Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Forrest Gump real estate

Friendly reminder: This week is the last chance to get the Ultimate Website system at the current pricing. After Friday, the price goes up permanently. But if you're an existing member, you are locked in at today's price forever. Click here to check current price and availability in your market.


Hey all,


Do you remember the opening scene to Forrest Gump?

Most people don't but it actually sets the stage for the whole movie.

It reminds me of how most REALTORS treat their business.

The movie opens to a white weather floating in the air.

We learn later that the feather represents how Forrest Gump lives his life. He floats along in life tossed back and forth in the wind -- never choosing his own direction.

This eventually leads him to star on the football team, fight in Vietnam, captain a shrimp boat, and play ping pong with the president.

Great movie, but bad strategy for real estate.

Unfortunately it's what a lot of agents do.

If we're brutally honest with ourselves sometimes we "Forrest Gump" our business.

We hear of an agent who's successful with cold calling FSBOs. "Hmm, maybe I'll try that."

We read about an innovative new facebook strategy. "I'll try that too."

We listen to a podcast on open houses. "Heck, it's worth a shot."

 The problem is when we do that WE ARE THE FEATHER FLOATING IN THE WIND.

Don't be the feather.

This is where you'll end up.

Running nowhere for no particular reason.

If you want to grow your real estate business this year, it has to start with rejecting the Forrest Gump way of doing business that we're all familiar with.

Step 1 - Decide what you want out of real estate. You can use my dreamline calculator to help you calculate what your dream lifestyle will cost.

Step 2 - Reverse engineer your income goal. This means deconstructing it into the smallest possible unit and taking little baby steps toward your goal every day. You can use our business calculator to calculate everything from how many leads you'll need to how many hours you should be working per week, and it only takes five minutes.

By the way, here's a live recording where we walked a real agent through planning out her path to making $100K this year. Watch it and be inspired. What is possible for you in 2018? You can find out with our business calculator above.

Step 3 - Implement strategies to hit your lead goal. We'll be covering this step next. Notice I said "strategies" plural? That's because you'll need at least a few strategies if you're going to hit your lead goal this year.

We're going to be sharing 100% free methods that will get you to 100+ leads per month. But before we get there, you need to complete step 1 and 2 above.

Otherwise you'll be Forrest Gump.

Your business will be like a box of chocolates. Because you're never sure what you're going to get.

I know exactly what 2018 holds for me because I took the time to plan out my business on purpose. Have you?

If you want some personal help with your business from us, check to see if our lead capture tools are available in your area.

Again, we're going to be talking about goals and business planning all month. Follow along if you want 2018 to be your biggest year ever.

I'm going to walk you through real agent examples and then help you to come up with a plan of your own with reliable and repeatable techniques so that you can get where you want to goal.

Some of you have a jumpstart on this training because you are on our Facebook Group. Feel free to join us.


Btw I get asked all the time. How much does my system cost? Only $100 for the whole system, plus you get my robocaller, ad generator and a bunch of other goodies.

HOWEVER, the price goes up after Friday.

If you want to lock in current pricing all you have to do is check to see if it's available in your area first.

Get My Ultimate Website System

(Or check to see if it's available in your area)

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - Have you joined my private Facebook group yet? It's free, and I'll sharing secret tactics I don't feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Join and meet and new like-minded agents.

Guerilla Realty
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