Friday, May 31, 2024

"Imagine if...." (read if you want more listings)

Imagine if you'd started implementing one of my core listing methods a year ago, where you'd be today?

Michael Smith generated $72,000+ in commissions in 9 months from just *ONE* campaign (and he was a brand new agent!)...

Stuart Sutton has generated $42,000 in commissions in about 2 months and climbing...

... where might you be right now if you'd launched the Micro-Farming Method 12 months ago and simply staid consistent with it?

Yet again, here I am putting out an incredible offer:

  • Get a $1,497 program for only $97 (one-time payment)
  • Get a 4 Week Live Listing Bootcamp (via zoom) as a bonus
  • Get 12 Months Free of a CRM / Landing Page Builder / Scheduling app tool (which you'd pay $2,400 a year for out on the market)

There is absolutely NOTHING standing in the way of you starting right now, staying consistent, and never looking back.

If you pass up on this Memorial Day offer, then you're simply *choosing* to not have consistent, steady listings.

If you pass this up, you're simply *choosing* to struggle, do things the old broken way, and stay stuck in "the grind & guesswork".

The Micro-Farming Method eliminates all the B.S. and gives you a step-by-step method for generating steady new listings, consistently and predictably.

Remember, not making a choice is still making a choice.

So what are you gonna choose today?

Choice #1: stay stuck in the same old, same old and *wish* things were different

Choice #2: break free of mediocrity, have clarity and confidence with a proven method for getting listings, and finally get more listings consistently

There are 37 spots left for this special offer as of this morning.

Click the link below to choose clarity, confidence, getting more listings, and being in a radically different and better place this time next year (you'll thank yourself for betting on yourself!)

Life simply comes down to our choices and following through on them.

I'm here to help you get more listings if you're finally ready to do that as well.

Let's Get Listings...
Andrey Polston

Listing Academy, LLC
Modern Listing Systems (MLS)

P: 650 600 2045

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