Thursday, June 11, 2020

Get listings automatically (download)

Want to get listings automatically?

Been there, done that.

I remember one morning I arrived at the office and had 3 new listing contracts waiting on my desk for me.

  • Listing 1: $175,000
  • Listing 2: $230,000
  • Listing 3: $400,000

That's $24K in commissions and it wasn't even 9am yet.

Sounds great, but behind the scenes it was a disaster.

Here's the messy truth behind "automatic listings":

Step 1: Hire a sales team ($$$)
Step 2: Pay for listing leads ($$$)

Step 3: Overhead, assistant, team dinners, etc ($$$$$$$)

I had never been more stressed out. And I was actually making less money now than as a solo agent.

Eventually I quit. But I always wondered if there was a better way to automate my listing business.

Then 2 months ago, my friend Calvin Curry introduced me to his "mini-salesperson" idea.

It's a custom book that he sends to listing prospects.

Btw most of his leads are free: FSBOs, expireds, probate, divorcees, etc.

It arrives in the mail, and it goes to work like a mini-salesperson, giving your listing pitch for you.

Then he waits for the phone call… "Hey I just got your package in the mail. Are you available to list my home?"

Right now, Calvin is giving away 500 of these books free.

-> Click to claim 1 free sample book
Offer expires tomorrow at midnight.

This is not an affiliate link, I don't make any money if you try it.

Btw there's an option to subscribe to his "mini-salesperson" service called Authorify if it works for you, but there's no obligation.

Try it out. We've already taken 1 listing using this approach. Now we're getting automatic listings without all the overhead and stress.


-Chris Jones

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