Friday, January 27, 2023

Lead gen "How To" webinar training is LIVE today at 2 PM Pacific Standard Time.. are you in?

This free training will teach you HOW to approach your lead gen differently. I don't sell leads.. I teach lead gen..

My favorite app for getting listing appointments

Want to see my favorite app for getting listing appointments? (It's free.)

A few minutes ago, I used it to download a list of 35 homeowners who will be listing with an agent in the next 30-60 days.

I screen recorded the whole process.

Click here to watch and get the app (<10min)

Enjoy :)

-Chris Jones

Thursday, January 26, 2023

STARTING NOW: Add $350k GCI (+5 listing appts guaranteed)

Cool share today...

My buddy Andrey is firing up the live webinar room right now for today's training:

"Listing Breakthrough: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months"

Here is the GoToWebinar link:

He's going to walk you through the baby steps of adding $350k in GCI this year.

And as a bonus, he's giving everyone who attends live 3 extra gifts:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training


-Chris Jones

STARTING NOW: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (+ 5 Listing Appt Guarantee)

Hey... it's Andrey here...

I'm firing up the LIVE WORKSHOP room right now for today's BRAND NEW listing training:

"Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months"

Here is the GoToWebinar link:

In today's listing-focused workshop, you'll learn:

  • How to eliminate all guesswork and make adding $350K GCI in 12 months predictable and consistent
  • 3 simple, yet effective, systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings
  • How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "Set It & Forget It" tactics that work immediately when used
  • I'll be showing you his entire Listing Launch Method - because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience
  • How you can add $350K GCI in the next 12 months, step-by-step, WITHOUT buying expensive leads, cold-calling, chasing prospects, or wasting your time with dead-end ideas and technology

This formula will show you how to quickly add more listings to your business without cold-calling, buying expensive leads, or spending hours prospecting and following up.

AND… Without:

  1. spending HOURS on prospecting
  2. learning new technology
  3. having to invest in expensive software.

Plus, Get These 3 Free Gifts:

In fact, here's what you're gonna get if you attend live:

  1. You'll get a copy n' paste document of 3 emails you can send out to your database & leads immediately after the training on Thursday that will get engagement
  2. You'll get a simple template for a Power Point video you can screen record on any computer/laptop that generates steady engagement and listing appointments
  3. You'll get a short PDF playbook of everything he's showing us on the training

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training
- I'll be going through all the key steps in detail because I want you to have a solid listing-getting game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

200 seats are available.

Jump on now to get your seat for today's game-changer training…


PS - There is NOTHING FOR SALE on this training. This is pure content.

And at the end I will be making a Done For You program available - but you have to speak with me on the phone first (it comes with a guarantee of 5 listing appointments in 90 days).

So show up, bring your notepad, get ready to take notes, and map out a listing system for yourself that will elevate your listing game in 2023...




Breakthrough method for getting listings (today @ 1pm eastern)

Quick share today...

Today at 1:00pm eastern my friend Andrey is going live with a brand new webinar entitled "Listing Breakthrough."

Here's what Andrey's gonna share:

3 simple systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings

How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "set it & forget it" tactics that work immediately when used

His entire Listing Launch Method because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience

​There are only 150 spots, and it will fill up, so you'll have to register.

Click here to save your spot.​

Plus, you'll get these 3 gifts, just for attending:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training.

He'll be going through all the key steps in detail because he wants us to have a solid listing game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

Click here to save your spot.​

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Breakthrough Method for Getting Listings (Today at 1pm ET)

Today at 1pm ET / 10am PT I'm hosting a live BRAND NEW Workshop - that has NOTHING for sale, 100% pure content.

During this workshop today, I will show you:

  • How to eliminate all guesswork and make adding $350K GCI in 12 months predictable and consistent
  • 3 simple, yet effective, systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings
  • How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "Set It & Forget It" tactics that work immediately when used
  • I'll be showing us his entire Listing Launch Method - because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience
  • How you can add $350K GCI in the next 12 months, step-by-step, WITHOUT buying expensive leads, cold-calling, chasing prospects, or wasting your time with dead-end ideas and technology

Today, Thursday at 1pm ET / 10am PT:

​Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI In 12 Months​



Plus, Get These 3 Free Gifts:

In fact, here's what you're gonna get if you attend live:

  1. You'll get a copy n' paste document of 3 emails you can send out to your database & leads immediately after the training on Thursday that will get engagement
  2. You'll get a simple template for a Power Point video you can screen record on any computer/laptop that generates steady engagement and listing appointments
  3. You'll get a short PDF playbook of everything I'll be showing you on the training

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training
- I'll be going through all the key steps in detail because I want you to have a solid listing-getting game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

My friend, if you'd like to get an increase in steady new listings WITHOUT wasting money, time. or effort... then this is for you.

​Don't miss this. Click here to save your spot.​

This is gonna blow your socks off :-)


PS - There is NOTHING FOR SALE on this training. This is pure content.

And at the end I will be making a Done For You program available - but you have to speak with me on the phone first (it comes with a guarantee of 5 listing appointments in 90 days).

So show up, bring your notepad, get ready to take notes, and map out a listing system for yourself that will elevate your listing game in 2023...




Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Here’s how you can add $350K in the next 12 months (+ a 5 appointments guarantee)

Tomorrow my friend Andrey is demonstrating break-through methods for getting more listing appointments that work immediately when you use them.

He's going to share 3 step-by-step strategies you can use to get more listing appointments.

What if you could add $350k GCI to your bottom line in the next 12 months... and make that your new baseline?

In other words, make the additional income your new normal income, not just a one-time extra.

That's what this training is.

He's sharing all of this live tomorrow.

Thursday @ 1:00pm eastern.

Listing Breakthrough: Add $350k GCI in 12 Months

Andrey is giving everyone who attends live 3 free gifts:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training

Here's what Andrey's gonna share:

3 simple systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings

How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "set it & forget it" tactics that work immediately when used

His entire Listing Launch Method because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training.

He'll be going through all the key steps in detail because he wants us to have a solid listing game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

Click here to save your spot

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Real estate coaches SUCK..

Are they coaches or therapists? Real estate coaches suck at..

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Hacking zillow (replay + cheat sheet)

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled The Zillow Hack.

In it, I shared a new hack we use to get free leads from Zillow.

💻 How to Get Free Leads from Zillow (Live Encore)

The reason why I created this webinar was to answer a common question.

"Chris, what's your favorite marketing playbook?"

Well, here it is. If I could only use 1 playbook for the rest of my life, it would be this one. My favorite way to take listings.

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

It's available for 24 hours only. Feel free to fast forward and rewind!

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

This link expires soon, but until then you're free to share it with friends, colleagues, broker, whoever...


-Chris Jones

Hacking zillow (going live)

I'm getting ready to jump on a brand new live webinar.

"How to get free leads from Zillow"

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
​Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

I'm going to show you how to take 1 listing per week. All from free Zillow leads.

Here's what you'll get just for attending:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours

See you there.

-Chris Jones

Hacking zillow (going live now)

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar with Chris Jones.

"How to get free leads from Zillow"

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<
​Officially starts at 12:00pm eastern

Chris is going to show you how to take 1 listing per week.

Here's what you'll get just for attending:

⬇️ Beta access to our #1 lead app (free)

⬇️ The entire Zillow hack playbook

⬇️ Replay access for 48 hours

See you there...





Hacking zillow

There's a new hack for Zillow.

Allows us to siphon super high quality leads off Zillow, at no cost.

Most agents hate Zillow.

The last survey I saw, 87% of REALTORS had a "negative" opinion of Zillow.

But personally, I LOVE Zillow.


Because Zillow is throwing me hot listing leads. (Unbeknownst to them.)

And it's free.

Normally, if you want the quality leads from Zillow, you have to sign up for Zillow Premier, which is ~$1200/mo per zip code.

Uh, no thanks.

Instead, we run this simple hack.

I'm getting more leads than a Premier Agent. And it's free.

This one hack is bringing us 5 listing leads and 8 buyer leads.

Per week. For free.


It's totally ethical, by the way. And it's simple too -- ANYONE can do it.

When you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

An agent in Texas is taking 1 listing per week from this playbook.

Want to learn our hack?

Later today, I am sharing the entire process in a free webinar.

​Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow​

Tuesday, Jan 24 @ 12:00PM Eastern

Space is limited to 250 seats, so you have to register.

I am sharing everything you need to execute at no cost.

The playbook and all the tools/apps:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours


After you watch, you will be the only agent in your office who LOVES Zillow.

See you there.

-Chris Jones