From the Washington Post - Bloomberg website, "At stake for Zillow and is $9.7 billion in agent marketing spending this year."
There are currently 1.1 million Realtors so that works out to an average of $8,825 per-agent in marketing this year alone!
And don't count on that number going down either. Zillow's quarterly revenue growth is at an outrageous 92.1%. PER QUARTER! is growing revenue at a less but still outrageous 50% PER QUARTER!
We're not talking about an oddball month -- that is their quarterly growth rate, year-over-year. When markets move toward a monopoly, prices always increase.
So much so that Rupert Murdoch's company News Corp recently spent $952 million IN CASH to buy Move, Inc. that was only valued at $841 million.
Why do you think they would spend that premium paying over 10% above market value? Why would a very successful billionaire even purchase a company that was floundering and losing market share every quarter? And why would he pay a premium for it to boot?
Here's why: He saw a huge financial opportunity. Face it, the nearly ten billion dollars this year in Realtor spending for marketing is a large prize. He wanted a big slice of that pie.
"At stake for Zillow and is the share of marketing spending by real estate agents, estimated by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. at $9.7 billion this year." – Washington Post-Bloomberg
Just in case you haven't noticed, the cost of online marketing and lead generation is going straight up. We'd heard reports from agents that Zillow has tripled their prices in a year but until we began to study the numbers we thought those might have been isolated cases. Now that the numbers are in, we are beginning to believe it is widespread.
Think about it… How else do you think Zillow can grow revenues at 92% per quarter? They only sell to us agents. Their consumer products are all free. Same with So if you are starting to feel like you have a big dollar sign on your back, welcome to the new age of real estate. And it isn't about to get any cheaper, you can bet.
I've talked to agents, many of whom are spending as much as $3,000 per month or more with Zillow or Sadly, even with that huge investments, the leads they receive are not exclusively theirs. Instead they soon realize they are only one of several agents calling back the same lead. And if you are only one of an army of agents calling your lead back, that makes converting those leads even harder. But there is a better way.
Another Option
What if instead of buying high-priced, low-quality leads from Zillow or you actually made your own? That's what guerilla marketing is all about.
What if instead of spending well over $100 a piece for leads only to be one of many agents to call them, instead you were the only one calling and you made your own leads for less than $2 each? Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well it's not. It's absolutely true when you make your own leads for wholesale instead of buying them for retail.
The average agent using our Ultimate Website system spends less than $2 per lead -- $1.39 to be exact -- and that includes the cost of the whole system -- their website, their blog, their call capture hotline, their text lead capture service, their CRM, mobile application, social media integration, web hosting, and coaching.
The whole system makes leads for less than the price of a footlong hotdog at Wiener Works!
Let me give you an example. Michael TenEyck, an agent in Costa Mesa, California, has been using my Ultimate Website for about a year. Before that he was spending over a thousand a month with with prices going up. Still he was doing most of his business from referrals of friends and past clients. Not only did he drop his marketing bill, but he quadrupled his business in the process.