24 hours.

I'm sharing the entire process in a free webinar later today.

Webinar: Facebook Upcirculating Playbook
Wednesday, August 14 @ 12:00PM Eastern

This is my #1 strategy to get a new client signing in <24 hours.

And it's not a one-off hack. You can rinse and repeat 1-2x per month to keep the clients flowing in.

There's only 250 seats available today, so you have to register.


Here's what you'll get for attending...

  1. Simple breakdown of the strategy
  2. The copy/paste facebook post
  3. Where, when, and how to post
  4. Replay access for 48 hours

Hope to see you there!

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

This FB post = 59 client leads

We recently stumbled upon a specific Facebook post that you can use to generate 59 leads per month.

It's not an ad. It's NOT marketplace.

It's a regular timeline post on your personal account.

And it KILLS!

I just ran this a few weeks ago. The post brought me 59 client leads, including a $1.2M buyer.

We call it the "Facebook Upcirculating Playbook".

You don't need a huge friends list or lots of engagement. Any dusty old Facebook account will work. (I hadn't been active on Facebook in 11 months when I tested the post above.)

Want to see how it works?

I'm sharing the entire playbook, including the copy/paste post, in a free webinar tomorrow.

Webinar: Facebook Upcirculating Playbook
Wednesday, August 13 @ 12:00PM Eastern

We've helped hundreds of solo agents successfully run this strategy across North America with a 100% success rate.

Now we're finally ready to share it with our audience -- you.

There's only 250 seats available today, so you have to register.


Here's what you'll get for attending...

  1. The copy/paste facebook post
  2. Where, when, and how to post
  3. Replay access for 48 hours

Hope to see you there!

-Chris Jones

Monday, August 12, 2024


Meet Stuart Sutton...

  1. Real estate agent in Texas
  2. Was already running his own marketing
  3. Current marketing wasn't getting the results he needed
  4. Specifically he wanted to get more listings
  5. Needed something quick to get results

​Saw my program, hired me to help.

Problem: was running marketing that wasn't producing the number of listings he was looking to get.

Here's how it worked:

  1. He recorded his first video script from me - which I gave him "word for word"
  2. Loaded up his target niche into a spreadsheet (he is going after acreage listings - homes with sizable properties)
  3. Got the spreadsheet loaded up into his Facebook Ads Manager as a Custom Audience
  4. Launched the first video as an ad to his list (Custom Audience)

Result: He cashed $42,000.00+ in commission checks within 60 days...

Unlike what most "coaches" and "marketers" will tell you, you actually don't have to spend $10,000 a month on marketing to get steady new listings.

There's a radically different way that costs way less money and takes way less time to get results. And if you do it this way, you can get just as good results as the "big names" selling $10,000 a month services.

My goal right now is to jump-start listing & commission flow for 10 agents in the next 30 days.

Just like Stuart did thanks to my simple, yet powerful strategy I helped him execute.

Want me to do the same for you?

Here is how it works:

  1. Let me know you want to be one of my 10 next case studies in the next 30 days
  2. We'll get on a quick call to go over details
  3. If all sounds good, we'll get you enrolled
  4. I'll send you the first video script - and you record it on your phone
  5. We launch the first ad, and while it's running you'll record another 4 videos for me (using my word for word scripts)

Plus, I'll even guarantee that, when you enroll in this done for you program, you'll get signed listings or you don't pay.

So, here's the deal.

Normally this is $5,000 to get started with.

But right now, for the first 10 agents who are a good fit and get enrolled, here's what we're gonna do:

It's only $980 to get enrolled and started...

And you only pay the remaining $4,020.00 AFTER you get 5 signed listings. Until you get 5 signed listings, you don't owe another penny.

And if you don't get at least 1 signed listing in the first 45 days, you can cancel and get your initial $980 refunded.

So you've got nothing to lose.

Enrollment closes when these 10 spots are filled.

Opposed to learning how this listing method could work for you?

Hit REPLY to this email and say "DFY - I'm In".

And we'll get on a call to:

  1. Answer any questions you have
  2. Map out your launch
  3. Set expectations for what kind of results you can expect

Talk soon...


PS - this bargain price of $980 for a done-for-you program is only available because I'm on a laser-focused mission to create fresh case studies in the 30 days for my business... so my motivation is your opportunity.

Like I said, normally this is $5,000. But you can get enrolled now for $980 and you don't owe the remaining $4,020 unless (and AFTER) you get 5 signed listings.

Tired of the "rat race"?

Tired of the "real estate rat race"?

You know what I'm talking about:

- Constantly chasing after leads
- Hounding your sphere for referrals
- Taking overpriced junk listings
- Getting beat up by jerk sellers

Well, my friend Allyson and her team discovered the most foolproof method to list 5-6 luxury homes every month

And she is sharing her secret with you.

In this free webinar, Allyson is showing you how to:

1. Get noticed by high-end home sellers
2. Build trust and rapport to get a steady stream of leads
3. Take 5-6 LUXURY Listings every month

Register here:

-Chris Jones

P.S. - Be sure to sign up soon because spots are limited and filling up fast.

Ready to Level Up? Join Our Online Real Estate Mastermind TOMORROW!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Are You Confused About the Industry Changes?