Thursday, February 8, 2018

Call reluctance

Hey all,

This whole month we're going to be focusing on prospecting.

This goes hand in hand with the launch of our latest free tool

We're going to dive deep into...

- A mathematical approach to prospecting

- How to get your next appointment with one phone call

- The exact "what to say and how to say it" for every phone call

- And a lot more

However, before we get there, I want to address the elephant in the room...

All agents HATE making phone calls. Yes, even the best prospectors on earth hate it, or they started out hating it before they learned this lesson.

If you've ever suffered from call reluctance, it's not just you. Every agent on earth has experienced call reluctance before.

You know what I'm talking about...

You sit down to make calls and suddenly you "remember" that you need to redesign your business card.

Or tweak your website. Or ask your broker a question.'s lunch time. Oh well, I'll start prospecting tomorrow.

That's call reluctance disguised as procrastination or busy-ness.

But the truth is it's just fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, just plain fear.

Heck, I've been there too. But I learned this simple lesson and it changed my life.

Successful people don't fail less. They just learn to eat failure and keep going.

Successful agents don't close deals on every phone call. They fail A LOT. And then they eat it and keep going. In fact, that failure motivates them to get on the next call.

That's the only difference between a successful agent and an unsuccessful agent.

If you are going to grow your real estate business this year, you need to learn to eat fear and failure for breakfast and then hit the phones in spite of it.

Want to know whether you have what it takes to overcome fear? Read this...

The 1000 Phone Call Test

All the best,

-Chris Jones



Guerilla Realty
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