Friday, March 15, 2024

Tired of the "rat race"?

Tired of the "real estate rat race"?

You know what I'm talking about:

- Constantly chasing after leads
- Hounding your sphere for referrals
- Taking overpriced junk listings
- Getting beat up by jerk sellers

Well, my friend Allyson and her team discovered the most foolproof method to list 5-6 luxury homes every month

And she is sharing her secret with you.

In this free webinar, Allyson is showing you how to:

1. Get noticed by high-end home sellers
2. Build trust and rapport to get a steady stream of leads
3. Take 5-6 LUXURY Listings every month

Register here:

-Chris Jones

P.S. - Be sure to sign up soon because spots are limited and filling up fast.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

This ad = 11 CMA requests (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar where I'll show you how we book 11 CMA requests and 6 actual signed listings per month from 1 free copy/paste ad.

"Limitless Listing Leads"

>>> Click here to join the webinar now <<<
Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get just for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs


-Chris Jones

Copy/paste this ad to get listings (download)

Want to see something cool?

We've been testing a new ad, and we're finally ready to share.

Last month, it brought in 11 listing appointments and 6 signed listings.

The best part? We spent $0.00.

This marketing playbook is currently outperforming every other idea in our arsenal.

FB ads, Google ads, Zillow leads...

And yet, it costs nothing.

Want the copy/paste ad?

Here's how it works:

  • Get the copy/paste template
  • Post it for free (I'll show you where/how)
  • Ranks 1st page of Google almost instantly
  • Gets 70-80 views per day
  • Gets 2.7 leads per day
  • 11 listing appts per month

Want to try it out? Later today, I'm sharing the copy/paste template and the entire process in a free webinar.

Tuesday, March 12 @ 12:00pm EST
Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads

The best part is, this isn't a 1-time hack.

I'm going to walk you through how to take 50+ listings per year running free ads like this.

Space is limited to 250 seats, and the webinar WILL be full.

You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for joining:

👇 My copy/paste ad
👇 Where/how to post the ad for free
👇 My new CMA app
👇 Replay access for 24hrs

See you there!

-Chris Jones

Monday, March 11, 2024

This ad = 11 CMA requests

Want the 1 ad we run to bring in 11 CMA requests per month?

Backstory: My team took a record 114 listings in 1 year with this playbook.

Naturally, agents want to know our "secret".

"The secret?" we always reply... "There isn't one."

Our proven theory is that any agent can take 50+ listings per year… as long as they get enough quality listing leads.

We don't get listing leads from any of the usual sources – Zillow, expireds, FB ads, divorce, absentee, etc.

Too expensive, and the leads don't convert.

Instead we post 1 braindead simple ad in 3 different places.

Results? This ad brings in 11 listing appointments per month like clockwork.

His total cost? $0.00.

All we do is rinse and repeat each week.

I'm sharing the entire process during a free webinar tomorrow -> Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads

Tues March 12 @ 12:00pm Eastern

Space is limited to 250 seats, so you'll need to register.

Plus if you register you'll get:

  • Our copy/paste ad template
  • Free Beta access to our newest app
  • 24-hour replay access


This webinar will fill up. We already have 265 agents registered since we announced.

Show up on time ready to learn how to book 11 listing appointments per month.

See you there!

-Chris Jones