Hey all, All month we are going to be walking you through the listing approach we used to list 114 homes in a single year--all at 8% in a market where 6% is the norm. And while netting our customers more money and selling them in half the average DOM. But before we dive into the approach, it's important to lay some groundwork. There are a number of common listing myths circling the industry. We see them on the internet, from the old-timers in the office, and even hear them from agents we consider to be on their game. We can't share with you a new way to list a property without unraveling some of these myths. Myth #1 "You have to list to last" The most common piece of "wisdom" I learned when I first became an agent was that "you have to list to last". And while the listing side of the business has its upsides, we can't see any reason why our very survival is predicated upon listing homes. So we began asking the old-timers why we needed to "list to last". And we basically got variations of the same three reasons to list homes: 1) to get leads; 2) to build our visibility by always having signs in yards (so I could get leads); and 3) to give us freedom to work our own schedule and not be continually at the mercy of a buyer's schedule. It wasn't exactly a surprise, but the bottom line is that there are only two reasons to focus on listings in real estate: 1) to get more customers and 2) to have freedom. So if you can solve the "more customers" problem and gain more freedom by some other method (building a team, cherry picking leads, etc.), you may never list another home, yet still do very well. Myth #2 "The CMA is the most important part of the listing presentation" While you will certainly want to do your best to prepare an accurate property valuation, your CMA isn't the most important part of your listing presentation. The reason that the CMA has historically been critical to the traditional model of real estate is that the traditional model relies on selling the client's home by price. Another approach to selling the home would be the "traffic" approach which we will cover later in this training. By using this approach, you'll find that the lowest starting price isn't important at all. In the event that the home is overpriced, the burden of justifying the purchase price is then shifted to the buyer and buyer's agent. Heck, that's why we use appraisers: to protect the interest of the buyer and particularly the security interest of the lender. Myth #3 "You should never take an overpriced listing" This is one is one of the most common but it's pure fiction. It even goes against common sense, and here's why: it's more important to persuade the seller to commit to selling the home than it is to haggle about the listing price. Everyone knows that the listing price is just a starting point-- a point at which very few homes sell. In some markets, homes are routinely bid on way above the listing price, while other markets experience deep discounting due to market conditions. If the home is severely overpriced, everyone, including the seller, will know very soon. And when the seller eventually reaches his pain point, the price will be adjusted. But in the meantime, you have a sign in the yard and a listing to generate leads with. "But it costs money to advertise a house," you may say, "and if it's not going to sell, the advertising is a waste of money." However, I say that advertising isn't for selling houses--it's to generate buyer leads. And lead generation should be the only reason you advertise. Myth #4 "Customers want the dog and pony show" It's 6pm, and you're supposed to be meeting your clients to give your listing presentation. As you get to their home, Mom and Dad arrive at the same time with kids in tow, coming from different directions. You can see the "oh, i forgot" look in their eyes as they attempt to compensate by greeting you pleasantly. When they open the front door, the dog springs into action, yipping and jumping on anyone and everyone within reach. The kids are hungry, the house is a mess and let's not forget the dog demands to be heard! If you're a listing agent, this scenario has presented itself to you more than once. All the characters are playing their parts as scripted, but nobody wants to be there. The seller, who just wants to sell the house, has taken on the role of prudent consumer. And many agents have never questioned this traditional approach or considered that there may be a better way. The fact is that the seller simply wants to find a competent agent who'll net him the most money in the least time. He doesn't care about your company, your zillions of dollars in production, your fancy Power Point presentation, your brochures and pamphlets, or even about making a new friend (although, if you do your job right, he will make one). He definitely doesn't want the circus I just described. Customers appreciate when you offer them competence, whether in person or on the phone. And yes, you read it right! We will talk about how to take listings over the phone later. Myth #5 "You should always put up the sold and pending riders" This is one of the most mystifying marketing blunders that we see regularly. The thinking behind the strategy is fine. By putting the sold or pending riders on the yard sign, you've shown all the neighbors how well you did at marketing the home. This was part of the farming strategies that were so prevalent back before the Internet broke geographic barriers. Back then it wasn't a good idea, but it's a truly bad one now. The only reason we should advertise is to get customers. The minute you put up a sold or pending banner (online or on a sign), the phone stops ringing. You will instantly lose 30-45 days of prime advertising time while the home is in escrow. And if the sale falls through, you've effectively taken the home off the market and lost valuable marketing time for your seller. Then when the neighbors see the riders coming down, they'll assume it was your fault the home is back on the market. We have a few more myths to bust tomorrow. So stay tuned.
Levi Jones PS. Advertising should be about generating customers. If you don't already have a plan for generating 2-3 new leads every day with your advertising, check out our Pipeline Pro Tools system. Or you can skip straight to the point and get a live demo of our lead generating tools--click here. Guerilla Realty |
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Taking down a real estate's sacred cows.
Laying the foundation for a great presentation
Hey all, Yesterday we began tackling five of the most common listing myths we hear in the industry and we have a few more "sacred cows" to tackle. If you missed our email yesterday and want to see the rest of the list, shoot us an email. We would love to hear from you. Myth #6 " You should always include the price in your advertising" As with ads that say sold, any ad that includes the price will prompt very few calls. We actually ran an experiment, and the results were clear: ads with prices got two-thirds fewer calls than those without. And the disparity is even greater in online advertising where information is usually a click away. Think about it: what's the first thing someone asks you when he calls about a property? The price. It's the same everywhere. Put the price (or sold) in the ad, and you'' get many fewer leads. And since the only reason you should advertise is to get more customers, don't shoot yourself in the foot by minimizing your ad's effectiveness. Make the price a mystery, and watch that phone ring! Myth #7 "You have to stage it or fix it up in order to sell it" Back before we opened our own company, we worked for one of the big box brokerages you have heard of and we would have fun teasing one of the other listing agents in the office. When she listed a home, she was relentless. Before the owners knew what was happening, she would have them pressure-washing, repainting, re-carpeting...one time she even talked a client into sodding the yard! Her sellers spent half their equity in the home just trying to sell it. It is true that cute homes with perfect curb appeal sell more easily than "dog" houses. But an agent with a good marketing strategy can sell even those dog houses. When you use price to sell your home (the traditional approach), the overall perceived value is paramount, and part of that whole process is making the home look as close to perfect as possible, so as to have the highest perceived value. This idea is the very heart of feature-benefit sales. However, our listing approach relies on high traffic to sell the property so the condition is less important. The reason is simple: when you're selling by price, you're making the sale because features and benefits eventually present a compelling case to the buyer. On the other hand, the "traffic" approach works on a different human motivator--the fear of loss, as in "Somebody else might get my dream home!" Create competition for your client's property, and those cosmetic traits become less important in the buyer's mind. Myth #8 "Ads sell houses" One of the little-known secrets of advertising homes for sale is that ads don't sell houses. In fact, less than one-fourth of one percent of buyers actually purchase the home that's featured in the advertisement to which they've responded. That statistic doesn't mean that we shouldn't advertise; what it means that we need to know why we advertise. We advertise to generate a continual flow of leads. And having a continual flow of buyers allows you to build your business and increase your income and freedom. Show me an agent who is afraid to take some time off, and I will show you an agent without a steady flow of customers. When you advertise, you should do it for yourself and not because your listing client wants you to. You're spending your money and you should be doing it to build your business. Myth #9 "FSBOs and Expireds are the best sources for listing leads" All of us have heard this one again and again. The truth is if you want to market to those people who've been singled out by nearly every aggressive agent, go after FSBOs and expireds. The best source of listing leads, however, are your buyer leads. Just because someone came to you as a buyer doesn't mean he's not a seller as well. According to NAR, as many as 52% of all buyer leads are sellers too. And the beauty of these leads is that most other listing agents aren't marketing to them--yet. You can have them virtually all to yourself. Find the sellers among your buyers, and you'll have found the very best source for listing leads. Myth #10 "If it doesn't sell, the reason must be the price" I once heard a nationally known speaker and coach tell an audience that there's only one reason a home won't sell: price. And since then I have heard agent after agent repeat this same nonsense. The very foundation of economics is the law of supply and demand. Where the supply meets the demand, there you find price. In other words, the price is dependent on supply and demand. Obviously! If there's a large supply of something, but few buyers for it, prices will drop. On the other hand, when there's a scarcity of product but many buyers, prices will rise. As professionals, we have a responsibility to market our clients' homes properly. Accordingly, it's very important that we do so in a way that best represents their interests. And every seller I have ever met has the same two objectives: to net the most money and to sell his home in the least amount of time. In order to meet the seller's needs, you must market in such a way as to create the appearance of scarcity while generating an abundance of demand--and the easiest way to do this is by enlisting the buyer's agent. Together you can develop a sense of urgency by marketing, not to the public in general, but to the agents who'll be bringing their buyers. By using the traffic approach, you can generate higher-than-normal traffic and sell the client's home in half the time while netting more money. And that's what we are going to dive deep on in next week's emails. Until then, Levi Jones PS. Advertising should be about generating customers. If you don't already have a plan for generating 2-3 new leads every day with your advertising, check out our Pipeline Pro Tools system. Or you can skip straight to the point and get a live demo of our lead generating tools--click here. Guerilla Realty |
Friday, August 10, 2018
Hey all, I'd be doing you all a disservice if I didn't address the elephant in the room. Having the absolute best listing presentation in the world means absolutely nothing if you don't have an audience for that presentation. Yes, I'm talking about leads. Now before you tune out because you are tired of hearing some vendor pitch you on the latest lead gen tactic, understand that this will not be that. That said, leads are by far the most important piece of the listing puzzle. A 2016 study by Freddie Mac interviewed over 500 real estate agents across the country and the agents largely identified the greatest challenges facing their business as attracting buyers and sellers. Most of you would have probably answered the same way. Why more customers? Because experienced agents don't trust lead vendors for their business. Many of us have tried them and found their leads to be expensive and of poor quality, so we've resigned ourselves to getting our own leads. And what's the best way to get leads? Have listings. But to get listings, you need listing leads. It's the old chicken or the egg problem. Which comes first, the listings or the leads? I say it all starts with getting seller leads — lots and lots of seller leads. The Best-Kept Secret About Finding New Listing Leads Most agents know what to do when a customer fills out a CMA request on his website (or calls and asks for one). The problem is that those are few and far between. Another concern is that most sellers who ask you for a home valuation also ask several other agents at the same time. Some other frequently mentioned sources of seller leads are FSBO sellers and expired listings. As with CMA requests, the problem with both FSBOs and expireds is that you'll be competing for those listings with the hungriest and most aggressive agents in your market. You can get around that with using our simple FSBO approach, but while both types of property are good sources for listings, they tend to be tougher to sell, either because the seller is unrealistic or because the property has been stigmatized by having been on the market since before you entered the picture. Many agents are even using paid ads with demo-targeting on social media to generate seller leads. Those tend to be pretty expensive and the targeting is spotty at best right now. You might as well buy the leads from vendors at those prices. I like getting my seller leads from a place where nobody else is looking: from buyer leads. What?! You read it right--from buyer leads! Let me explain. According to the National Association of Realtors, first-time homebuyers account for 40% of all real estate purchases. This number has held constant for years and shows no signs of changing. We can say with confidence, none of these first-time homebuyers are listing leads. Another 23% of homebuyers are looking for investments while 13% are purchasing vacation homes. The best numbers from the NAR reflect the fact that 52% of all buyers are also selling, some in the same markets as their new purchases and some in other markets. Therefore over half of the buyer leads you get will also be selling. Now here's the little-known secret that will give you the first and best shot at those sellers: Most buyer leads find their replacement homes before they even begin to think of selling. As real estate pros, we understand that this isn't the wise or proper way to handle the situation, but the human psyche is hard-wired with a security need. We don't quit a job until we line up another. We don't sell our car until we find a new one. Heck, we don't get rid of the website that generates us nothing until we find a better one. The same is true with real estate. The key to generating an unending supply of fresh listing leads is to generate lots of buyer leads and then find the half who are selling too. In most of those cases, you have the opportunity to list a home with anyone else's knowing that it's going to be on the market. What a huge advantage! Tomorrow we are going to explain how to position yourself as the best agent for the listing. Before we do that, if you haven't solved for the most important piece of the listing puzzle then you can check out our tools here: Again, this training isn't a sly pitch for our lead capture software. But the fact is most agents can get PPT, turn it on, and have new listing leads by the end of the day. It's easy, and I'd be a bad coach if I hid it from you. Anyway, you can try out the whole package for as little as $67/mo. It comes with… Lead capture website With these tools, I capture about 80 leads per month, and the funny thing is I'm not even the best. We have agents who use our tools to generate 200+ leads per month. Anyway if you want a demo, click here. If you need to check availability in your area, click here. Until next time, Levi Jones Guerilla Realty |
Listing Myths Busted
Hey all, All month we are going to be walking you through the listing approach we used to list 114 homes in a single year--all at 8% in a market where 6% is the norm. And while netting our customers more money and selling them in half the average DOM. But before we dive into the approach, it's important to lay some groundwork. There are a number of common listing myths circling the industry. We see them on the internet, from the old-timers in the office, and even hear them from agents we consider to be on their game. We can't share with you a new way to list a property without unraveling some of these myths. Myth #1 "You have to list to last" The most common piece of "wisdom" I learned when I first became an agent was that "you have to list to last". And while the listing side of the business has its upsides, we can't see any reason why our very survival is predicated upon listing homes. So we began asking the old-timers why we needed to "list to last". And we basically got variations of the same three reasons to list homes: 1) to get leads; 2) to build our visibility by always having signs in yards (so I could get leads); and 3) to give us freedom to work our own schedule and not be continually at the mercy of a buyer's schedule. It wasn't exactly a surprise, but the bottom line is that there are only two reasons to focus on listings in real estate: 1) to get more customers and 2) to have freedom. So if you can solve the "more customers" problem and gain more freedom by some other method (building a team, cherry picking leads, etc.), you may never list another home, yet still do very well. Myth #2 "The CMA is the most important part of the listing presentation" While you will certainly want to do your best to prepare an accurate property valuation, your CMA isn't the most important part of your listing presentation. The reason that the CMA has historically been critical to the traditional model of real estate is that the traditional model relies on selling the client's home by price. Another approach to selling the home would be the "traffic" approach which we will cover later in this training. By using this approach, you'll find that the lowest starting price isn't important at all. In the event that the home is overpriced, the burden of justifying the purchase price is then shifted to the buyer and buyer's agent. Heck, that's why we use appraisers: to protect the interest of the buyer and particularly the security interest of the lender. Myth #3 "You should never take an overpriced listing" This is one is one of the most common but it's pure fiction. It even goes against common sense, and here's why: it's more important to persuade the seller to commit to selling the home than it is to haggle about the listing price. Everyone knows that the listing price is just a starting point-- a point at which very few homes sell. In some markets, homes are routinely bid on way above the listing price, while other markets experience deep discounting due to market conditions. If the home is severely overpriced, everyone, including the seller, will know very soon. And when the seller eventually reaches his pain point, the price will be adjusted. But in the meantime, you have a sign in the yard and a listing to generate leads with. "But it costs money to advertise a house," you may say, "and if it's not going to sell, the advertising is a waste of money." However, I say that advertising isn't for selling houses--it's to generate buyer leads. And lead generation should be the only reason you advertise. Myth #4 "Customers want the dog and pony show" It's 6pm, and you're supposed to be meeting your clients to give your listing presentation. As you get to their home, Mom and Dad arrive at the same time with kids in tow, coming from different directions. You can see the "oh, i forgot" look in their eyes as they attempt to compensate by greeting you pleasantly. When they open the front door, the dog springs into action, yipping and jumping on anyone and everyone within reach. The kids are hungry, the house is a mess and let's not forget the dog demands to be heard! If you're a listing agent, this scenario has presented itself to you more than once. All the characters are playing their parts as scripted, but nobody wants to be there. The seller, who just wants to sell the house, has taken on the role of prudent consumer. And many agents have never questioned this traditional approach or considered that there may be a better way. The fact is that the seller simply wants to find a competent agent who'll net him the most money in the least time. He doesn't care about your company, your zillions of dollars in production, your fancy Power Point presentation, your brochures and pamphlets, or even about making a new friend (although, if you do your job right, he will make one). He definitely doesn't want the circus I just described. Customers appreciate when you offer them competence, whether in person or on the phone. And yes, you read it right! We will talk about how to take listings over the phone later. Myth #5 "You should always put up the sold and pending riders" This is one of the most mystifying marketing blunders that we see regularly. The thinking behind the strategy is fine. By putting the sold or pending riders on the yard sign, you've shown all the neighbors how well you did at marketing the home. This was part of the farming strategies that were so prevalent back before the Internet broke geographic barriers. Back then it wasn't a good idea, but it's a truly bad one now. The only reason we should advertise is to get customers. The minute you put up a sold or pending banner (online or on a sign), the phone stops ringing. You will instantly lose 30-45 days of prime advertising time while the home is in escrow. And if the sale falls through, you've effectively taken the home off the market and lost valuable marketing time for your seller. Then when the neighbors see the riders coming down, they'll assume it was your fault the home is back on the market. We have a few more myths to bust tomorrow. So stay tuned.
Levi Jones PS. Advertising should be about generating customers. If you don't already have a plan for generating 2-3 new leads every day with your advertising, check out our Pipeline Pro Tools system. Or you can skip straight to the point and get a live demo of our lead generating tools--click here. Guerilla Realty |
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Where to get seller leads
Hey all, I'd be doing you all a disservice if I didn't address the elephant in the room. Having the absolute best listing presentation in the world means absolutely nothing if you don't have an audience for that presentation. Yes, I'm talking about leads. Now before you tune out because you are tired of hearing some vendor pitch you on the latest lead gen tactic, understand that this will not be that. That said, leads are by far the most important piece of the listing puzzle. A 2016 study by Freddie Mac interviewed over 500 real estate agents across the country and the agents largely identified the greatest challenges facing their business as attracting buyers and sellers. Most of you would have probably answered the same way. Why more customers? Because experienced agents don't trust lead vendors for their business. Many of us have tried them and found their leads to be expensive and of poor quality, so we've resigned ourselves to getting our own leads. And what's the best way to get leads? Have listings. But to get listings, you need listing leads. It's the old chicken or the egg problem. Which comes first, the listings or the leads? I say it all starts with getting seller leads — lots and lots of seller leads. The Best-Kept Secret About Finding New Listing Leads Most agents know what to do when a customer fills out a CMA request on his website (or calls and asks for one). The problem is that those are few and far between. Another concern is that most sellers who ask you for a home valuation also ask several other agents at the same time. Some other frequently mentioned sources of seller leads are FSBO sellers and expired listings. As with CMA requests, the problem with both FSBOs and expireds is that you'll be competing for those listings with the hungriest and most aggressive agents in your market. You can get around that with using our simple FSBO approach, but while both types of property are good sources for listings, they tend to be tougher to sell, either because the seller is unrealistic or because the property has been stigmatized by having been on the market since before you entered the picture. Many agents are even using paid ads with demo-targeting on social media to generate seller leads. Those tend to be pretty expensive and the targeting is spotty at best right now. You might as well buy the leads from vendors at those prices. I like getting my seller leads from a place where nobody else is looking: from buyer leads. What?! You read it right--from buyer leads! Let me explain. According to the National Association of Realtors, first-time homebuyers account for 40% of all real estate purchases. This number has held constant for years and shows no signs of changing. We can say with confidence, none of these first-time homebuyers are listing leads. Another 23% of homebuyers are looking for investments while 13% are purchasing vacation homes. The best numbers from the NAR reflect the fact that 52% of all buyers are also selling, some in the same markets as their new purchases and some in other markets. Therefore over half of the buyer leads you get will also be selling. Now here's the little-known secret that will give you the first and best shot at those sellers: Most buyer leads find their replacement homes before they even begin to think of selling. As real estate pros, we understand that this isn't the wise or proper way to handle the situation, but the human psyche is hard-wired with a security need. We don't quit a job until we line up another. We don't sell our car until we find a new one. Heck, we don't get rid of the website that generates us nothing until we find a better one. The same is true with real estate. The key to generating an unending supply of fresh listing leads is to generate lots of buyer leads and then find the half who are selling too. In most of those cases, you have the opportunity to list a home with anyone else's knowing that it's going to be on the market. What a huge advantage! Tomorrow we are going to explain how to position yourself as the best agent for the listing. Before we do that, if you haven't solved for the most important piece of the listing puzzle then you can check out our tools here: Again, this training isn't a sly pitch for our lead capture software. But the fact is most agents can get PPT, turn it on, and have new listing leads by the end of the day. It's easy, and I'd be a bad coach if I hid it from you. Anyway, you can try out the whole package for as little as $67/mo. It comes with… Lead capture website With these tools, I capture about 80 leads per month, and the funny thing is I'm not even the best. We have agents who use our tools to generate 200+ leads per month. Anyway if you want a demo, click here. If you need to check availability in your area, click here. Until next time, Levi Jones Guerilla Realty |
Charge more at your next listing appointment
Hey All, We appreciate your patience with our training over the last few weeks. We are working on releasing one of our best tools yet (for FREE!) and we can't wait to show you. Unfortunately, that development schedule has had an impact on our training. Now as we near the finish line on that project, we are back on track and ready to spend the month of August talking about listings. It's been almost 15 years since we first released our Ultimate Listing Presentation. In it, we shared the secrets to listing 114 homes in 1 year and all at 8% or more. Since then, the economy and real estate markets all over the country hit a wall and only over the last few years have begun to recover. Technology has changed the face of the industry and mega players like Zillow have begun listing homes. We have adjusted our approach and improved our tools. One thing has remained constant...over 10,000 agents have taken our course, and many hundreds have used the basic sales principles contained in this presentation and shared with us their stories in duplicating our success. This listing presentation will show you how to list at 8% commission virtually every single time! Oh, I know that statement sounds incredible, but it's true! There's no reason that you can't list for 8% or even more. The secret is in this presentation. Ethics and Listing at 8% Commission Okay, before we dive into the presentation, it's important that we first mention ethics. In other words, "How can I better serve my clients while charging them more?" Simply by having that thought, you've confirmed that you're an ethical real estate professional who's trying to put your clients' interests first. That's a good thing. Having said it, though, I need to underscore the fallacy in such a line of thinking. The question we've asked seems to imply that you cannot earn good money by doing the right thing. But the truth is that it's possible to serve your clients, your fellow real estate professionals, and yourself; and with this presentation it's also easy! Let me explain. We'll begin by discussing agency – specifically, seller agency. As a listing agent, your client is the seller in any transaction. You're the seller's agent, though, and you have a fiduciary obligation to represent him or her to the best of your ability. As a rule, you should be trying to get your client the most money in the shortest amount of time, since that's the goal with most sellers. And when I mention "money," I specifically mean net dollars. Ultimately it doesn't matter how large or small the commission is: what counts is the total taken away from the closing table. Clients Come First So if you knew about a strategy that would net your client more money while selling his home in only about half the usual time, wouldn't it be in his interest to use it? Of course it would! Well, that's what this listing presentation will do for you. As compared with traditional listings of homes in the same market, my presentation will give you a strategy that has traditionally netted my clients 2.7% more money while selling their homes in only 55% of the average DOM (number of days on the market). More money in half the time! Think of it! Your clients (and the other agents in the market) will love you, you'll be paid better in the process, and you'll begin to acquire a reputation for being the agent with the high-paying listings. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's take this thing one step at a time. So…on the flip side, if you knew that selling a house by the traditional method would double your client's waiting time and, in the process, net him less money, would that be good for him? Of course not! Not even if you saved him some money in commissions! Your job as a listing agent is to represent the seller and to place his needs first, and that's what we're going to do. Over the next few weeks, we are going to go through our entire approach from generating the leads all the way to listing at 8% every single time. If you want to get a jumpstart on our tools and check them out first, click here. Or if you want to skip straight to the point and get a live demo, click here. Until next time, Levi Jones
Guerilla Realty |
Weekly Update: new listings, contracts and sales
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