Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Meet Kevin

Hey all,

We spent an entire month talking prospecting tactics.

What we didn't cover yet is case studies.

Do you know Kevin Grullon? Probably not.

For years Kevin worked as a truck driver in central North Carolina where I live.

He was a single dad with kids, bills, responsibilities... aka a real life. But he also had two other things that, if you're reading this email, you probably have too.

Thing #1 - A desire to provide a better life for his family.

Thing #2 - The willingness to take action to achieve #1.

He decided to better his situation by getting his real estate license to make some extra money on the side.

He joined our local team and got access to Pipeline Pro Tools.

I still remember Kevin sitting in on my live Google Adwords training to learn how to generate leads. He barely paid attention because he was flirting with his now wife Shawn (true story).

But he got the basics down and that month he generated 42 leads on his own using Pipeline Pro Tools.

Now let's stop right there...

Give Kevin a round of applause. To go from 0 leads, no experience, no unfair advantages to generating 42 real estate leads is legitimate hard work.

But the real hard work came next. Prospecting.

Kevin came from a line of work that required very little talking for most of the day...

How was he going to engage these prospects and convince them to us him, a brand new agent, as their realtor?

He took our prospecting follow up plan (the plan we've been teaching all month) and implemented it step by friggin step.

Within three months Kevin had a choice to make.

Should he quit driving his truck and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his income from real estate was now more than his full-time job.

He chose real estate. (Good choice, Kevin.)

That first year he made $351,623 in commissions and the next year he earned $541,298.

Having the ability to generate a never ending supply of leads, and more importantly a plan to prospect them, changed his life. Made him rich too.

Since then he married the girl he met in my Google Adwords training, they bought a huge new house with a swimming pool together, and they now run a huge real estate team in my hometown.

Kevin is awesome.

If you have a desire to better your situation and also a willingness to take action then you're exactly the type of agent who needs Pipeline Pro Tools.

Tomorrow we're going to be previewing a new tool for next month. Don't miss it.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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