Wednesday, September 29, 2021

15 listing appts

I'm getting ready to jump on a live webinar.

"Limitless Listing Leads"

Yes, this webinar was supposed to be yesterday. But I screwed up and sent everyone to the WRONG LINK.

So I'm doing it again.

>>> Click to join the webinar now <<<

In this training, I walk you through where to get no-nurture listing leads.

❌ Zillow Premier
❌ Facebook ads
❌ Cold calling FSBOs/Expireds
❌ Divorce leads
✅ Run free ads

Last month, 1 single ad brought me 15 listing appointments.

30 minutes into this training, I let you download that very ad so you can copy/paste in your market today.

Here's the direct link to join the live webinar when you're ready ->

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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