Friday, January 14, 2022

👉 Start listing inherited homes now

Interesting share today...

Have you ever wanted listings that are easy to get AND easy to sell?

Check out inherited homes.

My buddy Charles Curry is hosting an Inherited Homes Training, and he's going to show you how to find the Inherited Homes, how to list them, and how to systematize everything.

Here is why you should list them:

Reason #1 - Inherited homes are the easiest listings you will ever take.


Because the heirs can't wait to get their hands on the proceeds of the sale.

They are grieving the loss of their loved ones.

But they also realize that something needs to be done with the house.

Want to get some of these listings?

Charles breaks it all down for you here.

Reason #2 - Most of the homes are paid off.

No short sales. No commission cutting because too much is owed on the house.

None of that garbage.

Just easy sales with plenty of equity and motivated sellers.

Reason #3 - There are a ton of inherited homes in your market.

In Charles' market alone there are 3,640 inherited properties.

He's going to show you how to find them, how to list them, and how to systematize everything.

Here's the direct link again ->

Happy Friday! Enjoy :)

-Chris Jones

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pipeline Pro Tools

If you've tried to book a demo for our flagship product Pipeline Pro Tools, you've probably noticed that we have been completely booked the entire month.

Same thing happens every week. About 5 minutes after we open up our schedule, all 30 slots are booked.

We're sorry.

So this week we're doing something different.

I am sending a private demo link to a very small segment of our subscribers who have already attended one of our lead gen webinars. That's you.

Want a demo of our Pipeline Pro Tools software?

>>> Get a demo + 1 free playbook <<<

There's 17 slots total, and they're gonna go quick.

These demos are packed with value. You get 15-30mins with a marketing coach on our team (who is also an agent). They'll get into your goals, help you find your lead number, and then give you 1-2 instances of how you can hit that number every month.

Plus, if you book a demo now we'll give you 1 of our top 3 internal marketing playbooks that we use to generate 100+ leads per month and 25+ legit listing leads. Yours to keep just for getting a demo.

Here's the link to book ->

There is no sales pitch. We never pressure you to buy anything -- we are simply here to help you win.

Talk soon!

-Chris Jones

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

2x your business (live replay)

Pre-S - We ran out of demo slots in <10 minutes after yesterday's webinar. Sorry! But we've added 25 new slots this morning. If you still want to take advantage of our 1 free playbook offer, click here to book a demo.

As promised, here's a one-time live encore of yesterday's webinar.

"How 2x Your Real Estate Business"

>>> Click to join the live replay now <<<

In this training, I walk you through how we doubled our real estate business twice in the last 5 years.

All you need is 1 specific tool + our simple process.

Everything is included free in the webinar.

⬇️ Our process
⬇️ My reverse engineering app
⬇️ Our top marketing playbook from 2021

That's all you need :)

Here's the direct link to join the live encore when you're ready ->

See you there!

-Chris Jones