Friday, August 25, 2017

Re: Let's talk

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Hey readers,

It's Friday. Enough training, advice, tools, etc.

Today we're launching something thousands of you have been wanting for a long time.

A facebook group for agents to talk, ask questions, and share ideas.

I named it 80/20 Real Estate Marketing, a reference to the often quoted principle that states that 20% of the agents in the industry represent 80% or more of the close business.

This is for ANY of my readers who want to meet other like-minded agents all around the world and grow their business.

Click the link above ^ and start a new topic. I'll weigh in when I have time. My top coaches will also be there. And of course all of your fellow agents will be there too.

It would also mean a lot to me if you invited a few friends from your office to join the group.

I expect the group to start small and grow slowly. I'm not promoting it to anyone except you, my readers.

However, I'll make you a deal. If we get 1K members by the end of the month, I'll give away three Ultimate Website system accounts to three lucky agents who join the group.

But it's also okay if we just grow the group slowly. That's up to you.

If we get even 50 smart, honest, hardworking agents in the group, I know that it will be a great source for some amazing strategies and ideas.

Here's the link again:

Again, I'm giving all the power to you. This can be a small group or a large group. You can make it whatever you want. Just be respectful of others and follow the rules.

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - I'll give a signed copy of my book the Ultimate Listing Presentation to the first agent who starts a thread in the new group. Go!

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