Saturday, July 16, 2016

Free Advertising Secret + Avoid Real Estate Cyber Scams + much more...

885,391 daily readers and growing!

July 16, 2016
Free Advertising Secret


Dear Reader,

Today I'm going to show you the ultimate guerilla tactic. This technique is how I get 2-3 new customers every day on autopilot -- without spending any money ok advertising.

Now, before I go any further, let me warn you. At the end of this email I’m going to offer you a solution to a problem. You might even call it a “sales pitch”. Frankly I hate being blindsided by sneaky sales people, so I want to be up front. The technology solution I used to become a mega-producer...I allow agents to buy it from me, and those agents who do are incredibly successful with it.

You’ll definitely want to read all the way to the bottom of this letter -- I have an exciting announcement for my readers. But let me be clear, you don’t need to buy my technology to use all of the powerful techniques I share in this email, so let’s go ahead and get started.

In this segment I’m going to share my complete method for capturing guaranteed customers every day without spending any money on advertising -- the ultimate guerilla marketing tactic. I discovered this method about six months after getting into real estate when I realized that I was quickly going broke following all of the so-called experts’ advice.

That’s a long story for another email, but in short, when I discovered this method I went from famine to feast overnight. The week before I discovered the method I’m about to share, I had exactly zero clients -- and nothing in the pipeline either. After implementing this method, I was suddenly overwhelmed with over 20 new customers a week!


This explosion of success is what put me on CNN and led to several national speaking engagements discussing how to capture business in the internet age of real estate..

Now I’m going to tell you exactly what I discovered — a simple formula that can be implemented by any agent in any market. But before I get into the actual formula, remember I told you that I was going to share a case study with you? I want to share with you the true story of an agent that I trained in my company. His name is Dave.

Dave came to us one day looking for a way to make a few extra dollars and take the pressure off the family budget. He was a full-time soldier working as an instructor at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He came and discussed the income possibilities of doing real estate part-time, and we strongly encouraged him to give it a try.

Dave signed up for the pre-license training, got his real estate license, and began working as a part-time agent with our company. Dave took my training very seriously. He followed the formula, step-by-step, and by the end of his first year we’d paid him over $300,000 in commissions. Obviously, he grossed well over that amount.

One month he earned over $50,000 — I know because I signed the checks. I will be the first to admit that I was very proud of Dave — proud because he is a perfect example of what a regular guy can do given the right direction, and the will to succeed.

Let me ask you a couple of questions. Do you think Dave was a genius? A one in a million freak of nature? He would have told you, “Absolutely not!” He’d be the first to say that he’s just an ordinary guy, much like I am. But he did two simple things.

First and most importantly, he realized he could do it! Then he took the same exact formula I used, and he implemented it step-by-step. If you ask me, I say THAT IS genius. Why would you want to reinvent the wheel when you could plug into an already successful methodology?

The best part about my method for generating real estate customers is that it works with virtually every form of advertising -- free or otherwise. The exact steps to my method will vary depending on where you advertise, but today I’m going to show you how I generate 2-3 customers a day on autopilot using only free advertising.

Then once you understand the fundamental principles of my method, we can apply them to paid advertising to multiply your results. But let me be clear, you don’t need to spend money to get lots of customers from your website. You just need to follow the method.

To show you how to generate 2-3 customers a day for free, we are going to run an ad on Craigslist. But not just any ad. We are going to run a super-charged ad that will swarm your website with customers. The truth is, Craigslist is my bread and butter and is still where I capture the majority of my leads today. If you follow the formula I’m about to share, you can easily match my results or even improve on them.

Alright, enough hype. Let me show you the method.

The Ultimate Guerilla Marketing Tactic

Step One is procuring the perfect listing for your ad. What!? Yes, you heard me right. The first step is to get a listing. Have I lost you? I know, many of you don’t have any listings right now, and some of you have never listed a single property.

Here’s the secret: you don’t need to go out and take a brand new listing in order to complete step one. In fact my formula is the same for agents who have dozens of listings as it is for exclusive buyer agents. You are going to borrow a listing.

What do I mean by “borrowing” a listing? Let me explain by walking you through exactly how I procure the perfect listing for my ad. Remember, all of this can be done for free and in a single afternoon. I recommend that you start now.


I start by picking up a recent copy of the local Homes magazine or Real Estate Book. I grab my red Sharpie marker and flip through the pages until I find the perfect listing. What I’m looking for is always the same: A. maximum curb appeal B. listed at 120% of my market’s average home price.

Let’s go over that. When you advertise your own listings, curb appeal is something you have virtually no control over. You get the good, bad, AND the ugly. But what if you could control how attractive your listing sheet is? Do you think your ads would generate more interest? Of course they would. Buyers are attracted to beautiful homes far more than ugly ones. Duh.

However, I don’t simply pick the most beautiful property in the magazine. I don’t know about you, but the most attractive properties in my market are over 7x the average home price. By definition, that puts it out of most buyers’ price range. The nicest looking properties are typically the multi-million dollar estates. Unfortunately, very few people are in the market for such a property and my ad wouldn’t capture many customers.

That’s where the 120% of average comes in. Statistically speaking, the closer the property is to the average home price in the area, the more potential buyers it will have. Therefore, the closer the listing in your ad is to average, the more click-throughs it will generate.

If that’s true, why not just advertise listings at exactly the average home price? Well you could, but while I want to capture lots of customers, I also want to capture the higher end shoppers. At 120% of the average price you will effectively give yourself a 20% raise but still be close enough to average to appeal to a large numbers of buyers in your market.

The average home price in my market is $152,000, so my target is a property listed for about $182K. (152,000 x 1.2 = $182,400.) Typically I’ll choose an attractive property within a few thousand dollars of my target. And I usually have dozens to choose from.

Once I’ve chosen my mark, I contact the listing agent. I’ll send a quick email just like this one. In fact, you can use this as template:


Hey Joe, I was looking through the homes magazine… I really like your listing at 123 Elmwood and would love to sell it for you! I’m putting together my ads for the month and I have a a few open spots. Would you mind if I included this property? Thanks, let me know. -Matt

I can honestly say I have never been denied permission to advertise another agent’s listing when using this approach. Now, that’s not to say that you might not be the first, but so what? There are plenty of listings out there -- no need to fixate on getting shot down once.

Now, for some reason, some agents feel squeamish about borrowing other agents’ listings. If that’s you, I want you to imagine the scenario in reverse. Let’s say you’ve taken a number of nice listings and a nice agent from another office approaches you for permission to advertise one of them.

Now the insecure agent might be inclined to say no. But do I need to remind you of that fancy little word we all learned in real estate school. Remember it? “Fiduciary obligation.” Tell me, do you think it would be upholding your fiduciary obligation to your seller to deny free exposure to their property? I know it wouldn’t. Don’t be afraid to borrow listings. Most agents will be thrilled at the opportunity for free exposure.

[Note: Do this now. Use my email as a template, but put your own spin on it. This approach really works and only takes a few minutes to complete. Just think, by the end of the day you could have several beautiful properties in your arsenal.]

Step Two is creating the perfect ad. Writing a great ad shouldn’t take a lot of time and doesn’t require years of copywriting experience. In fact, when it comes to real estate listings the best ads say very little. Plus, I’m about to share the exact ad formula that I use to write all of my ads. If you follow this formula, creating a new ad from scratch should only take about ten minutes.

Previously I have only shared this ad-writing formula with my paid Ultimate Website members, but I believe this is a skill that any agent can assimilate very quickly and that will pay enormous dividends. Here is an actual ad that I have posted on my local Craigslist:


This ad alone brought in over fifteen new customers per month. (And that was just one ad. I typically recommend that you run at least five to ten simultaneously.) Below is the simple steps I follow when creating a new ad:

4 Keys to the Perfect Ad

1. Title. Write a short, plain description of the property. In my example, I give the bedrooms and the neighborhood.

2. Body. Identify five selling features of the home. Selling features could include a pool or any special amenities, recent additions or upgrades, or the location. Limit yourself to only the top five selling features. The ad shouldn’t outlast your visitor’s attention span. These features can be written in a simple bullet list if you want.

3. Leave out the Price. This is the most important step of the formula. Remember, our goal is to maximize curiosity, not maximize the information. This step alone will double the number of clicks you can generate from the ad.

4. Footer. In a large bold font, add a footer that tells your visitor where they can get more info on the property. I recommend that you use my footer exactly. It is professional, no-pressure, highly tested, and it works.

That’s my entire formula. Go ahead and write your own ad now. You might still be waiting to receive permission from the listing agent you contacted in Step One, but I can almost guarantee that you’ll get it. And on the off chance that he says no, you’ve only wasted about 10 minutes and it’s good practice. Don’t put it off. Do it now, and you’ll see how incredibly easy writing a great ad can be.

Step Three is lead capture. You’ve written the perfect ad. You are now holding the attention of an interested buyer who, statistically speaking, will probably make a purchase within the next 90 days. How are you going to turn him into a client?

The answer is effective lead capture. Obviously I use my Ultimate Website, and you could use it too (it’s relatively inexpensive). But in my mini-book Unlocking Real Estate Lead Generation that I sent you last week, I share a blueprint you can use to turn any website into a lead generation machine.

My Ultimate Website has three different forms of lead capture, and they are each essential to my advertising. Customers have widely disparate search preferences. Some prefer to call, others prefer to text, others prefer to continue their search online.

My Ultimate Website includes all three technologies: a phone gateway, a text gateway, and a powerful online search page. But no matter which path the customer chooses, they will pass through my lead capture technology, and I will capture a new customer.

Maybe you read Unlocking Real Estate Lead Generation, but you don’t have the time, the desire, or the technical knowledge to rebuild your website. That’s okay. My Ultimate Website includes everything, and the best part is it’s all integrated and works together. Much better than getting each technology from a different company. It’s much cheaper too.

Step Four is the easiest. Sit back and wait for the customers to come in. I expect to capture about one customer per ad that I place, so I recommend placing more than one at a time. Craigslist will allow you to renew the ad to the top of the listings every 48 hours. So if you post five ads and renew them each fifteen times per month, that’s approximately 75 customers every month -- without spending a dime in advertising and very little time maintaining your ads. Not bad.

This in my complete method. If you complete these four steps exactly like I teach, I guarantee you will capture 2-3 customers per day. In fact, I know of several agents who have followed this exact training who capture a LOT more than 2-3 customers a day. Kudos to them.

You cannot fully understand the feeling of freedom you get when you have the power to generate new clients AT WILL until you actually experience it for yourself. It’s incredible and it completely changed the trajectory of my career. I personally went from struggling to having a team of a dozen agents in about six months time… simply by having lots of opportunities.

If you’re reading this and haven’t had a chance to check out my Ultimate Website with LCM technology, I urge you to take a moment to see what all the fuss is about. I think you will be very favorably impressed, and if you decide to try it today, I’ll give you a promo code that will get you an extra $350 in bonuses, but it will only work today.

Promo code: “NEWGENIUS” (all caps, no quotes)

Get the Ultimate Website Now

(Or check price and availability.)

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones

Matt Jones is the founder and CEO of, nationally syndicated columnist, broker, and best selling author. He has been profiled by major media outlets as an innovator and a pioneer in the industry, and CNN's Pulse on America claimed he and his company were "changing the way real estate is done in America."

I did not sign up for this


Avoid Real Estate Cyber Scams »
hishing, hacking, wire fraud � these are all ways people attempt to steal from others online. As our lives become more and more dependent upon cyberspace, the chances of being caught in a cyber scam Read more »
Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the Read more »
How Will a Possible 'Brexit' Affect U.S. Homebuyers »
Home buyers on American soil have enough to worry about without losing sleep over whether Britons, Read more »
Police Searching for Man Posing as a Real Estate Agent »
San Antonio police are searching for a man accused of posing a real estate agent and fleecing a Read more »
Couple Urging Homeowners to Sell Fails to Mention They Are Agents »
It�s no secret Metro Vancouver�s real estate market is a tough nut to crack with some hopeful buyers Read more »
New Home Construction is Flatlining »
Nationwide housing starts � including single-family and multifamily production � mostly held flat at Read more »


Mortgage Rates Fall to Lowest Level in Months »
The normal long-term mortgage rate in the US fell for the current week for a fourth straight week in the midst of turmoil in stock markets and worldwide economic stress due to investors exiting. Read more »
Homebuying Could Become Unaffordable Within Two Years »
With the right economic conditions, in two years, home affordability could get close to the same Read more »
Which Candidate Is Most Likely to Help the Housing Market? »
We surveyed home sellers in late January to get their take on the market. Because it�s an election Read more »
Brooklyn Tool Shed Listed for $500k »
The ad on Zillow says the property is a 'great opportunity... asking only $499,000'. Read more »
US Commercial Sales at Record High »
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 03: A large Super Bowl 50 banner is displayed on a skyscraper on Read more »
New Home Sales Surge to New After-Recession High »
Sales of new single-family homes climbed 16.6 percent in April, reaching the highest sales pace Read more »


75 Tips to Improve Your Site's SEO »
An online presence is crucial for most real estate professionals. While you can always post your listings to big sites like Zillow and Trulia, if you�re going to get noticed locally it�s important to Read more »
Don't Use Email To Manage Transactions »
As hackers continue to use fraudulent online messages to steal money from unsuspecting home buyers, Read more »
Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize Real Estate Soon »
The realization of Virtual Reality (VR) is set to have a big impact on real estate, offering buyers Read more »
New Objective School Rankings for Your Real Estate Search »
For young families moving to a new city one of the biggest challenges isn�t just finding a suitable Read more »
Will Agent Searching Become a Thing? »
I�ve never really seen anything that leads me to believe a big percentage of people search for Read more »
How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are Read more »


Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole trade secrets from Move Inc., operator of�. The settlement came just as the case was Read more »
Cancer Patient Sues Real Estate Couple for $500k »
A Surrey cancer patient who claims a couple of local real estate agents cheated her out of $500,000 Read more »
Agent Charged With Terroristic Threats Misses Court »
A Hot Springs realtor facing a terroristic threatening charge had a court date Thursday. Read more »
Despite $1.2B Settlement, DOJ Still Pursuing Wells Fargo »
Despite recently agreeing to a $1.2 billion settlement with the federal government to resolve claims Read more »
Teen Charged With Stabbing Real Estate Agent »
A teenager has been charged with the stabbing death of a man in New Hanover County last week. Read more »
Police Searching for Man Posing as a Real Estate Agent »
San Antonio police are searching for a man accused of posing a real estate agent and fleecing a Read more »


Should You Be Posting Your Listings on Social Media? »
Social media is a great means of marketing your real estate listings. Unfortunately, not all real estate agents make use of this as part of their marketing strategy. Is it time for you to promote your Read more »
How to Host an Open House Like a Pro »
Open house is that certain time wherein you are opening your home for viewing. This means that you Read more »
Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid »
You know buyers are most likely to start their home search online, surveys attest to that. And, Read more »
Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the Read more »



Help Your Buyer Find the Right Compromises »
Your home shoppers may have a long wish list, but when it comes to finding a home � particularly under the tight inventories prevalent in so many markets right now � the word �compromise� may need to Read more »
Customers-for-life Still Eluding Many Brokerages »
One of the most common goals adopted almost universally by real estate brokerages is also the Read more »
Make Sense of Online Advertising Metrics »
The sheer amount of online marketing campaign data and website analytics is staggering. These Read more »
Secrets to Multiplying Your Referrals »
What systems do you have in place to double your business through referrals with each transaction? Read more »
Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve Read more »

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Friday, July 15, 2016

The Next Real Estate Boom + Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home + much more...

885,391 daily readers and growing!

July 15, 2016
The Next Real Estate Boom

Dear Reader,

What if I told you the next five years in real estate could set you up for a massive retirement -- much bigger than you probably ever considered? Why? Because real estate is coming back and it’s coming back huge!

Every day there’s another news report that real estate is finally beginning to make a huge comeback. Many believe that the current recovery will be just as big as the crash -- bigger than any real estate boom in history.

Like most booms, though, it will happen fast, and many will be left sitting on the sidelines and miss a huge opportunity. How will they miss it? Because they won’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late, because they are still looking for customers where there are no customers.

And just like most booms, you can bet on the Pareto's Principle. Or to put it another way, apply the 80/20 rule: 80% of agents will miss out while 20% catch and ride the biggest real estate wave of their career, making massive incomes and setting themselves up for life in only a few short years. And I’m not just talking about millionaire real estate investors; I’m talking about regular agents selling residential real estate. Don’t believe me? Okay, well just sit back and watch while some of your peers get rich.

The secret to taking advantage of this next housing boom is being the agent who knows where and how to find the customers. There are plenty of customers, but according to the stats, unbelievably the majority of agents are still using the old-school methods and are grabbing only a tiny fraction of the potential business. Why? If you want to catch fish, you have to go where the fish are biting. And real estate is no different.

According to the latest data from the National Association of Realtors all but 5% of today’s homebuyers are starting online. That means if you aren’t effectively fishing online, then don’t be surprised if you don’t catch many fish. And I don’t mean having a website. I mean having a website that brings in customers -- every single day on autopilot. A website that actually works.

Most agents -- the 80% -- spend tons of money on marketing and have very little to show for it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A very few agents -- the other 20% who know the secret to finding customers online, are doing better and spending less than ever before. Every day they get up to find 2-3 new customers in their inbox and many don’t spend a dime on advertising, placing free ads online just like I show them to, and just like I do myself.

What makes this possible is three little letters: L-C-M. Remember these letters -- they stand for Lead... Capture... Module. Now, you probably have no idea what an LCM is and that’s okay. But know this: Using this simple and yet incredible tool many agents had business even when the bottom fell out. (I know because I wrote an article about one!). And now as the boom is starting, they’re starting to close transactions like never before.

And what's great is they aren't investing tons on advertising because they don't have to. I can tell you that I personally don’t spend a dime on advertising and yet I’m getting 2-3 new, inbound leads every single day, day in and day out, because of my web site. I like to say it's on "autopilot" because it flies itself. I rarely if ever touch it.

The LCM gateway is simple feature I have on my "Ultimate Website", and its sole purpose is capturing online shoppers. The typical real estate website brings in no business, and I don't have to tell you that, because you probably have one. And whether it costs you money directly or not, it's costing you a huge amount of business. On the other hand, my Ultimate Website (combined with free advertising) is bringing me 2-3 inbound customers every day, year round. Enough business that I can cherry pick the customers I want to work with and refer out the rest.

View my personal website here »

Better yet, our geeks hold your hand to help you get the website up and running so you’re not on your own like with so many technology tools you’ve tried before. Instead of spending hours every single day fishing where the fish aren’t biting, you set up your Ultimate Website and watch as fish jump right into your boat -- or inbox. The first time you see it happen you’ll be amazed... and then the light will come on.

I know that many of you are thinking this sounds too good to be true. It is too good to be true, but it IS true. This is the holy grail of online lead generation. Nothing else even comes close. I used to tell agents that my website is not a magic bullet, but one day I realized it IS a magic bullet. Let me give you a couple of examples:

Take Kevin, a truck driver and part-time agent that wanted to make some extra money. We helped him set up his website and in three months he had a choice to make: Should he quit driving his truck and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his part-time income was more than his full-time job. He decided to go for it!

That first year Kevin made $351,623 and the next year he earned $541,298! Having a never ending supply of business changed his life. Made him rich too. He bought a brand new SUV, a brand new convertible, and a 6,000 square foot mansion with a 5 car garage, a detached office, and an olympic sized pool. And that was while the market was still tanking. But that was a few years ago. Let me share just a few emails from recently.

Here’s Charlyn, a single mom and new full-time agent:

char small


I HAD to email you. I've worked in and around the real estate business for years, but this is my first year as a full time agent. I found your LCM technology last month, and I immediately knew that that's what was missing from my practice. I set it up and posted my first free ad in about 15 minutes just like you showed me and I got two customers overnight!!! I called one lead immediately, got them qualified the SAME DAY, and now we are closing just three weeks after showing them their dream home!

Plus, I'm still getting 3-4 new customers per week from my FREE ads, just like you said. I can honestly say I'm thrilled about my future in real estate, because I don't have to worry about where my next customer will come from! Thank you!!! - Charlyn G., NC


Hi Levi,

Here are my numbers from just the past two weeks, Aug 28 - Sep 11:

70 new customers total
30 I actually talked to (some conversations were very quick or I got hung up on)
15 I setup on auto-email of homes

Right now, I have one deal pending from the total number of customers I've received. I had another pending, but it fell apart (I'll sell him something else, so not worried there). I'm showing houses actively to about 5 buyers right now. And I have 52 people in total getting auto-emailed homes. In other words, a huge pipeline of business, all from free craigslist ads!

Matt M.


OK Matt,

We’ve talked several times over the last couple years. I always have good intentions to get serious about using my ultimate website but just never seem to get things implemented.

Finally, 24 hours ago from right now I looked at the cragslist part on the admin page. I did exactly like it says, not changing anything. Posted my free ad. It’s 24 hours later and I have 5 leads.


But don’t take their word for it. Give it a try. Unlike most technology, there’s no long term contract, and there’s no activation fee. In fact, the cost of having the very best online technology for gathering business is a lot less than you might think. It’s less than a cup of Starbucks a day. That’s right, less than a cup of Starbucks a day!

Listen, I want you to imagine what it would be like to be in that 20% that catches this next incredible real estate boom. Wouldn’t it be nice to work hard for the next five years and make enough money to never work another day? With my Ultimate Website that can be a reality. It can be YOUR reality.

This could be the moment you’ve been waiting for. The key to turning things around. In fact, if you’re currently doing traditional real estate, this IS your key to turning things around. So give it a try. I mean really, what do you have to lose except maybe some advertising bills. Give it a try and you’ll see... you’ll have more business than you can handle starting your very first day.

Agents who use it are generating an average of 2-3 new inbound leads every day without spending additional money on advertising. It costs less than most websites and there is no long-term commitment or activation fee. Here is a link:


You cannot fully understand the feeling of freedom you get when you have the power to generate new clients AT WILL until you actually experience it for yourself. It’s incredible and it completely changed the trajectory of my career. I personally went from struggling to having a team of a dozen agents in about six months time… simply by having lots of opportunities.

If you’re reading this and haven’t had a chance to check out my Ultimate Website with LCM technology, I urge you to take a moment to see what all the fuss is about. I think you will be very favorably impressed, and if you decide to try it today, I’ll give you a promo code that will get you an extra $350 in bonuses, but it will only work today.

Promo code: “NEWSGENIUS” (all caps, no quotes)

Get the Ultimate Website Now

(Or check price and availability.)


As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones

Matt Jones is the founder and CEO of, nationally syndicated columnist, broker, and best selling author. He has been profiled by major media outlets as an innovator and a pioneer in the industry, and CNN's Pulse on America claimed he and his company were "changing the way real estate is done in America."

I did not sign up for this


Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the properties have similar layouts and designs � your eyes might glaze over as you skim through countless Read more »
How Will a Possible 'Brexit' Affect U.S. Homebuyers »
Home buyers on American soil have enough to worry about without losing sleep over whether Britons, Read more »
Police Searching for Man Posing as a Real Estate Agent »
San Antonio police are searching for a man accused of posing a real estate agent and fleecing a Read more »
Couple Urging Homeowners to Sell Fails to Mention They Are Agents »
It�s no secret Metro Vancouver�s real estate market is a tough nut to crack with some hopeful buyers Read more »
Avoid Real Estate Cyber Scams »
hishing, hacking, wire fraud � these are all ways people attempt to steal from others online. As our Read more »
New Home Construction is Flatlining »
Nationwide housing starts � including single-family and multifamily production � mostly held flat at Read more »


Homebuying Could Become Unaffordable Within Two Years »
With the right economic conditions, in two years, home affordability could get close to the same level seen before the financial crisis, making it difficult for people to afford a home. Read more »
Which Candidate Is Most Likely to Help the Housing Market? »
We surveyed home sellers in late January to get their take on the market. Because it�s an election Read more »
Brooklyn Tool Shed Listed for $500k »
The ad on Zillow says the property is a 'great opportunity... asking only $499,000'. Read more »
US Commercial Sales at Record High »
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 03: A large Super Bowl 50 banner is displayed on a skyscraper on Read more »
Mortgage Rates Fall to Lowest Level in Months »
The normal long-term mortgage rate in the US fell for the current week for a fourth straight week in Read more »
New Home Sales Surge to New After-Recession High »
Sales of new single-family homes climbed 16.6 percent in April, reaching the highest sales pace Read more »


Will Agent Searching Become a Thing? »
I�ve never really seen anything that leads me to believe a big percentage of people search for agents. Read more »
Don't Use Email To Manage Transactions »
As hackers continue to use fraudulent online messages to steal money from unsuspecting home buyers, Read more »
Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize Real Estate Soon »
The realization of Virtual Reality (VR) is set to have a big impact on real estate, offering buyers Read more »
New Objective School Rankings for Your Real Estate Search »
For young families moving to a new city one of the biggest challenges isn�t just finding a suitable Read more »
75 Tips to Improve Your Site's SEO »
An online presence is crucial for most real estate professionals. While you can always post your Read more »
How Agent's Can Improve Their Site's Ranking »
Real estate is changing in many ways and the manner in which potential homebuyers and sellers are Read more »


Agent Charged With Terroristic Threats Misses Court »
A Hot Springs realtor facing a terroristic threatening charge had a court date Thursday. Read more »
Cancer Patient Sues Real Estate Couple for $500k »
A Surrey cancer patient who claims a couple of local real estate agents cheated her out of $500,000 Read more »
Despite $1.2B Settlement, DOJ Still Pursuing Wells Fargo »
Despite recently agreeing to a $1.2 billion settlement with the federal government to resolve claims Read more »
Teen Charged With Stabbing Real Estate Agent »
A teenager has been charged with the stabbing death of a man in New Hanover County last week. Read more »
Move, Zillow Settle on Eve of Trial »
Zillow agreed Monday to pay $130 million to settle allegations that two of its executives stole Read more »
Police Searching for Man Posing as a Real Estate Agent »
San Antonio police are searching for a man accused of posing a real estate agent and fleecing a Read more »


Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid »
You know buyers are most likely to start their home search online, surveys attest to that. And, sure, you know online is where you then want to form a strong presence � you�ve heard that plenty before Read more »
Should You Be Posting Your Listings on Social Media? »
Social media is a great means of marketing your real estate listings. Unfortunately, not all real Read more »
How to Host an Open House Like a Pro »
Open house is that certain time wherein you are opening your home for viewing. This means that you Read more »
Agent Poses in Panda Costume to Sell Home »
If you�ve ever spent hours online looking for a home � especially in a region where most of the Read more »



Secrets to Multiplying Your Referrals »
What systems do you have in place to double your business through referrals with each transaction? Top real estate agents implement great procedures to plant seeds for business referrals from the very Read more »
Customers-for-life Still Eluding Many Brokerages »
One of the most common goals adopted almost universally by real estate brokerages is also the Read more »
Make Sense of Online Advertising Metrics »
The sheer amount of online marketing campaign data and website analytics is staggering. These Read more »
Help Your Buyer Find the Right Compromises »
Your home shoppers may have a long wish list, but when it comes to finding a home � particularly Read more »
Protect Your Agent Commission »
In this monthly column, a member of Miami�s Master Brokers Forum will examine and positively resolve Read more »

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