Thursday, August 17, 2017

Re: A heartfelt letter from me

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Dear Reader,

I've spent the past thirteen years developing tools and methods over a thousand agents have used to become top producers in their markets -- some even mega producers.

That's why most agents get into the business, isn't it? To support their families and realize financial independence. It's okay to say you want to be wealthy. A wise man leaves an inheritance even for his children's children.

So it has always fascinated me why some agents look directly at a proven path to success, and then knowingly choose to go the other direction.

In the years we've spent developing my Ultimate Website System, do you know what we discovered are the top two reasons why agents go the other direction?

Now I believe both reasons are really one and the same, but some agents might identify with one more than the other.

Reason #1:


"I'm going to wait to invest in lead capture technology until I'm financially comfortable."

How many important things do we put off until that mythical day in the future when we will have a comfortable padding in our bank account?

Let's look at that a different way. Three months from now, if we still don't have the comfortable padding are we going to put it off for another three months? That could go on forever.

Reason #2:


Where are you going to find the time to setup new technology? Who wants to add yet ANOTHER thing to their to-do list?

But be honest. Didn't you think the same three months ago the last time I was promoting my Ultimate Website System? Where are you now, has anything changed?

For most agents, the answer is no. If anything, we're busier than ever.

Both reasons are really one and the same thing. We tell ourselves we will wait until the stars align just so, and then we'll take action.

We are waiting to have more free time, waiting to have a little extra cash.

Heck, how many of us have put off our diet over a weekend? I'll start on Monday, we tell ourselves. How crazy is that?

If this is hitting home for you at all, I'm going to give you a simple step you can take today.

The funny thing is investing in my popular Ultimate Website System will free up both time and money, but we wait around until we have both before we are willing to invest in our business.

Look, I absolutely hate putting things on my credit card, but the fact is if I were to always awit around to until I had a big pile of cash to spend I probably wouldn't need to invest in the first place.

My Ultimate Website System will take about an hour of time to set up and start operating to generate new customers. Maybe a little less if you are an expert with technology.

But the fact is it won't be available forever in every market. Eventually it will sell out.

Okay, so if you're ready to take a step toward becoming a top producer today right now, what is it?

The first step is incredibly simple. Click the link below and check for availability in your market. But that doesn't count as your first step. Keep going.

IF there is still something available, reserve it. There is no obligation to purchase but it will give you time to learn more about the the Ultimate Website System without worrying about a competitor getting it first.

That's it. That's your first step. Some over achievers might spend 15 minutes reading about how exactly my technology works. Others might invest 30 minutes in watching a video where I demonstrate generating new customers in real time right in front of your eyes.

Then ask yourself if it's really worth it to put it off for another month, another week, or even another three days?

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones

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