Friday, August 18, 2017

You'll love this agent't "aha" moment

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Dear Reader,

One of my favorite parts of my job is proving people wrong. No, I'm not a gloater, and you'll never hear me say "I told you so". But I love converting the doubters. I love when the lightbulb comes on, and a doubter finally discovers real estate the new way. It just "clicks".

Craigslist is one of those topics that brings the doubters out of the woodwork. When I mention Craiglist, agents invariably roll their eyes and mutter something under their breath about "spam" or "scams" or "I tried that, and it didn't work". But then again, I approach Craigslist with a completely different mindset -- and completely different technology -- from most agents.

Well, we had one of those "Aha!" Craigslist moments in our coaching department this morning when we received an email from an agent who just started using my Ultimate Website three days ago. Her name is Lisa. She setup her Ultimate Website on Tuesday and placed three free Cragslist ads, just like we showed her... Not 10, not 50, just three. And in less than three days she's received nine inbound customers! I'd be ecstatic too.


It occurred to me that there are lots of agents out there who want to do exactly what Lisa is doing -- generate customers from free advertising. So her email inspired yet another crazy promotion this weekend. As you know, we've offered free Google Adwords Setup specials in the past, but we have yet to do anything for those agents who are advertising on Craigslist. This one is for you!

If you sign-up today, our advertising team will actually write your first ad for you. Not a template. You supply the new property listing (whether it's yours or borrowed) and we'll write a unique, proven, and highly effective Craiglist ad that you can run over and over again for free.

This promo code will get you your first Craigslist ad (a $150 value) free of charge. Sorry, the code is only good until midnight tonight so you need to act today. Here it is:

Discount code: "CRAIGSLISTAD" (no quotes and all caps)

As always, thanks for reading.

Matt Jones
Guerilla Realty

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