Thursday, March 2, 2023

3 Advanced Marketing Moves for Getting Listings

Okie dokie...

So dang near half the spots for the Modern Listing System (MLS) Bootcamp I offered at the end of the workshop today got filled...

I haven't had that kind of response on a webinar workshop in loooong time ... so I know this is really resonating with everyone.

And i'm not surprised because today I took the workshop in a different direction by diving into 3 Advanced Marketing Moves I normally reserve for paying students only...

If you want to see what they are, watch this replay while it's available.

(I'm taking it down at the end of the weekend).

You can use what you see on the webinar to add 3-5 listings per month quickly to your current production...


  • spending hours of prospecting
  • chasing prospects and leads
  • buying expensive leads
  • being an aggressive or pushy sales person

If you're actively working on getting listings, you really need to see this...

Watch the 3 Advanced Marketing Moves Now!

Andrey :-)




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