Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Check out recallscripts.com

Hey all,

Have you ever lost a client/deal because you said the wrong thing... only to think of the perfect response later?

My best comebacks typically come to me at 3am...

But what if you knew exactly what to say BEFORE you called? 

What if you had a briefcase full of proven scripts and responses that were backed by actual results?

We built that exact briefcase. It's now available online, and it's FREE FOR LIFE.

Introducing: recallscripts.com

We collected all of the best real estate scripts on earth and put them into one tool.

You can use it to...

1. Get more appointments using proven scripts
2. Know exactly what to say to fsbo/expired leads
3. Answer client objections like a Jedi

Before your next call, you can select your scenarios, choose a script from some of the best agents in North America -- and then make your call with confidence.

Check out recallscripts.com now.

Chris Jones

P.S. - We know agents like to keep cool stuff like this a secret. We're prepared to bribe you to tell your friends about recallscripts.com

This month two agents will win a free Pipeline Pro Tools account ($1,188 value). Go here to if you want it to be you. 

Guerilla Realty
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