Thursday, September 7, 2023

STARTING NOW (Yep, it's GO Time! :-)

I'm going LIVE right now with today's training:

"Open House Strategy That Gets 50-200 Deals Per Year"

(Most of those deals being listings)

You can join here right now:

I first learned this approach from Chris Suarez back in 2016.

He's an agent who used it to build a real estate business from scratch not once, not twice, but three times.

Because he moved states 3x.

And the last time he moved he built his business to 220+ deals per year using this Open House Strategy.

Using this ONE Open House strategy.

When Lisa Archer, another agent I know, learned this same strategy from Chris she was on track to close about 125 deals that year.

(and the year was more than half-way over!)

When she added this same open house strategy, she ended up closing 168 deals that year.

It's that powerful.

And yet it's really simple too.

Right now (at 3pm EST) I'm hosting a free webinar to show you:

  • The "Core 7 Day Process" for this Open House strategy
  • What to do on every single day of the 7 days
  • How to maximize this process with 3 powerful levers I've figured out to add (that make it even more effective)
  • How you can use this approach to consistently get 1-2 listings per quarter in any neighborhood you do an open house in (and how you can start this in 3-4 neighborhoods and just dominate from there)
  • How any agent can do this ... even if you are brand new, have little to no budget, or have no momentum

This is going to be a very tactical training - bring your notepad and pen so you can take careful notes.

I'll be doing live Q&A at the end.

Click Here To Save Your Seat

See you in a few min :-)




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