Monday, February 26, 2018

Cold Calling the Easy Way

Hey all,

We are in the final stretch of our "month of prospecting".

We've talked about all the tactics and tools we use to convert leads into real transactions.

It boils down to this:

Low pressure contact + stick around for a few weeks + gentle nudge to see properties = steady pipeline of clients

But that's only the formula if you start with warm inbound leads. The kind of lead you get when you use Pipeline Pro Tools (<- link) coupled with our classifieds or zillow strategies.

This is where a buyer finds YOU and their information is captured by your tools.

But obviously a different type of lead would require a different approach.

In today's email we are going to discuss a prospecting method anyone can do, even if they have no leads, and even if they have no money to spend on leads.

Of course, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money to generate leads. As little as $67/month for the exact pro tools I use, and $0.00 on advertising. But I digress...

Anyway, let's get to today's topic.

Cold calling.

This is a phrase that strikes fear into most agents' hearts but it doesn't have to.

The key is having the right script, targeting the right leads, and investing a little time every day.

Let's start with the script. Here's one my brother and I like.

This script was developed by Jason Morris, an agent in South Carolina who is an absolute master at converting FSBO sellers and who invests a lot of time in helping other agents.

I like it for two reasons.

Reason #1 - It just works. Jason has used this one script to list hundreds of hundreds of FSBO properties. Remember, these are sellers who claim to hate realtors and they are eagerly signing on to let Jason sell their house for them.

Reason #2 - It takes all the fear out of cold calling. You call someone who is actively trying to sell their house for $X. You tell them that you have a strategy that would allow them to net $X faster than their current strategy. Do they want to hear it?

If yes, you have a listing appointment. If no, no problem. Move on.

Sounds pretty great, right?

Let's talk about how to find the right people to call.

Here are three places you can find highly motivated FSBO leads -- the kind you want to call with this script. - Search your city and add the sellers to your crm.

Zillow - Run a property search and filter for FSBO. Add them to your crm.

Craigslist - Finally search your local Craigslist for FSBO. These are highly motivated sellers who are willing to try anything to get their house sold.

One quick trick that will pay off in spades... Start with houses that have been on the market longer and then work backward.

The longer the house has been for sale the more open the seller will be to hearing different strategies.

Also there will be less competition. Typically when a new FSBO listing appears on the market they will get a barrage of calls from local realtors. After a month or so most realtors stop calling. This is your "in".

Give it a try. This is the ultimate strategy for when things are slow and you have nothing going on in your pipeline. One week of cold calling will typically result in at least 1-2 listing appointments.

It's not as fun as using Pipeline Pro Tools (<- link) and calling warm leads (or using a robocaller to prospect for you).

But if you're a hungry agent who wants to do everything to rapidly grow your business, give Jason's script a try.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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