Friday, July 28, 2017

I have a favor to ask...


Hey VIP,

I'm in charge of product development at and today I tasked our team with finding agents who love our training and have checked out our systems time and again but never decided to pull the trigger and give it try.

They gave me your name and I wanted to shoot you a quick email.

Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a hard time about not getting on board. There are all kinds of reasons that stop people from signing up.

In fact, that is why I wanted to message you.

We are constantly striving to make our tools better to serve the agent community. So I'm asking you for a favor.

I'd love to get your feedback. What are those reasons? What's missing from our system that you would like to see? Is it priced fairly? Is it too difficult to get started? Is there something else holding you back?

Let me know.

Now I know what you are thinking...I'm not gonna tell this guy about me so he can hound me with salesman. We actually don't have a sales staff so you don't have to worry about that, but I realize your time is valuable, so I will make you a deal.

If you reply to this email with some honest feedback about the system, site or signup process without holding anything back--give it to me straight, I can take it-- I'll send you Matt Jones' most popular ebook, Becoming a Mega-Producer, for free.


Levi Jones
Guerilla Realty

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