Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I tell you where I get phase 1 leads

Hey all,

In yesterday's email we shared one phone script with you that has singlehandedly made us over $100K in commissions.

But it's not just going to magically make you rich. There are two things you need before this script will start making you money. Without them, you're stuck.

Thing #1: Persistence. Nobody ever wants to see how the sausage is made.

Remember this: Success is not sexy. We are always looking for a secret, a hack, or a magic bullet. Something we can use to skip the unpleasant stuff.

If you want to be successful, you'll need persistence. When somebody hangs up on you, yells at you, insults you (they will)... keep going no matter what.

Thing #2: Leads. Look -- the best script on earth will never work unless you get lots of chances to use it.

Your #1 job is to get lots of at-bats. You're going to strike out... a lot. But if you're getting 70+ at-bats per month, you're going to hit a home run, and a bunch of base hits too.

We've designed the ultimate lead generation machine for real estate. This is where I get all of my phase 1 leads by the way.

It's called Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is the exact system my brother and I use to generate 70+ leads per month using free traffic. And now it's used by 1,000+ agents all over the country.

Not only will you get the tools, but you'll also get access to our coaching staff. They'll hold your hand and walk you through generating your first leads.

As little as $67/monthly. No contracts. No startup fee. If you hate it, cancel it.

Check to see if we have availability in your area.

If we do, you can get set up in minutes and start generating leads today.

All the best,

Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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