Saturday, February 10, 2018

Start by Knowing Your Numbers

Most sales people understand that all sales boil down to two factors:

  1. Numbers
  2. Time

If you were selling a widget this would come naturally to you, but because being a real estate agent is so much more than sales it oftentimes escapes us.

I have spent thousands of hours on the phone with real estate clients.

I've spent even more time with agents teaching them how to prospect effectively and the single biggest thing that helps improve an agent's prospecting is NOT having the perfect script, or the best pitch, or the most experience.

It's knowing their numbers.

Most agents have no idea how many leads it takes them to close a deal.

Or how many calls they have to make to get a live lead.

We've all been there.

Calling our leads haphazardly and then hoping we stumble on the one who is ready to buy tomorrow.

Then we turn around after a while and either blame the lead quality or beat ourselves up for not doing everything we could with the leads.

Being an expert in your numbers unlocks a plan for connecting with customers longterm and the attitude and mindset that help you follow through.

Depending on who you talk to, there are a hundred different stats you should be tracking and just as many ways to do it.

I am going to simplify it for you.

This will work no matter the lead or your prospecting approach.

First, you have to have a CRM. Any CRM will work if you use it regularly. If you don't have one, use our free CRM--

Then there are three (yes, only three) numbers you will want to track religiously.

  1. Contact Rate. This is percentage of leads that you reach vs. the number of leads you have. Inbound online leads will typically have a contact rate of around 50%. Colder leads (like a FSBO list) may have a a contact rate that is much lower.
  2. Success Rate. This is the number of people that respond positively to your first call. Of course, this requires that you an objective for your first call. For my approach, we expect a success rate of 75% or higher. Different objectives may result in a different success rate. The important thing is that you track this number.
  3. Closing Rate. This is the number of leads to close a transaction. According to NAR, agents close around 1 deal for every 24 leads (~4%). The type of lead matters, but what is most important is your average closing rate over time.

How you gather this information doesn't matter, but I usually set aside a half hour at the beginning of each week to review the notes I made on the leads I generated over the last week and jot down my numbers.

Not only will knowing these numbers help you identify if something needs to be tweaked.

Over time, you will begin to get a true picture of your ability on the phone.

This is huge because your motivation will wane, especially as you occasionally run through a dry spell of reaching people or run into that jerk who screams at you to take his number of your list (even though he's the dummy who registered at YOUR website).

Knowing your numbers means that if you just stay the course and continue to call, your contact rate will hold up, which will lead to your success rate if you take the right approach, which will ultimately lead to commission dollars from closings.

We will be covering effective prospecting all month, so make sure and stay tuned.

--Levi Jones


Guerilla Realty
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Friday, February 9, 2018

The Key to Successful Prospecting

Most sales people understand that all sales boil down to two factors:

  1. Numbers
  2. Time

If you were selling a widget this would come naturally to you, but because being a real estate agent is so much more than sales it oftentimes escapes us.

I have spent thousands of hours on the phone with real estate clients.

I've spent even more time with agents teaching them how to prospect effectively and the single biggest thing that helps improve an agent's prospecting is NOT having the perfect script, or the best pitch, or the most experience.

It's knowing their numbers.

Most agents have no idea how many leads it takes them to close a deal.

Or how many calls they have to make to get a live lead.

We've all been there.

Calling our leads haphazardly and then hoping we stumble on the one who is ready to buy tomorrow.

Then we turn around after a while and either blame the lead quality or beat ourselves up for not doing everything we could with the leads.

Being an expert in your numbers unlocks a plan for connecting with customers longterm and the attitude and mindset that help you follow through.

Depending on who you talk to, there are a hundred different stats you should be tracking and just as many ways to do it.

I am going to simplify it for you.

This will work no matter the lead or your prospecting approach.

First, you have to have a CRM. Any CRM will work if you use it regularly. If you don't have one, use our free CRM--

Then there are three (yes, only three) numbers you will want to track religiously.

  1. Contact Rate. This is percentage of leads that you reach vs. the number of leads you have. Inbound online leads will typically have a contact rate of around 50%. Colder leads (like a FSBO list) may have a a contact rate that is much lower.
  2. Success Rate. This is the number of people that respond positively to your first call. Of course, this requires that you an objective for your first call. For my approach, we expect a success rate of 75% or higher. Different objectives may result in a different success rate. The important thing is that you track this number.
  3. Closing Rate. This is the number of leads to close a transaction. According to NAR, agents close around 1 deal for every 24 leads (~4%). The type of lead matters, but what is most important is your average closing rate over time.

How you gather this information doesn't matter, but I usually set aside a half hour at the beginning of each week to review the notes I made on the leads I generated over the last week and jot down my numbers.

Not only will knowing these numbers help you identify if something needs to be tweaked.

Over time, you will begin to get a true picture of your ability on the phone.

This is huge because your motivation will wane, especially as you occasionally run through a dry spell of reaching people or run into that jerk who screams at you to take his number of your list (even though he's the dummy who registered at YOUR website).

Knowing your numbers means that if you just stay the course and continue to call, your contact rate will hold up, which will lead to your success rate if you take the right approach, which will ultimately lead to commission dollars from closings.

We will be covering effective prospecting all month, so make sure and stay tuned.

--Levi Jones


Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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Thursday, February 8, 2018


Hey all,

Hey there,

Thanks for checking out yesterday. The response has been jaw-dropping.

Now, do you want $1,188 worth of tools used by top agents? Of course you do.

Two agents on this list will win a free Pipeline Pro Tools account.

All you have to do is...

1. Go to 
2. Get a share link 
3. Share with other agents

You'll get 1 additional entry for every agent you share it with.

You can tell your mom or text your friends. But here's a few ideas that work really well...

- Send a group email to your whole office 
- Share in your favorite real estate Facebook group 
- Share in the comments of popular blog posts on call scripts

Help us spread the word about a free growth tool and in return you might get the most powerful lead capture tools on earth FREE.


All the best,

-Chris Jones

P.S. - yes you can still win even if you're already an Ultimate Website/Pipeline Pro Tools user.


Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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Call reluctance

Hey all,

This whole month we're going to be focusing on prospecting.

This goes hand in hand with the launch of our latest free tool

We're going to dive deep into...

- A mathematical approach to prospecting

- How to get your next appointment with one phone call

- The exact "what to say and how to say it" for every phone call

- And a lot more

However, before we get there, I want to address the elephant in the room...

All agents HATE making phone calls. Yes, even the best prospectors on earth hate it, or they started out hating it before they learned this lesson.

If you've ever suffered from call reluctance, it's not just you. Every agent on earth has experienced call reluctance before.

You know what I'm talking about...

You sit down to make calls and suddenly you "remember" that you need to redesign your business card.

Or tweak your website. Or ask your broker a question.'s lunch time. Oh well, I'll start prospecting tomorrow.

That's call reluctance disguised as procrastination or busy-ness.

But the truth is it's just fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, just plain fear.

Heck, I've been there too. But I learned this simple lesson and it changed my life.

Successful people don't fail less. They just learn to eat failure and keep going.

Successful agents don't close deals on every phone call. They fail A LOT. And then they eat it and keep going. In fact, that failure motivates them to get on the next call.

That's the only difference between a successful agent and an unsuccessful agent.

If you are going to grow your real estate business this year, you need to learn to eat fear and failure for breakfast and then hit the phones in spite of it.

Want to know whether you have what it takes to overcome fear? Read this...

The 1000 Phone Call Test

All the best,

-Chris Jones



Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Want $1,188 worth of powerful real estate technology?

Hey all,

Hey there,

Thanks for checking out yesterday. The response has been jaw-dropping.

Now, do you want $1,188 worth of tools used by top agents? Of course you do.

Two agents on this list will win a free Pipeline Pro Tools account.

All you have to do is...

1. Go to 
2. Get a share link 
3. Share with other agents

You'll get 1 additional entry for every agent you share it with.

You can tell your mom or text your friends. But here's a few ideas that work really well...

- Send a group email to your whole office 
- Share in your favorite real estate Facebook group 
- Share in the comments of popular blog posts on call scripts

Help us spread the word about a free growth tool and in return you might get the most powerful lead capture tools on earth FREE.


All the best,

-Chris Jones

P.S. - yes you can still win even if you're already an Ultimate Website/Pipeline Pro Tools user.


Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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Proven real estate scripts

Hey all,

Have you ever lost a client/deal because you said the wrong thing... only to think of the perfect response later?

My best comebacks typically come to me at 3am...

But what if you knew exactly what to say BEFORE you called? 

What if you had a briefcase full of proven scripts and responses that were backed by actual results?

We built that exact briefcase. It's now available online, and it's FREE FOR LIFE.


We collected all of the best real estate scripts on earth and put them into one tool.

You can use it to...

1. Get more appointments using proven scripts
2. Know exactly what to say to fsbo/expired leads
3. Answer client objections like a Jedi

Before your next call, you can select your scenarios, choose a script from some of the best agents in North America -- and then make your call with confidence.

Check out now.

Chris Jones

P.S. - We know agents like to keep cool stuff like this a secret. We're prepared to bribe you to tell your friends about

This month two agents will win a free Pipeline Pro Tools account ($1,188 value). Go here to if you want it to be you. 

Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Check out

Hey all,

Have you ever lost a client/deal because you said the wrong thing... only to think of the perfect response later?

My best comebacks typically come to me at 3am...

But what if you knew exactly what to say BEFORE you called? 

What if you had a briefcase full of proven scripts and responses that were backed by actual results?

We built that exact briefcase. It's now available online, and it's FREE FOR LIFE.


We collected all of the best real estate scripts on earth and put them into one tool.

You can use it to...

1. Get more appointments using proven scripts
2. Know exactly what to say to fsbo/expired leads
3. Answer client objections like a Jedi

Before your next call, you can select your scenarios, choose a script from some of the best agents in North America -- and then make your call with confidence.

Check out now.

Chris Jones

P.S. - We know agents like to keep cool stuff like this a secret. We're prepared to bribe you to tell your friends about

This month two agents will win a free Pipeline Pro Tools account ($1,188 value). Go here to if you want it to be you. 

Guerilla Realty
This email was sent to . You probably joined our list by signing up for one of our amazing free tools, free guides, or you wanted to be notified when we announce new stuff. 99% of everything we do for agents is totally free, no strings attached. The other 1% is even better. Don't let our updates make you mad. If you don't like them, do us both a favor and unsubscribe. Our stuff isn't for everyone. 
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