Sunday, March 31, 2024

Pipeline Pro Tools


You recently watched my Bulletproof CMA webinar.

My method is pretty simple...

  1. Call your buyer prospects
  2. 56% will be selling soon
  3. Offer free Bulletproof CMA service
  4. Boom! Listing appointment.

So... where are you at in the process?

Most agents get stuck on step 1 or 2.

Unless you have Pipeline Pro Tools.

Pro Tools is our flagship product -- a complete marketing engine for REALTORS.

Agents have an 82% success rate on the process above ^ with Pro Tools.

That success rate goes up to 100% when the agent completes the custom marketing plan that we create for them when they join.

Would you like to get a demo?

This is a 30min session with a marketing coach.

You'll see behind the scenes of Pro Tools. And we'll bribe you to do it.

Book and show up for a demo, and we'll let you download our #1 buyer lead playbook 100% free of charge.

Get a demo + 1 free playbook <<<

Hope you enjoy!

-Chris Jones

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