Real estate friends,
I remember the date specifically.
It was Thursday November 6th, 2014 when I decided to never take a listing appointment again. It completely terrified me.
I spent my time instead going on 5-15 agent appointments a week I generated from the job boards, videos to agents, and referrals from vendors.
I went on the recruiting appointments and Fred handled the training. We gave all the new hires a Boomtown account on a 55/45 spit (with a transaction fee) and told them to get to work with our guidance.
We added 20 agents in about a year and grew our business from 160 to 382 deals. It completely changed our lives making the decision to train others how to sell real estate instead of doing it all ourselves.
I was willing to take less money for a few years to step off the transaction treadmill – and we did it. I just needed to find people with the motivation to make calls who had a real estate license and a willingness to learn and be mentored. They also needed to be tech savvy and not a jerk. Give me that person and I can plug you into what we have here and make you money.
What you see with Next Level Agents is an extension of my initial recruiting strategy - building a permission-based list of agents, sending you helpful stuff, and earning your trust to speak to us when you're thinking about selling more real estate, or changing brokerages to eXp (for obvious reasons, like stock options, 80/20 splits, $16,000 cap – but I digress).
It's an attraction-based strategy without any cold calls necessary from us to "pound the phones" interrupting you all day to pitch you.
Our passive income is now well into the mid six figures a year – we would likely die on a listing presentation (or driving there) if we had to do all that work selling houses. We did this in 4 years; you can do it too.
Anyway, the reason I write you is to think about what it would be like if you too had a handful of agents on your team that successfully sold 2-3 homes a month. You would just lead them and provide them with leads (or show up and lead them to prospect if you don't provide leads).
The key is finding agents in your area who don't know you from Adam to earn your trust, see you as a leader, and take an appointment with you with an open mind. And you'll need to go on a lot of appointments like that to find agents that stick around with you who actually sell homes.
This requires a recruiting marketing system – and there's one I highly recommend that Frank Klesitz at Vyral Marketing puts out. He takes you through an implementation project that starts in January 2021 and you can get the 200+ page, 24 lesson workbook for free.
Get the 200+ page agent recruiting workbook here.
No, he did not pay me to put this here.
It's the same strategy we used to grow our team. We started an agent training newsletter (now the NLA Facebook Group), drove agents to our workshops and seminars (or big conferences like NLALive), and then to one-on-one meetings when you know us and trust us.
From there, we offer agents to join our team, or now eXp, since our reach is (gasp!) worldwide. It all depends on your needs and goals, but you have to give before you can get. That's why we put out so much free stuff for you.
If in 2021 you're looking to up your recruiting game, I invite you to check out what Frank has to offer. I'm not paid anything for the recommendation, except he helps us out with our agent marketing from time to time – in addition to doing our past client and sphere marketing on their core marketing program with videos.
Questions on recruiting? Hit me up. I'll share my tips to do it well.
Have a great week,
Kevin Kauffman
Next Level Agents 4450 S. Rural Rd Building D Tempe, AZ 85282 United States | Unsubscribe | | | |