Saturday, March 4, 2023

Advanced Real Estate Marketing Moves for Adding $350K Per Year

Let me ask you a question...


Is it just me or does it seem like either everything is going right, the wind is in your sails, and you're winning big... or every single little thing is going wrong and getting any sort of breakthrough is like pushing a giant boulder up a hill?

I've learned the life-blood of real estate agents is "momentum".

If you do nothing else but simply 2x, 3x, or 4x your deal flow...

... I bet most of your problems would go away, right?

I've heard the saying "money isn't the thing that truly matters".

But I can tell you this from personal experience:

"Money impacts everything that does truly matter".

And the single biggest cure for any real estate agent's money woes is momentum.

So, to help with this, I'm hosting a LIVE webinar tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific during which I'm going to share:

  • Advanced marketing moves ANY agent can use to add $150k, $250K, even $350K per year
  • While working LESS and getting more FREE TIME back so you can enjoy life
  • WITHOUT signing up for expensive monthly "lead services"

This is a BRAND NEW training with content I usually reserve for paying students and clients only...

... but I'm sharing it tomorrow (Sunday) so you can see what's possible:

Get Momentum: Advanced Real Estate Marketing Moves for Adding $350K Per Year

I promise this training will be unlike anything you've attended in a loooong time...

... because if you've been on any of my trainings before, you already know I always bring the goods and deliver game-changing insights for real estate agents.

Please be there tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm eastern time.

Register Here.

Speak Soon,
Andrey :-)

PS - for agents who want to move fast and get more listings quickly, tomorrow I'm unveiling a "done-for-you" program that guarantee of 5 listing appointments in the first 90 days.

However I will say this: it is very expensive and not for everyone.

And I'm making only 3 spots available. But if you want to grow quickly and are ready to play to win, then be there live so you can secure one of the 3 spots I'm opening.

And the content I'll be teaching tomorrow is what we're doing in the done-for-you program... so come see for yourself what is working so well that I can offer a guarantee of 5 listing appointments within 90 days.

Regardless whether you are able to get into the done-for-you program or not ... you can still take what you learn tomorrow and use it to quickly get momentum and grow your income.

Save Your Seat to the "Get Momentum" Training Here




Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 1627 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Friday, March 3, 2023

Don't procrastinate... (because this gets listings)

No matter what, you're stuck getting new business, right?

Here's what I mean:

If you don't have clients listing and buying with you, you don't have commissions. No commissions, big problems.

So no matter what:

You're always "stuck" having to get new business.

Since that is set in stone...

... then the game for us agents is:

"How can I get more business, consistently and predictably?"

For most agents, the answer is:

  • Invest a lot of time into "manual labor" type efforts like "circle prospecting" and so forth
  • Invest a lot of money into big marketing pushes and hope it works out
  • Spend a lot of money on buying leads and doing your best to work them consistently
  • Take as much massive action as you can think of - even if it's not the best ideas or strategies, doing something is better than doing nothing... right?


What if I told you there is a much better way?

Because there is.

In fact, the richest agents are the ones who figure out how to get new business consistently and predictably...

... by figuring out better methods and strategies than the ones most agents are stuck doing because they just don't know of a better way.

Now there is a better way.

A MUCH better way...

... to get new business consistently and predictably.

And this recording shows you exactly how you can do that.

For example, in this recording you're gonna see how you can:

  • Accomplish a full month's worth of prospecting in 3-5 hours a month (yes, really!)
  • Get 30:1 leverage over other agents in your market while spending a FRACTION of what they're spending
  • Cut through the clutter and stand out in your market IMMEDIATELY so prospects see you as a credible authority on real estate
  • Create a surge of momentum in leads and listing appointments within a couple weeks while DOING LESS and SPENDING LESS than you probably ever have before...

This is just the tip of the iceberg though, when it comes to "what's possible" when you figure out a better way of playing the game of getting new business.

Because like I said earlier:

We're all stuck having to get new business.

So might as well learn the best way to do it, so you can get the most success... right?

So don't procrastinate on watching this on-demand webinar recording... because it works to get listings really well...

Click HERE To Watch This Listing Break-Through Now!

Andrey :-)




STARTING NOW: 5 "Stupid Simple Secrets" for Getting More Listings Quickly

Firing up the Zoom room now:

Like I said earlier:

Don't get left behind and miss out on learning about the technology shifts happening right now in the real estate industry that will setup agents "in-the-know" to mint small fortunes while working less and doing less than most other agents.

I want you to SEE and KNOW what is possible...

.... so you don't have to be stuck struggling in the "salt mines" with hours of prospecting, buying expensive leads, chasing prospects, and so forth...

Join me now for this quick mini training - we should wrap up in 30 minutes or less.





5 "Stupid Simple Secrets" for Quickly Getting More Listings


I see so many good-hearted, high-quality agents struggling in the "salt mines" of real estate to get new business...

... and the harsh truth is because they're suffering from a hidden constraint.

See, when I ask agents:

"Hey, what's the most important factor for your success?"

I get all kinds of answers...

"Leads"... "Marketing"... "Systems"... "Coaching"... "Work Ethic"... "Consistency"... and the list goes on....

But none of those actually increase your success.

All they do is increase your POTENTIAL for success.

The #1 factor for your success is "Constraints".

Specifically: "Hidden Constraints".

When you find your hidden constraints and remove them - you suddenly have an EXPLOSION of ACTUAL RESULTS.


Because all that POTENTIAL you built up through all the other things is finally no longer being canceled out by "hidden constraints".


One of the single biggest hidden constraints in an agent's business is:

Not knowing how to get leverage on your time and money.

Imagine if there was a way to turn time-consuming strategies (like "prospecting") into automated, leveraged systems that run on auto-pilot and bring in results...

Imagine if there was a way to follow up with a prospect 5-15 times within a couple weeks WITHOUT ever picking up the phone, sending an email, or hiring an ISA...

Imagine if there was a way to be seen "everywhere" by a prospect or lead WITHOUT you ever calling, texting, emailing them or chasing them... and they come to you ready to do business...

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, when you don't know how to set something like this up, it sounds too good to be true...

But for agents watching my content recently, you're discovering now only is it possible ...

But it's actually pretty easy too!

Today at 5pm Eastern / 2pm Pacific I'm hosting a LIVE, impromptu Zoom call so I can show you 5 "Stupid Simple Secrets" for Getting More Listings Quickly

We are just gonna go straight to my white-board... and I'm gonna spend about 30 minutes (or less) showing you 5 simple listing-getting plays you can run RIGHT NOW that will seem ridiculously easy...

So PLEASE do not miss out on this...

Because I want to help as many agents as possible get out of the "real estate salt mines" that so many struggle in...

Here's the zoom link:

Be there at 5pm eastern / 2pm pacific.

See you in a few hours...





Don't procrastinate... (because this gets listings)

No matter what, you're stuck getting new business, right?

Here's what I mean:

If you don't have clients listing and buying with you, you don't have commissions. No commissions, big problems.

So no matter what:

You're always "stuck" having to get new business.

Since that is set in stone...

... then the game for us agents is:

"How can I get more business, consistently and predictably?"

For most agents, the answer is:

  • Invest a lot of time into "manual labor" type efforts like "circle prospecting" and so forth
  • Invest a lot of money into big marketing pushes and hope it works out
  • Spend a lot of money on buying leads and doing your best to work them consistently
  • Take as much massive action as you can think of - even if it's not the best ideas or strategies, doing something is better than doing nothing... right?


What if I told you there is a much better way?

Because there is.

In fact, the richest agents are the ones who figure out how to get new business consistently and predictably...

... by figuring out better methods and strategies than the ones most agents are stuck doing because they just don't know of a better way.

Now there is a better way.

A MUCH better way...

... to get new business consistently and predictably.

And this recording shows you exactly how you can do that.

For example, in this recording you're gonna see how you can:

  • Accomplish a full month's worth of prospecting in 3-5 hours a month (yes, really!)
  • Get 30:1 leverage over other agents in your market while spending a FRACTION of what they're spending
  • Cut through the clutter and stand out in your market IMMEDIATELY so prospects see you as a credible authority on real estate
  • Create a surge of momentum in leads and listing appointments within a couple weeks while DOING LESS and SPENDING LESS than you probably ever have before...

This is just the tip of the iceberg though, when it comes to "what's possible" when you figure out a better way of playing the game of getting new business.

Because like I said earlier:

We're all stuck having to get new business.

So might as well learn the best way to do it, so you can get the most success... right?

So don't procrastinate on watching this on-demand webinar recording... because it works to get listings really well...

Click HERE To Watch This Listing Break-Through Now!

Andrey :-)




Thursday, March 2, 2023

3 Advanced Marketing Moves for Getting Listings

Okie dokie...

So dang near half the spots for the Modern Listing System (MLS) Bootcamp I offered at the end of the workshop today got filled...

I haven't had that kind of response on a webinar workshop in loooong time ... so I know this is really resonating with everyone.

And i'm not surprised because today I took the workshop in a different direction by diving into 3 Advanced Marketing Moves I normally reserve for paying students only...

If you want to see what they are, watch this replay while it's available.

(I'm taking it down at the end of the weekend).

You can use what you see on the webinar to add 3-5 listings per month quickly to your current production...


  • spending hours of prospecting
  • chasing prospects and leads
  • buying expensive leads
  • being an aggressive or pushy sales person

If you're actively working on getting listings, you really need to see this...

Watch the 3 Advanced Marketing Moves Now!

Andrey :-)




STARTING NOW: Modern Listing System (MLS)

We're going LIVE right now with today's listing break-through training:

Modern Listing System (MLS): Add 3-5 Listings Per Month Quickly WITHOUT Hours of Prospecting or Chasing

Get your spot while we are filling up!


PS - if you missed the earlier email about this, here it is again:

Hey it's Andrey...

This is going to knock your socks off!

It's a new and very different marketing method that generates daily new listing leads. And weekly listing appointments. Predictably.

And it works regardless of your budget... regardless of your market... and regardless of your competition.

It's called the Modern Listing System (MLS)

And you can now learn how to use it in the brand new FREE WORKSHOP you can find here...

==> Click here to check it out.

It has NOTHING to do with any new software, whizbang sales funnel model, or the latest marketing fad.

And it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the common listing generation methods being taught.

Andrey :-)

Modern Listing System (MLS) Starts In 1 HOUR!

Just a quick reminder that today's LIVE workshop starts in less than 1 hour... we go live at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific.

Modern Listing System (MLS): Add 3-5 Listings Per Month Quickly WITHOUT Hours of Prospecting or Chasing

See you on the call shortly!


PS - if you missed the earlier email about this, here it is again:

Hey it's Andrey...

This is going to knock your socks off!

It's a new and very different marketing method that generates daily new listing leads. And weekly listing appointments. Predictably.

And it works regardless of your budget... regardless of your market... and regardless of your competition.

It's called the Modern Listing System (MLS)

And you can now learn how to use it in the brand new FREE WORKSHOP you can find here...

==> Click here to check it out.

It has NOTHING to do with any new software, whizbang sales funnel model, or the latest marketing fad.

And it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the common listing generation methods being taught.

Andrey :-)




Why Today's Workshop Is a Listing BREAK-THROUGH!

Hey, it's Andrey here...

Here is a short 3 minute video that shares why today's workshop at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific could be your listing break-through for this year and beyond...

Watch The Video Now

Meanwhile, don't forget:

The Modern Listing System (MLS) Workshop is a LIVE training I'm hosting today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific...

If you want more steady listings, then don't miss this...

Save Your Seat Here

Speak Soon,




Wednesday, March 1, 2023

FREE: Modern Listing System (MLS) Training

Hey it's Andrey...

This is going to knock your socks off!

It's a new and very different marketing method that generates daily new listing leads. And weekly listing appointments. Predictably.

And it works regardless of your budget... regardless of your market... and regardless of your competition.

It's called the Modern Listing System (MLS)

And you can now learn how to use it in the brand new FREE WORKSHOP you can find here...

==> Click here to check it out.

It has NOTHING to do with any new software, whizbang sales funnel model, or the latest marketing fad.

And it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the common listing generation methods being taught.

Andrey :-)


