Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Get 2 closings per month from Google

Over the past 12 months, we've been testing/tweaking a brand new playbook.

Last week, we finally unveiled it.

How to get closings from "Google My Business".

Final Google Test Results:

  • 3 months
  • 24 client leads
  • 6 closings
  • $1,868,000 transaction volume

All in just 3 months.

The process is fairly simple if you know what you're doing.

  • Take your old Google listing (or create a new one)
  • Optimize it for leads
  • Add a few verified reviews
  • Then unlock a HUGE lead hack

Last week, I did a 1-hour training to 600+ agents, where I shared the process to get closings directly from Google.

If you missed it, I just recorded a 12min recap for you.

Video: "Google My Business" Playbook (12min)

There's a cool offer at the end if you want to download the whole playbook at no charge. Absolutely worth it.


-Chris Jones

PS - Let me know if you like this shorter video format.

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