Wednesday, July 3, 2024

7 spots left for this listing program

I'm looking for my final 7 real estate agents who are ready to make a decision.


Take a minute - is this you?

  • You're ready to hit at least $30k in 60-90 days
  • You want to take advantage of unlimited 1:1 coaching and accountability - while my team and I do most of the work DONE-FOR-YOU and you just record videos for us using my video scripts (I provide them to you)
  • You've seen AT LEAST one success story from our clients (like Stuart Sutton who hit $42K in 8 weeks!)

If that's not you…

... please ignore this email and don't reply.

For context, I turn down over 30% of real estate agents if we don't think they're ready.

And check this out.

The case study with Stuart is mind-blowing.

Here's what happened:

  • He ran just ONE of my "Custom Audience" campaigns to his target audience and
  • He made the important decision to do it exactly how I coach it, step-by-step.
  • and he added $42K GCI in just 8 weeks!

If that doesn't sound horrible, book a call ASAP.

Just hit REPLY to this email and let me know you're ready to add new listings quickly.

This is first come, first served...

Looking to fill the final 7 spots immediately.

Let's get listings,

P.S. these 7 spots are available for the special "summer price" I announced last week. We started with 20 spots. 7 are left.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Common Question Agents Ask That Cripples Listing Business

Here's a YouTube video sharing a common question real estate agents ask that unwittingly cripples their listing business (and what you should ask instead!):

video preview

To Your Listing Success!

Listing Academy, LLC
Modern Listing Systems (MLS)