Wednesday, August 4, 2021

15 listing appts per month (download)

Want the 1 ad we run to bring in 15 listing appointments per month?

Backstory: our team took a record 114 listings last year.

The secret is any agent can take 50+ listings per year… as long as they get enough quality listing leads.

We don't get listing leads from any of the usual sources – Zillow, Expireds, FSBOs, etc. Too expensive and time consuming.

Instead we use a brain dead simple playbook. And this little marketing formula brings in 15 listing appointments per month like clockwork.

Our total cost? $0.00.

All we do is rinse and repeat each week.

I'm sharing the entire process during a free webinar later today -> Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads

Today @ 12:00pm Eastern (Wed, Aug 4)

Space is limited to 300 seats. Click the link below to be automatically registered.


If you want the playbook but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

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