Thursday, August 3, 2017

Will you work for Zillow in 24 months?

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Dear Reader,

Zillow keeps making the news in 2017, huh?

Last month I shared a story about Zillow's move to ban agents from manually entering new listings into the Zillow database. Not hard to figure out why.

Zillow is playing hardball with the last few MLSs who refuse to cave in and hand over their listing feeds. By banning manual entry of new listings, Zillow is sending a clear message to us agents:

"Hand over the entire MLS feed... or else."


This is all part of Zillow's plan -- which I described in great detail well over a year ago -- and it's happening right on schedule.

Just as I predicted, this week Zillow is making headlines for something much more ominous. But this time they tipped their hand to agents like you.

According to Inman News,, RISMedia, and many other media outlets, Zillow is preparing to launch a new real estate brand.

The new brand will operate under the domain -- a domain that Zillow acquired last year in their buyout of Trulia.

The focus of this new brand is to cater specifically to millennials, which now makes up almost half of the home-buying market.

Zillow to Compete Head to Head with Real Estate Firms

Do you see where this is going? Zillow is giving us their entire playbook.


Zillow is no longer just in the real estate search business. They are now getting into the actual real estate sales business.

I don't blame them either. Their main business -- selling leads to REALTORS -- is currently in heavy decline.

In 2016 Zillow lost almost 10% of the agents paying for their lead services, and that was after spending an additional $11M in marketing.

In other words, profits are falling fast, and it appears no amount of additional marketing dollars is capable of turning that around.

However, they still have the ace of spades in their hand. Zillow now reaches 95% of the home buying public. That means virtually everyone who buys a home in the next 12 months will use Zillow at least once. So what's their next move?

Based on recent events, my guess is Zillow is going to start selling homes. Of course a technology company can't just start selling homes... can they?

Not exactly. They'll need your help.

Zillow's Plan Is to Turn Agents into Uber Drivers

Right now, Zillow sells real estate leads to nearly 100K agents across the country. They charge exorbitant prices for poor quality leads.

But since the vast majority of home buyers start their search on Zillow, many of us feel as though we have no choice. Either buy leads from Zillow or simply starve.

(You do have another choice, by the way. I'll get to that in a minute.)

Now that Zillow is opening it's own real estate brand, agents will be presented with a new and more devastating choice.

The old choice was: Buy leads or starve.

The new choice will be: Come work for Zillow or starve.

They'll compete head to head with old legacy brands such as Century 21 and Coldwell Banker and even newer real estate giants like Re/Max and Keller Williams.

But do you think they'll continue sharing leads with agents who work for those brands? Unlikely.

Instead they'll have complete control over the customers. They'll begin recruiting agents from every brokerage across the country to help them service those customers.

But do you think they'll pay as well as your current company? Again, unlikely. They've already given us a number of clues as to what their business model will look like.

They are putting their focus on millennials. There is one millennial technology company that is in the process of replacing an old legacy industry as we speak. Their name is Uber.

What will the Uber-ization of real estate look like? I'll tell you.

Zillow will capture the customer. Zillow will provide search tools for the customer to find their dream home. Zillow will provide all the disclosure forms, contracts, waivers, etc. Zillow will connect them with an online lender. Zillow will arrange for a home inspection.

They'll just need you to show homes. Zillow will turn agents like you into glorified Uber drivers.

Is this your future?


Ding A home buyer is requesting a showing across town. Are you available?

Of course, just as with Uber, Zillow will be a discount service. Probably a simple flat transaction fee -- maybe a thousands bucks. Anyone remember HelpUSell? They were just ahead of their time. What do you think your cut will be?

Agents will earn a few hundred bucks per transaction, and in order to squeak out a meager living, they will have to do 10-20 transactions per month.

Unfortunately this seems to be REALTORS' destiny. I've seen the writing on the wall for several years now.

However, it doesn't have to be your destiny.

You Have Another Option

What if you decide not to become an Uber driver for Zillow? Well, you'll need your own source for finding new customers. If you do, you'll end up doing just fine as a full service real estate agent.

If you have the ability to connect with new home buyers on demand, it's still possible to crush it. It's still possible to earn your standard commission. And it's still possible to earn a "rich life" in real estate.

All you need is effective lead capture technology. I get tired of banging the drum day after day telling agents about my Ultimate Website system.

Yes, I'm proud of it. Yes, I made sure that it has all of the various forms of lead capture systems included with it. Yes, it has a sophisticated robocall system built right in. And yes, it's cheap.

But at this point, I'm more concerned that agents get lead capture from ANYWHERE, even if it's not from me.

Right now, we as agents are staring down the barrel of a loaded gun -- if we continue paying Zillow for leads... if we continue living off of referrals alone (even though referrals are in a slow decline year after year)... if agents don't take control of their own business and create an on-demand source of customer leads.

So there's where I believe it's headed. In a few short years, you'll either work for Zillow or be forced out of the business. Or you'll develop your own plan for generating new leads and become independent. I hope you choose the latter.

If you happen to be interested in my lead capture technology, first you'll need to check availability in your area.

I limit how many agents can use it in each market to maximize your competitive advantage. Check to see if it's sold out where you work. It only takes 10 seconds.

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones
Guerilla Realty

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New study reveals the WORST real estate leads

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Dear Reader,

There is some shocking new demographic research that confirms what many agents have suspected all along. Despite what Zillow and tell us, "Internet leads" are no better than any other type of lead (referrals, sign calls, etc.).

Of course they are no worse than other leads either. But they are certainly not the end all and be all that industry leaders have made them out to be.

However this research also proves something else I have been teaching for several years now. There is one source on the internet that yields demonstrably better quality leads than virtually anywhere else.

And those agents who learn how to tap into that source will not only make more money than their peers, but will experience an easier more relaxed real estate practice, just like I do. I'll show you.

In order for me to show you, we must discuss a topic that is taboo among most agents: Craigslist.

Many readers deleted this email immediately after reading the sentence above. That's okay... their loss.

Today I'm going to completely rewire the way you think about this topic forever. If you let me.

Those readers who are resistant to change will continue in their old stale beliefs. And they will continue making the same income from real estate that they have always made.

Truth be told, as real estate continues to change underneath their feet, they will probably begin to make a little less each year. Not enough to notice at first, but over time it will add up. Then you'll be faced with another decision: go back and relearn this lesson or simply quit.

Those readers who are ready to be rewired will never be the same. Generating new customer opportunities begin to feel easy for the first time ever.

Ok, ready?

What's your opinion of Craigslist?

If you're like most agents, you have a pretty low opinion of Craigslist. It's okay to be honest. It feels "icky" to you.

You would never advertise on Craigslist. You tried it one time and you got a bunch of creepy, spammy type responses to your ads, and nothing in the way of quality leads.

Or maybe you never tried it because your broker told you it was a waste of time.

Or maybe you just think "Maybe it works in your market, Matt, but not mine."

Either way, just stay with me. I'm going to change your mind.

The demographic reports on Craigslist tell us that CL users skew younger, make more money, are more likely to have a college degree, and have higher credit than the average internet user.
In other words, they are the dream real estate customer.

Here's what we know about Craiglist leads, statistically:


By extension I would assume that Craigslist users are also more likely to be buying on a strict time frame and to be reimbursed for moving expenses by their company.

Overall, this creates a lower stress transaction.

Now that you know the demographics, which customer would you prefer? Craigslist or "other"?

Craigslist users appear to be the cats meow. Yet most agents believe the leads they get from Craigslist are bad quality. How do we explain the huge disconnect?

There is one very simple reason why. This is a key concept so pay attention.


You (or whoever told you about Craigslist) didn't hack into the "dream" customers lurking on Craigslist because you posted a plain-old boring ad just like your competitors. You played by the rules.

And because of that, all of the best customers stayed away in droves. Only the bottom feeders bothered responding to your ads.

I follow a very specific ad formula that is completely unlike my competition's. And because of that, I am able to attract 2-3 of these dream customers every single day. They roll in like clockwork, even when I'm sleeping.

In fact, I generate so many (60-90 per month) that I just plain choose to not work with many of them. That's a luxury you can afford when you have an unending supply of leads coming in on autopilot.

All you have to do is two things.

1. Rewire your thinking and accept that the reason you are not attracting the best customers is because you are playing by the rules just like everyone else.
2. You have to have lead capture technology. I don't care if you use my Ultimate Website system or get it somewhere else. But it's absolutely critical that you have good lead capture technology. If you don't, you're dead in the water.
1. Rewire your thinking and accept that the reason you are not attracting the best customers is because you are playing by the rules just like everyone else.
2. You have to have lead capture technology. I don't care if you use my Ultimate Website system or get it somewhere else. But it's absolutely critical that you have good lead capture technology. If you don't, you're dead in the water.

Here's a chat I received yesterday from an agent who started using my Ultimate Website system last month:


You probably already guessed. Suzy is running nothing but free ads on Craigslist. And she now knows how to generate dream customers on-demand whenever she wants.

If you want to start doing more transactions. You want to start earning a rich life from real estate. You just have to be willing to break the rules.

Get my Ultimate Website system, and I'll share with you everything I've done to generate awesome quality leads from free Craigslist ads. I'll help you every step of the way.

Trust me, my Ultimate Website system is different from anything you've ever seen. If you are interested in trying something different and creating a lead generation machine that will keep you busier with customers than you've ever been, click the link below and check for availability in your area.

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones
Guerilla Realty

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