Saturday, May 30, 2020

Replay + link to calculators

How do you CMA?

See if this sounds familiar...

-Pull 3-4 active comps
-Add 3-4 closed comps
-Throw out any "outliers"
-Take an average

If the answer doesn't seem right, ignore it and make up something better. 😂

This is how most agents do CMAs, although few will admit it.

But the fact is, it sucks!

Yesterday, together with, I did a live training sharing my Bulletproof CMA method. You guys were AWESOME.

Here's the replay link if you missed it or want to watch it again...

-> Bulletproof CMA - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Downloads Needed: CMA calc + appreciation calc + seller conversion script

Watch it now, because I will be taking the workshop down in 48hrs.

Here's what's in this workshop:

  • The ultimate CMA in <15min
  • How I get multiple CMA requests per week (easy)
  • Creating an evergreen system that brings you listing appointments
  • + 2 calculators
  • + 1 script

One important concept I explain in this workshop is how to take listings from buyer leads. Yes, you read that right. From buyer leads.

Remember, roughly half of buyers will be putting their current home up for sale in the next 90 days. It's your job to figure out which half.

The easiest way to flush them out is to bribe them with the Bulletproof CMA. Really easy to implement once you grasp the concept.

Anyway, at the end of the webinar I give you an opportunity to download my team's Craigslist Playbook free of charge. This is the absolute simplest way to start implementing the listing plan I share:

80 buyer leads -> 44 sellers -> 33 local sellers -> 20 contacts -> 9 CMA requests.

Want the Craigslist Playbook? Do me a favor and get a demo of my company lead capture software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

-> Book a demo

I'd be honored if you gave Pro Tools a serious look. But ultimately I don't want you to buy it unless it makes sense for your business.

We'll give you a free download of our Craigslist Playbook after it's over (no obligation to purchase anything).

Plus, although our special deal on Pro Tools ends today, if you book a demo by 6pm, we'll happily extend the deal through the day/time of your demo :) so you can give due consideration to the investment.

Here's the direct link to book a demo ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Friday, May 29, 2020

"Bulletproof CMA" Replay (.mp4)

How do you CMA?

See if this sounds familiar...

-Pull 3-4 active comps
-Add 3-4 closed comps
-Throw out any "outliers"
-Take an average

If the answer doesn't seem right, ignore it and make up something better. 😂

This is how most agents do CMAs, although few will admit it.

But the fact is, it sucks!

Yesterday, together with, I did a live training sharing my Bulletproof CMA method. You guys were AWESOME.

Here's the replay link if you missed it or want to watch it again...

-> Bulletproof CMA - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Downloads include CMA calc + appreciation calc + seller conversion script

Watch it now, because I will be taking the workshop down in 48hrs.

Here's what's in this workshop:

  • The ultimate CMA in <15min
  • How I get multiple CMA requests per week (easy)
  • Creating an evergreen system that brings you listing appointments
  • + 2 calculators
  • + 1 script

One important concept I explain in this workshop is how to take listings from buyer leads. Yes, you read that right. From buyer leads.

Remember, roughly half of buyers will be putting their current home up for sale in the next 90 days. It's your job to figure out which half.

The easiest way to flush them out is to bribe them with the Bulletproof CMA. Really easy to implement once you grasp the concept.

Anyway, at the end of the webinar I give you an opportunity to download my team's Craigslist Playbook free of charge. This is the absolute simplest way to start implementing the listing plan I share:

80 buyer leads -> 44 sellers -> 33 local sellers -> 20 contacts -> 9 CMA requests.

Want the Craigslist Playbook? Do me a favor and get a demo of my company lead capture software: Pipeline Pro Tools.

-> Book a demo

I'd be honored if you gave Pro Tools a serious look. But ultimately I don't want you to buy it unless it makes sense for your business.

We'll give you a free download of our Craigslist Playbook after it's over (no obligation to purchase anything).

Plus, although our special deal on Pro Tools ends today, if you book a demo by 6pm, we'll happily extend the deal through the day/time of your demo :) so you can give due consideration to the investment.

Here's the direct link to book a demo ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bulletproof CMA (going live now)

I've gotten 500+ requests this year. Agents want to see my Bulletproof CMA method...

So I'm going live now to share my simple process & how you can use it to attract 1-2 solid listing appointments per week.

Here's the link to join ->

I'm giving away my CMA calculator, appreciation calculator, and 1 playbook for generating free listing leads.

Join to get the downloads.

Training starts now.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

CMA Calculator (.xls)

Ever get a nervous feeling while performing a CMA?

A feeling that something's not quite right, but you're not sure what?

Ever get to the end and think "Hmm...that can't be right." And then start all over??

Welcome to the club. This was me my first 3 years in real estate.

I thought I had a pretty good "feel" for pricing. So I would do a standard CMA, just like your broker teaches. Then if the number felt too low or too high, I would adjust the comps until I liked the number.

This is NOT a real valuation. Yet this is what most listing agents do, even though free will admit it!

Deep down I knew there had to be a better way, so I determined to find it.

I went back to my college statistics class. I studied virtually every valuation method known to man, including the "Zestimate" (full of flaws).

After about a year, I developed a Bulletproof CMA formula that will yield a trustworthy valuation every time. And I built it into a calculator.

Want the method + calculator?

That's what I am going to help you with today. :)

At 12pm I'm doing a free workshop called The Bulletproof CMA

During which I'll let you download my 2 calculators

  1. 50-Point CMA Calculator (.xls)
  2. Appreciation Calculator (.xls)

This is my #1 most requested training topic, and this is only the 3rd time I have ever taught it live.

Thurs, May 28 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it...
  • The ultimate CMA in <15min
  • How I get multiple CMA requests per week (easy)
  • Creating an evergreen system that brings you listing appointments
  • + 2 calculators
  • + 1 script

There's a 400-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

8 real estate calculators


Have you ever met an agent that oozed authority?

They speak confidently.

They make complex ideas simple and easy to understand.

They know what they're talking about, and it's obvious.

Authority makes you a natural...

  • Magnet - You attract amazing leads organically
  • Closer - You close deals fast
  • Expert - People naturally trust you

So what's the secret to becoming an authority? It's 2 things...

Thing #1 - Knowing your market.

Thing #2 - Knowing your business.

Know those 2 things -- and I mean know them cold -- and you will instantly be the authority in every room you walk into.

That's why today we're launching Nerdsheets, 8 real estate calculators we use in our business every month.

It includes our DOM, CMA, Reverse Engineer, and a bunch of other calculators I couldn't live without.

-> Click here to access Nerdsheets

You can grab a free lifetime account, and download all my calculators instantly.

Plus I'll add new calculators occasionally, and you'll get those free too.

Enjoy :)

-Chris Jones

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Private Mastermind Opportunity

Free virtual assistant training manual (going live now)

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Virtual Assistant Manual Is Almost Complete ...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Clearly he struck a nerve