Saturday, March 11, 2023

Can we schedule a call?

Hey ..

Looks like you may have been trying to book a free 45-minute strategy call from my email yesterday.

I wanted to check in and see if we could get something on the books, so we could connect.

You can pick a time on my calendar here:

Please let me know if you don't see a time that works for you so we can accomodate your schedule. 

Real Agents Work!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Quick hack for Trulia/Redfin/

Want to see the app I use to get clients from Trulia, Redfin, and (It's free.)

I just used it to add a direct call to action to 1 of my listings.

It takes 5 minutes, and I already got a new buyer client from it!

Here I screen recorded the whole process.

Click here to watch and get the app (<8min)


-Chris Jones

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Meet Michael Smith...

  1. Real estate agent in South Carolina
  2. Spent a bunch of money on buying leads that didn't pan out
  3. Was spending hours "prospecting" with no engagement
  4. Referrals had dried up, sphere went oddly quiet
  5. Needed something quick to get results

Saw my program, hired me to help.

Problem: was at a standstill with no momentum and budget was running thin.

Here's how it worked:

  1. He recorded his first video script from me - which I gave him "word for word"
  2. Loaded up his entire SOI into a spreadsheet (including all those leads he bought with the expensive marketing)
  3. We got the spreadsheet loaded up into his Facebook Ads Manager as a Custom Audience
  4. Launched the first video as an ad to his list for $5/day

Result: He cashed $28,000.00+ in commission checks within 61 days...

Unlike what most "coaches" and "marketers" will tell you, you actually don't have to spend $10,000 a month on marketing to get steady new listings. There's a radically different way that costs way less money and takes way less time to get results. It's called Pixel Prospecting and Social Signaling. And if you do it this way, you can get just as good results as the "big names" selling $10,000 a month services.

My goal right now is to jump-start listing flow for 30 agents in 30 days.

Just like Michael did thanks to my simple, yet powerful strategy I helped him execute.

Want me to do the same for you?

Here is how it works:

  1. Let me know you want to be one of my 30 case studies in the next 30 days
  2. We'll get on a quick call to go over details
  3. If all sounds good, I'll send you an enrollment link so you can process payment
  4. I'll send you the first video script - and you record it and send it back
  5. We launch Phase I
  6. While that's running, you'll record 7 more video scripts for me and I'll launch Phase II and Phase III
  7. We will have all 3 phases launched within 21 days or less

Plus, I'll even guarantee that, when you enroll in this done for you program, I will have Phase I up and running for you within 7 days!

So, here's the deal.

It's only $980 to have me build everything for you.

Comes with a guarantee.

Enrollment closes when all 30 spots are filled. 7 are filled. 9 are spoken for. That leaves 14 spots.

Opposed to learning how this listing method could work for you?

Hit REPLY to this email and say "DFY - I'm In".

And we'll get on a call to:

  1. Answer any questions you have
  2. Map out your launch
  3. Set expectations for what kind of results you can expect

Talk soon...


PS - this bargain price of $980 for a done-for-you program is only available because I'm on a laser-focused mission to create 30 fresh case studies in 30 days for my business... so my motivation is your opportunity.

Let's get listings!





Meet Michael Smith...

  1. Real estate agent in South Carolina
  2. Spent a bunch of money on buying leads that didn't pan out
  3. Was spending hours "prospecting" with no engagement
  4. Referrals had dried up, sphere went oddly quiet
  5. Needed something quick to get results

Saw my program, hired me to help.

Problem: was at a standstill with no momentum and budget was running thin.

Here's how it worked:

  1. He recorded his first video script from me - which I gave him "word for word"
  2. Loaded up his entire SOI into a spreadsheet (including all those leads he bought with the expensive marketing)
  3. We got the spreadsheet loaded up into his Facebook Ads Manager as a Custom Audience
  4. Launched the first video as an ad to his list for $5/day

Result: He cashed $28,000.00+ in commission checks within 61 days...

Unlike what most "coaches" and "marketers" will tell you, you actually don't have to spend $10,000 a month on marketing to get steady new listings. There's a radically different way that costs way less money and takes way less time to get results. It's called Pixel Prospecting and Social Signaling. And if you do it this way, you can get just as good results as the "big names" selling $10,000 a month services.

My goal right now is to jump-start listing flow for 30 agents in 30 days.

Just like Michael did thanks to my simple, yet powerful strategy I helped him execute.

Want me to do the same for you?

Here is how it works:

  1. Let me know you want to be one of my 30 case studies in the next 30 days
  2. We'll get on a quick call to go over details
  3. If all sounds good, I'll send you an enrollment link so you can process payment
  4. I'll send you the first video script - and you record it and send it back
  5. We launch Phase I
  6. While that's running, you'll record 7 more video scripts for me and I'll launch Phase II and Phase III
  7. We will have all 3 phases launched within 21 days or less

Plus, I'll even guarantee that, when you enroll in this done for you program, I will have Phase I up and running for you within 7 days!

So, here's the deal.

It's only $980 to have me build everything for you.

Comes with a guarantee.

Enrollment closes when all 30 spots are filled. 7 are filled. 9 are spoken for. That leaves 14 spots.

Opposed to learning how this listing method could work for you?

Hit REPLY to this email and say "DFY - I'm In".

And we'll get on a call to:

  1. Answer any questions you have
  2. Map out your launch
  3. Set expectations for what kind of results you can expect

Talk soon...


PS - this bargain price of $980 for a done-for-you program is only available because I'm on a laser-focused mission to create 30 fresh case studies in 30 days for my business... so my motivation is your opportunity.

Let's get listings!




Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Discover the Secret to Skyrocket Your Real Estate Business!

Are you tired of spending countless hours and dollars on marketing tactics that don't bring you the results you want?

Are you struggling to get more listing leads and appointments despite your hard work and effort?

If yes, then I have some great news for you...

I've discovered a secret method that could skyrocket your real estate business and transform your sales like never before. And I want to share it with you in an on-demand webinar training.

This is not your average webinar training.

This is an exclusive opportunity for ambitious real estate agents like you to discover the secret to growing your business in record time.

This secret method is so powerful that it could change the way you do business forever, just like it did for Michael and Jeff:

CASE STUDY #1: $28,000+ In Commissions in 61 Days

CASE STUDY #2: $32,000+ In Commissions in 3 Months...

Want to be next?

During this exclusive on-demand webinar training, you will learn:

  • The hidden secret behind getting more listing leads and appointments with less work and money than most common marketing methods require.
  • The proven method for connecting with potential sellers and building relationships that lead to more appointments and sales.
  • Time-saving tips for managing your listings and appointments more efficiently, so you can focus on what you do best – helping your clients buy and sell their homes.

But that's not all....

By attending this exclusive webinar training, you will also get:

  • Access to industry insights that have successfully grown real estate businesses using this secret method.
  • The opportunity to see advanced marketing moves other ambitious real estate agents are making right now to add $200K - $500K in 2023
  • The simple method that is the #1 source of new business for a team that does 400+ deals a year in Arizona ... and how they're spending only $5 a day on it!

This is your chance to discover the secret to skyrocket your real estate business and take it to new heights.

But this on-demand webinar is being taken down soon and this exclusive opportunity won't be available forever.

So, if you're ready to transform your real estate business and skyrocket your sales, click on the link below to watch this on-demand webinar training now:

Click Here Watch The On-Demand Training​

This is your chance to discover a secret that most real estate agents will never know.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to change your life and your business forever.

Speak Soon,




Discover the Secret to Skyrocket Your Real Estate Business!

Are you tired of spending countless hours and dollars on marketing tactics that don't bring you the results you want?

Are you struggling to get more listing leads and appointments despite your hard work and effort?

If yes, then I have some great news for you...

I've discovered a secret method that could skyrocket your real estate business and transform your sales like never before. And I want to share it with you in an on-demand webinar training.

This is not your average webinar training.

This is an exclusive opportunity for ambitious real estate agents like you to discover the secret to growing your business in record time.

This secret method is so powerful that it could change the way you do business forever, just like it did for Michael and Jeff:

CASE STUDY #1: $28,000+ In Commissions in 61 Days

CASE STUDY #2: $32,000+ In Commissions in 3 Months...

Want to be next?

During this exclusive on-demand webinar training, you will learn:

  • The hidden secret behind getting more listing leads and appointments with less work and money than most common marketing methods require.
  • The proven method for connecting with potential sellers and building relationships that lead to more appointments and sales.
  • Time-saving tips for managing your listings and appointments more efficiently, so you can focus on what you do best – helping your clients buy and sell their homes.

But that's not all....

By attending this exclusive webinar training, you will also get:

  • Access to industry insights that have successfully grown real estate businesses using this secret method.
  • The opportunity to see advanced marketing moves other ambitious real estate agents are making right now to add $200K - $500K in 2023
  • The simple method that is the #1 source of new business for a team that does 400+ deals a year in Arizona ... and how they're spending only $5 a day on it!

This is your chance to discover the secret to skyrocket your real estate business and take it to new heights.

But this on-demand webinar is being taken down soon and this exclusive opportunity won't be available forever.

So, if you're ready to transform your real estate business and skyrocket your sales, click on the link below to watch this on-demand webinar training now:

Click Here Watch The On-Demand Training​

This is your chance to discover a secret that most real estate agents will never know.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to change your life and your business forever.

Speak Soon,




Tuesday, March 7, 2023

STARTING NOW: $5/day Listing Getting Strategy

Hey, starting today's LIVE training now:

"Simple $5 a Day Strategy for Getting Listings Quickly"

Click here to join now:

See you in a minute...




Classified ads to get listings (replay + cheat sheet)

Three quick things...

Thing #1

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled Limitless Listing Leads.

In it, I shared a simple classified ad we run (for free) to get 12 listing appointments per month.

💻 Limitless Listing Leads (Replay)

It's available for 24 hours only. Feel free to fast forward and rewind!

Thing #2

Want the cheat sheet? It includes an outline of today's webinar, plus links to all the resources you'll need to get started.

📝 Download the cheat sheet (Google Doc)

Thing #3

Want to get started immediately?

We are "sold out" of demo slots for the foreseeable future, but you can get instant access to ALL of our playbooks when you sign up for Pipeline Pro Tools.

If you don't want to wait... feel free to get Pro Tools without a demo. You're covered by a 100% risk-free guarantee.

🛒 Get Pro Tools now

Enter code "BULLETPROOF" at checkout to claim your no-brainer bonuses. Code works with Annual plan only.


-Chris Jones

Simple $5 a Day Strategy for Getting Listings Quickly

If you're looking to dramatically increase your listing business, then you're in luck.

I've got some exciting news for you...

Imagine being able to secure three to four new listings within 60 days or less, using a simple and effective strategy that works regardless of your market, budget or experience level...

... and this strategy keeps on working to get more listings with very little additional work.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, it's not.

In fact, there's a team in Arizona that's doing 400+ deals per year and their #1 source of new listing business is this same simple strategy.

And the best part?

They're only spending $5 per day on it.

Even better, it works for agents who don't have a big business already:

CASE STUDY #1: $28,000+ In Commissions in 61 Days

CASE STUDY #2: $32,000+ In Commissions in 3 Months...

Want to be next?

I'm hosting a short 25-minute live training today at 6pm eastern, where I'm gonna break down exactly how these agents achieved such incredible results.

And the good news is, you can do it too.

Just click the button below to access this live webinar training and discover the step-by-step approach that these agents used to achieve such stunning results.

Save Your Seat Here

After attending the training you can immediately apply this powerful strategy to your business right away.

Don't wait any longer to start generating more listings and growing your business.

Click the button below and reserve your seat for this free live training today:

Yes, Show Me How To Do This!

See you at 6pm eastern today...

Speak soon,
Andrey :-)




Attention All Real Estate Agents:

Attention all real estate agents:

If you're looking to dramatically increase your listing business, then you're in luck.

I've got some exciting news for you...

Imagine being able to secure three to four new listings within 60 days or less, using a simple and effective strategy that works regardless of your market, budget or experience level...

... and this strategy keeps on working to get more listings with very little additional work.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, it's not.

In fact, there's a team in Arizona that's doing 400+ deals per year and their #1 source of new listing business is this same simple strategy.

And the best part?

They're only spending $5 per day on it.

Even better, it works for agents who don't have a big business already:

CASE STUDY #1: $28,000+ In Commissions in 61 Days

CASE STUDY #2: $32,000+ In Commissions in 3 Months...

Want to be next?

I'm hosting a short 25-minute live training today at 6pm eastern, where I'm gonna break down exactly how these agents achieved such incredible results.

And the good news is, you can do it too.

Just click the button below to access this live webinar training and discover the step-by-step approach that these agents used to achieve such stunning results.

Save Your Seat Here

After attending the training you can immediately apply this powerful strategy to your business right away.

Don't wait any longer to start generating more listings and growing your business.

Click the button below and reserve your seat for this free live training today:

Yes, Show Me How To Do This!

See you at 6pm eastern today...

Speak soon,
Andrey ;-)




