Friday, December 21, 2018

Video + Business Plan Spreadsheet

Hey all,

Earlier this week, we introduced how we (and most top producers) reverse engineer their business to boil their goals down to the smallest actionable unit (in our case, the lead).

We teach this concept to agents all over the country and we went live yesterday on Facebook using one of their examples to walk you through using our spreadsheet to help you reverse engineer your business plan for the new year.

If you missed it, we saved it and put it on our youtube channel here:

Then download the spreadsheet and try it out yourself. Start the new year knowing specifically how you are going to reach your goals.

Stay tuned next week as we help you string together enough lead strategies to meet your lead needs.

All the best,

Levi Jones

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 323 Whitney Drive, Suite 1, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28314

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Join me live now

Hey all,

I'm going live on our Facebook Page to give you a live demo of the concept we talked about yesterday--Reverse Engineering Your Business.

Join me to see me walk through an example with the spreadsheet, ask questions or even heckle me. See you there!

All the best,

Levi Jones

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 323 Whitney Drive, Suite 1, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28314

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Story time

Hey all,

We've spent a lot of time talking lead capture lately.

What we haven't covered yet is case studies.

Do you know who Dave Hurt is? Probably not.

Dave was an enlisted soldier at Fort Bragg, NC, about 10 miles from my hometown.

Dave Hurt

Dave Hurt

He was a husband and a dad with two kids, bills, responsibilities... aka a real life. But he also had two other things that, if you're reading this email, you probably have too.

Thing #1 - A desire to provide a better life for his family.

Thing #2 - The willingness to take action to achieve #1.

He decided to better his situation by getting his real estate license to make some extra money on the side.

He joined our local team and got access to Pipeline Pro Tools.

I still remember rookie Dave emailing and asking a million questions about how to run his ads just right.

He was so eager to succeed he was once caught clicking up someone else's ad to drive it down the rankings (he later apologized once he realized it was unethical).

But he got the basics down and that month he generated 50+ leads on his own using Pipeline Pro Tools.

Now let's stop right there...

Give Dave some credit. To go from 0 leads, no experience, no unfair advantages, being a full time enlisted soldier, getting up at 5am for PT... to generating 50 real estate leads is legitimate hard work.

But the real hard work came next. Serving those customers on part-time hours.

Dave devoted every spare hour of the day to serving those leads and giving them the best experience they could ask for.

And it paid off. Huge.

Within a few months Dave had a choice to make.

Should he quit the Army and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his income from real estate was now quadruple his full-time job.

He chose real estate. (Good choice, Dave.)

That first year he made over $300,000 in commissions. I'll never forget in his last month I paid him over $50K (happily).

Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending. Before Dave retired from the military he was deployed to Afghanistan where he made the ultimate sacrifice and was killed in action.

Dave was awesome. Loved his wife Kelly. Loved his kids. Loved his country. And loved his customers too.

To this day I still use him as an example of what a great agent should be. Dedicated to serving every client to the fullest.

Having the ability to generate a never ending supply of leads, and more importantly a plan to serve them, changed his family's life. The Guerilla Realty family will always be heartbroken that his was cut short.

If you have a desire to better your situation and also a willingness to take action then you're exactly the type of agent who needs Pipeline Pro Tools.

You can get a demo from someone who uses it in their practice daily. Here's the link: Click for a demo.

The only thing that might stop you from getting it is if we're sold out in your area. But it only takes 10 seconds to find out.

Here's the link for that =>

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Reverse engineer your business

Hey all,

We are going to spend the next few weeks helping setup a plan for the new year.

This is the exact same process we use -- and in fact all top performers -- to achieve their goals. Today it's time to reverse engineer your business.

Before we jump in, you need to get some numbers. Nothing fancy, though.

All you need is:

  • Target Monthly Income
  • Average sales price in your market
  • Average commission side %
  • Your company split %

The first number you need is your Target Monthly Income.

We walked you through how to get this through dreamlining and even shared our personal spreadsheet last week. If you missed it somehow, shoot me an email and I can catch you up.

Many agents make the mistake here of just throwing down a number (ex. $100k) instead of taking a look at their expenses and the lifestyle they want to obtain.

But nothing is more disappointing than reaching a half-baked goal and then realizing that you shot too low.

The second number is the average home sales price. Grab this from your MLS.

Next, you need the average commission side percentage. Many MLSes do not combine this data for you, so you may have to estimate based on your market knowledge.

Then you will want to calculate your side of your broker split. For some of you, this is easy. For example, you are on an 80/20 split. You keep 80%.

Others are on a per-transaction model so you will have to do some basic math. Let's say you are charged $500 per transaction. You can easily convert this per-transaction fee to a percentage by figuring out the average commission (based on the average sales price and the commission side percentage) and then seeing what $500 is as a percentage of that average commission. Now that you have those numbers, the rest is easy. Plug them into our spreadsheet and it does the heavy lifting on the math for you.

Reverse Engineering Calculator (.xls)

The key number you are looking for is how many leads you need per month. Don't worry just yet about how to get those leads, for now knowing what you are shooting for is enough.

All the best,

Levi Jones

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 323 Whitney Drive, Suite 1, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28314

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Meet Dave Hurt

Hey all,

We've spent a lot of time talking lead capture lately.

What we haven't covered yet is case studies.

Do you know who Dave Hurt is? Probably not.

Dave was an enlisted soldier at Fort Bragg, NC, about 10 miles from my hometown.

Dave Hurt

Dave Hurt

He was a husband and a dad with two kids, bills, responsibilities... aka a real life. But he also had two other things that, if you're reading this email, you probably have too.

Thing #1 - A desire to provide a better life for his family.

Thing #2 - The willingness to take action to achieve #1.

He decided to better his situation by getting his real estate license to make some extra money on the side.

He joined our local team and got access to Pipeline Pro Tools.

I still remember rookie Dave emailing and asking a million questions about how to run his ads just right.

He was so eager to succeed he was once caught clicking up someone else's ad to drive it down the rankings (he later apologized once he realized it was unethical).

But he got the basics down and that month he generated 50+ leads on his own using Pipeline Pro Tools.

Now let's stop right there...

Give Dave some credit. To go from 0 leads, no experience, no unfair advantages, being a full time enlisted soldier, getting up at 5am for PT... to generating 50 real estate leads is legitimate hard work.

But the real hard work came next. Serving those customers on part-time hours.

Dave devoted every spare hour of the day to serving those leads and giving them the best experience they could ask for.

And it paid off. Huge.

Within a few months Dave had a choice to make.

Should he quit the Army and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his income from real estate was now quadruple his full-time job.

He chose real estate. (Good choice, Dave.)

That first year he made over $300,000 in commissions. I'll never forget in his last month I paid him over $50K (happily).

Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending. Before Dave retired from the military he was deployed to Afghanistan where he made the ultimate sacrifice and was killed in action.

Dave was awesome. Loved his wife Kelly. Loved his kids. Loved his country. And loved his customers too.

To this day I still use him as an example of what a great agent should be. Dedicated to serving every client to the fullest.

Having the ability to generate a never ending supply of leads, and more importantly a plan to serve them, changed his family's life. The Guerilla Realty family will always be heartbroken that his was cut short.

If you have a desire to better your situation and also a willingness to take action then you're exactly the type of agent who needs Pipeline Pro Tools.

You can get a demo from someone who uses it in their practice daily. Here's the link: Click for a demo.

The only thing that might stop you from getting it is if we're sold out in your area. But it only takes 10 seconds to find out.

Here's the link for that =>

All the best,

-Chris Jones