Thursday, January 12, 2023

STARTING NOW: Add $350k GCI, listings only

Cool share today...

My buddy Andrey is firing up the live webinar room right now for today's training:

"Listing Breakthrough: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months"

Here is the GoToWebinar link:

He's going to walk you through the baby steps of adding $350k in GCI this year.

And as a bonus, he's giving everyone who attends live 3 extra gifts:

Gift #1 - 3 copy/paste emails. Send these to your database immediately after the training on Thursday to generate 1-2 new listing appts

Gift #2 - Andrey's video template. Step-by-step template to follow to do simple screen recording on ANY laptop that generates steady listings

Gfit #3 - Complete PDF playbook. Download includes everything Andrey will be showing you on the training


-Chris Jones

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