Saturday, June 8, 2019


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Seller leads

I'm currently teaching through a series on how to take more listings...

This listing system is the same system my team, Guerilla Realty, used to average 2+ listings per week for an entire year. (114 listings total in 12 months.)

Here's what I'm going to cover…

- Where to get seller leads
- My exact scripts for booking the presentation
- Doing the CMA right (this can be tricky)
- Finally, the presentation. What to say and how to say it.

I'm going to walk you through it step by step. But the first step is by far the most important part of my listing system.


Today, the two most popular seller-lead sources are CMA requests and FSBOs.

The problem is legit CMA requests are rare, and FSBOS are ultra competitive. (The average FSBO hears from 10+ listing agents per week.)

There's a third source for listing leads that almost no one is paying attention to. This is where I focus.

In fact, this source is responsible for 100% of the leads that fed my listing system for an entire year, ultimately landing our team 114 listings.

Are you ready to learn what my source is?

Buyer leads.

Huh?!? I know, I know. Completely counter-intuitive, so let me explain.

When you capture 100 buyer leads, here's how the numbers break down.

-25% are first time home buyers (nothing to sell)
-20% are in the secondary market (investors, vacation homes, etc— also nothing to sell)


-55% will be selling their current home during or before their move

Therefore 100 buyer leads = 55 seller leads.

Now here's the little-known secret that will give you the first and best shot at those sellers: Most buyer leads find their replacement homes before they even begin to think of selling.

As agents, we understand that this is dumb, but the human psyche is hard-wired with a security need.

We don't quit a job until we line up another. We don't sell our car until we find a new one. Heck, we don't get rid of the website that generates us nothing until we find a better one.

The same is true with real estate. The key to generating an unending supply of listing leads is to generate lots of buyer leads and then find the half who are selling.

In most of those cases, you have the opportunity to list a home without anyone else knowing that it's going to be on the market. Huge advantage!

Tomorrow, I'm going to share my #2 source for seller leads.

Before I get to that, though, if you haven't solved for the most important piece of the listing puzzle -- i.e. leads -- then you can check out our tools here:

Enter Pipeline Pro Tools (my lead gen software).

You can turn on a faucet of buyer/seller leads by the end of the day.

It comes with…

-Lead capture website
-Text capture service
-Phone capture service
-Ad generator (for loads of free traffic)
-Robocaller to simplify your prospecting

With these tools, I capture about 80 leads per month, and the funny thing is I'm not even the best. We have agents who use our tools to generate 200+ leads per month.

Anyway, here's the details...

If you've already checked it out and you're ready to get started, here's the link -->

If you want a demo, here's the link -->

If you need to check availability in your area, here's the link -->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Friday, June 7, 2019

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Exact blueprint for 114 listings in 12 months

Right now I'm teaching through how to take more listings.

The system I'll be teaching through is the same system I developed that allowed my team, Guerilla Realty, to average 2+ listings per week for an entire year. (114 listings total in 12 months.)

Last we talked about where to get seller leads. Hint: the answer is buyer leads. If you missed that email, go back and read it here.

Today, I'm going to show you my exact script for booking a listing appointment.

It's brain dead simple, but for it to work, you have to get leads every day.

This lesson isn't a sales pitch, but if you're not getting leads every day, you need lead gen software.

My company's lead gen software is Pipeline Pro Tools. Here's an example from our private facebook group. This agent in Florida captured 11 seller leads (55% of all buyers are sellers) with ONE ad.

Once you have leads coming in every day, here's a simple script you can use to book appointments.

Book more appointments with this script:

AGENT: Hey, this is Chris Jones with Guerilla Realty... I saw you inquired about the property at 123 Elm Street. This is a quick customer service follow up to make sure you got everything you needed.

LEAD: Yeah, I'm all set.

AGENT: Okay, cool. Hey, the other reason I called is... when you eventually buy a house, will you be selling your current home?

LEAD: [Usually they'll say "yes" or "I haven't decided, we might rent it"]

AGENT: We have a new service where we do a free in-depth valuation so you know what it's worth when you're ready to list. We use around 50 different data points on average. It's a lot like a real appraisal, but appraisals cost $400-500, and this is free. Is that something you're interested in?


LEAD: 50% of the time, they'll say "Sure".

Now you have a foot in the door!

In the next lesson, I'm going to show you how to complete the ultimate CMA to completely wow the seller the next time you talk.

If you aren't getting new leads every day, you can solve that problem immediately.

Get a 15-min demo of Pipeline Pro Tools. Here's the link -->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Music 2017