Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Schedule a personal success call with one of my top producers



If you've been a REALTOR for more than about 5 minutes, then you know what it's like to be contacted by a huge corporate vendor trying to sell you their product or service.

See, real estate is a very lucrative business. Just do the math.

According to the 2010 census the average home sale price in the US is around $270,000.

That means the average agent -- even after their company split -- earns well over $5,000 per transaction.

Is there another business on earth where a beginner can earn a $5K payday?

Consequently, there are all kinds of vultures in this industry who would like to cash in on your payday.

See if this scenario sounds familiar.

It's Tuesday. You just finished a deal that is set to close at the end of the month.

You've worked your butt off for the past three weeks, and now you're giving yourself a much-deserved afternoon off.

But then...

*your phone rings*

You don't recognize the number. It's probably a vendor. But there's that sneaky little voice in the back of your head.

"What if it's a client who needs an agent? Maybe it's an all cash buyer...with a million dollar budget. I better answer."

This voice is ALWAYS wrong. But you can't help yourself. You answer the phone.

You: "Hello?"

Now let me set the stage for you. Before you even hear this mouth breather's voice on the other end of the line you already know exactly who they are and what they want.

It's a young kid who just got hired by one of the big real estate vendors. They promised him a six figure income. They put him in a cubicle and give him a list of agents to call.

Your name was next. And he's shocked you actually answered...

The Saleman: "Um hi, this is Kevin calling from Zillow." (Or Trulia or etc.) "Do you have a moment to talk about your business?"

The truth is you're completely free for the rest of the afternoon, but the thought of talking to some 22-year-old college dropout who's never even BOUGHT a house about YOUR business makes you want to vomit.

So you do what any good honest person would do. You lie.

You: "Sorry I'm with a client. Maybe call back later? Thanks."


We've all done it, even me.

In fact I've had that experience so many times that when I started selling my Ultimate Website System to agents I swore that I would NEVER hire a team of commissioned sales people to make cold calls for me.

And I've kept my word. To this day you cannot find a sales person on my staff at Guerilla Realty

However, that is not to say that you can't talk to a real human if you want to know how my system works, what it costs, or whether it's available in your area.

I am always looking for innovative ways to make getting my Ultimate Website system a total no-brainer for agents who want to generate more customer opportunities.

One of the latest innovations is a simple system you can use to talk to agents who use my Ultimate Website system in their business every day.

You want PROOF that the system works. Proof that it's easy. Proof that anyone can do it? No problem. Schedule a top-producer today.

You can use this link to connect with someone who can show you EXACTLY how many leads they generated last month.

They can show you how they generated the leads. They can even show you their breakdown as far as buyer vs seller leads.

So far we have already had over 40 agents request a top-producer call. And I just launched this Monday. Amazing.

If you've been thinking about my system for awhile now but you want real proof that it works. And more than that, you just want to understand HOW it works, now you can.

Schedule a Top-Producer Call Now

All I ask is that you be respectful of the time you request (typically about 30 mins) and make sure that you call on time with insightful questions and ready to learn.


As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones
Guerilla Realty

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